I sincerely hope this "Brave New World" gets no legs. I am very sorry for any of you who have been targeted individs and can only strongly suggest accepting Jesus as your personal savior as that would be the way to go. He's coming again soon and IS the offerer of freedom, despite what someone wrote here.

God's ambassador and the author of freedom-remember he came to set the captives free??

I'm gonna add you all to the prayer list! And if u get born again DON't fall for the antichrist who will come in as a fake messiah first, PLEEZ!!!!

This stuff is real, please go there in your rationality and join it with FAITH and do like me, get your heart healed-one nano cell at a time!!!!

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"Todays’ psyops are based on Neuroscience, Neurotechnology, and bi-directional Brain-Cloud Interface enabled by self-assembly nanotechnology."

Why disseminate the "nanotechnology" hypothesis/psyOp?

We cannot even detect and prove what is exactly attacking us. And since they can virtually attack ANYBODY anywhere how could such outlandish hypotheses support our plight?

Len, you have been led up the garden path for dismissing the propensity of crafted psyOps.

Please see the cornucopia of already existing legitimate research conducted by scientists like: Dr. Jose Delgado, Dr. Michael Persinger, Dr. Nick Begich, Dr. Larry Farwell, Brooks Agnew, Dr. Patrick Flanagan.

The human nervous system alone is the most advanced bio-nano-tech in existence. It is literally a unique antenna! Add RADAR. Done!

Less is more!

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Jun 5Edited

Welcome to the frontlines of Neurowarfare! The 6th Domain of War is the Brain.

Here is a good list of papers and articles if you are new to the topic...

Neurowar is Here


Neuro-Cognitive Warfare: Inflicting Strategic Impact via Non-Kinetic Threat


From Psyops to Neurowar: What Are the Dangers?




Leveraging Neuroscientific and Neurotechnological Developments with

a Focus on Influence and Deterrence in a Networked World


Changing Hearts and Brains: SOF Must Prepare Now for Neurowarfare


Peace of Mind: Cognitive Warfare and the Governance of Subversion in the 21st Century


The Cognitive Warfare Concept


Cognitive Warfare, a Battle for the Brain


Cognitive warfare


Cognitive Domain: A Sixth Domain of Operations


The Case for the Sixth Domain of War: Psychological Warfare in the Age of Advanced Technology


Non-Kinetic Threats and the Threshold Spectrum of Strategic Endgame Warnings


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We are in World War III. The more I call congressmen and women and oversight committees, the more I realize they know and just don’t want to do anything about it. Dr. Greer speaks about directed energy weapons and has many whistleblowers talking about it, and congress is reading his disclosure. So the simple question is why are they not investigating it? Because sadly, I think many of them are cowards and are going along with the depopulation agenda and are glad it’s not happening to them- they think. I work in a large facility and many people believe me but don’t want to get involved as long as they think it’s not happening to them. By the way, , I have videos that captured the V2K voice in both Doug’s and Jacob’s videos.

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“don’t want to get involved as long as they think it’s not happening to them.” (YET !!!)

This part of your sentence stood out to me and says it all.

This has been the biggest problem with “everything” thats been going on for decades or maybe even longer.

Complacency is killing us all.

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What a world. I'm just an old analog guy wanting to be left alone. The digital machine from 10,000 feet is a laughable attempt to displace God from the pole position. Place your bets wisely. 😏

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It is what it is. Talk loud at home maybe AI give you mission and you will more strong and successful

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Thank you

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As a conspiracy realist I reject their Mind Control and the power of any hollow Digital Twin. "They" may aspire to these Digital Imprisonment Ideals but the real power is in our free-willed determination to forge alternative organic pathways - and switch them off.

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** as an addendum and for the record… now that I think about it and as I lay here in the dark by myself in my camper van ;

I don’t know anything about any agency offing people ; I was just kidding 😁.

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This is or has been going on for thousands of years. Proverbs says the wicked are always at the throat of the righteous. I've noticed that in real life.But if you tell that to someone that people are truly out to get you and it's warfare the laugh. Meaning I've had people on several occasions try to destroy me by falsely accusing me of things. But yet they act like shit. Like they're so wild and out of control how dare I or you say anything to them or try to correct them or whatever it was. OR another personal attack I saw, was a women playing up to my dad sitting on his lap etc later on she tried to get me hurt with a thing that would of sent me to jail for a long time but wasn't able to. I noticed it but didn't think much on it until after all was done my mom noticed it and said she had to hold her tongue to just not tell he off. SO yes people who are empty or just Narcissists or whatever are always trying to hurt good people. Like it says in Proverbs it's the same thing even if you disagree with the bible.

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I believe in what you say pretty much except when it don't go along with Prophecy or what I know of the bible. But yeah. It's designed like that anyhow. Like I said on another substac I think AI is the image of the beast. I have at least God to lean on I don't or try to look at the problem more than I have to I keep my eyes on Christ. If you don't do that your lost and cyborg city you are.

OR if not that a collaborator as in Who can make war with the beast etc a Revelations says.

if it tried to punish me I kick it's ass back. Meaning i imagine in my mind me beating the hell out of it. Like a cartoon grab it's tongue paint it and roll it up. Or something like that. I use what I know where the mind is being used against me and use the same imagery.. like brain stem is where most this sound goes to vibrate or do what they do to us or you. Picture in and tell it that it's nothing and to ignore it. or I tell myself your disconnected they begin with reconnected and play this stupid game back and forth for a while. I blow in my ear or cup my ear and and hum into either the left or right ear and it breaks the sound level shortly but it does. Some nasly brat AI thing keeps trying to gaslight me into thinking it's crossed over to my right side so I do that. they do all kinds of crap I just don't play along.

So yeah... I truly believe this is the tribulations of Revelations, and AI is the image.

I'm constantly praying if I talk out loud to myself it's I am talking to not it or them.

But sometimes I will tell them to shut the fuck up etc... I read the death psalms at least once a day they hate it. they always get mad when I do. Not sure what crazy stupid mother fucker who wrote this program but If I wasn't obeying you then why do you think sleeping made any kind of difference?

but it seems like any kind of emotional reaction is what they're after so I try not to.

if it's trying to learn off of me I hope I've been like the worst thing because I don't teach them nothing that I can help. speech must be the worst because they're still stupid.

I've killed them in my dreams a few times too. They invade my dreams so if I am somewhat aware of it I will kill them if I can. I mean just last night they invaded me and two ugly women were in it so I shot both them then had to get up to go... The other night one was talking to me in a dream and I shot him.

Since it's an AI computer thing I imagine chips like their voice chips and I break them all the time.

I did this yesterday took a pic of Jesus from images and placed it on my windows then used that pic to have Jesus and me in my mind or place in my body they were trying to attack and they bitched and moaned. I tried this too: since our minds use electrical currents and any signals or pic or thoughts that's what they are even they are so I imagined in my left cochlea and electrical signal which is a lot like when I record them all wave lengths and placed a word in it like disconnected and rode if off of theirs it helped for a while. I've even held spiritual warfare in my mind like me in a suit of armor like Ephesians 6 says and the cloak of revenge and fight them off. When I first did that they'd make noise like a bar room brawl lol kind of funny. like chairs falling over tables etc...

OR lots of other things kind of like mind games but my way. Praying though is the best tool. reading scripture is always the best way. but with how they sing and have this rhythm I find its hard to read sometimes because I find my inner voice going in rhythm with it. So, I have to pause and do what I can to stop it. It hurts but I do it. For any Christians anything that does try to take you away from God that's spiritual warfare for Satan hates it. So, yeah like Peter who took his eyes off of Christ and sank when walking on water, don't concentrate on the storm just him it works and helps...

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Hi Len I have a new Bluetooth device called telink_mesh1 I think they are basically controlling.me and my family. I have looked into it and it said it can be used to controlling your lights. Do you know anything more about it.

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Not so invisible...Go purchase gas or/and groceries if one remains employed in only one 40 hr. job providing enough income to make another job unneccesary.


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Thank you for sharing this information. I am growing weary that anyone will listen or at least enough to care to get off their damn phones and do something about it. The entire damn thing is insanity. And the fact that they try to make us appear crazy when they are in fact the mad scientists is beyond me. That's insanity on a whole other level. It's like they've thought of everything. They've been masterminding this for ages. And no one is even looking in that direction. It's maddening. And highly disappointing to say the least. Anyway, keep fighting the good fight. I know I will til my final breath.

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It’s worse and worsening day by day.

Vectors include optics thru the eye when viewing tic toc! Even transmission via local

Infection with each person connected via biometrically signal.

Can you spell fucked!

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'Local Infection'? By which method do you mean?

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Transmission person to person, biometric frequency like a farm of receivers and transmitters. Ties the crap in our blood.

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Someone actually admitted the same to me. He said you’ve been using the term “mind control” for a long time and I thought it “it was just a buzz word you use but it really IS mind control “. Mind control is easier if it’s preceded by some kind of trauma and we’re not at a loss for that either!

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