Well written Dr. Len. I, like you, am being attacked with neuroweapons 24/7 and have caught the attacks on my ultrasonic recorder. On one setting you can hear the noise harassment campaign almost exactly as I hear it in my ears and it is obvious. Please see my YouTube channel @havanamarlena. 60 Minutes had the same sound I captured - Havana Syndrome Stumps investigators 2/22. We are also being gang stalked to the highest level as we can not escape it anywhere we go and are being infiltrated with corrosive frequencies that destroy our body.. There is nothing worse than having your body attacked and hijacked with DEWs. It is extremely loud in the head so that it is near impossible to sleep or read or be creative when it is amplified and turned up to the 9th degree. I am also currently being hit with a microwave on slow burn which i recorded going up by 10 degrees near my head. This is torture..
I have this idea that TIs should join together to live in a grid or a block, conduct experiments there about the phenomenon, as well as experiments on defense and security. It's something that could truly make real progress before we perish one by one.
There may have been an incident or action on your part earlier in your life that might get you on the list, like being an activist for example. This is not necessarily the case though. Some people are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. They may move into the wrong apartment for example. Always remember, the perps do not care about you but they do care about your data. It could also be that you, perhaps a single mom, were targeted along with your autistic child with patent tech that is field tested. It is all about mind control. There are numerous targeting programs. There were 149 MK-ULTRA sub-projects, for example.
2 Targeted Individuals are victims of government defamation
That could be. Depends on your involvement. Your reaction to the torture is the data collected on you. You may be one of hundreds being psyop’d. There is no need to feel singled out in so many cases.
3 Targeted Individuals are Neurohacked individuals.
I would say, yes, most likely. They are after data.
4 Targeting program is no longer a fringe theory.
There's so many examples! If they are targeting us with technology, we can target them back with technology and prove our targeting.
Hey! does anyone know of some testing equipment I could buy that's cheap to hook up to coax and it will show me if there's more than what's allowed to be in voice coming over the cable lines?
I've proven to my satisfaction that AI is transmitted through the cable lines, but using equipment that can help prove it would help...
I've written my state Federal DOJ and have of yet been told how do I refer someone for federal Charges. We need federal charges brought up on all Cops EMS groups FBI, DOJ, DOD, all those in congress and Senate who refuse to listen to us. I want 100 Billion dollars just for myself so multiply that with millions we could bankrupt the Govt...
There are 5 codes not 4 or just four the document I have says up to 5 sub codes they place us in.
Plus they say were in 22 other categories.
Why do you not include the 5 codes and only use the 4?
Is the 5th code not important enough to mention? What happens to the targeted person/s in the code 5? If and when you gain the TSDB lists? Do we linger in obscurity? Being tormented while others get their freedom back or what?
Plus I get the idea you think it's only 400k but rest assured its far more than that. Homeless people who think their Schizzo are in the millions. Countless others who've languished in mental institutions are also victims so the numbers go way up to more like 5-6 million here alone then 8-10 more in EU and around the world. Probably making it about 20-30 Million people world wide. Making it far worse that the Holocaust of Nazi Germany.
I think you covered that very well. I met with major crimes special victims unit Bureau of police today I told them I thought I was on a terrorist watchlist they did not comment. I’m tempted to send them a copy of this email. I am flabbergasted at the way people can ignore the fact that this is happening when deep down inside I think they know it is.
I was 1 of 10000 military individuals to receive a BCI(Brain Computer Interface) via nano technology back in 2003, under so called "voluntary non-consent". Thanks to DoD, DARPA, CIA and NSA arse holes. A program that ran from 1998 to 2006.
Apparently there's another 100000 military/Intel members with them now. Probably a spook reading this right now, and they don't realise they have a logic chip in their brain 🧠.
Oh my gosh and they act like there’s only one person in the world that has one through Elon Musk. I have one too, and then consent to it. I’m sick of being scared. They’re gonna lock me up in the psych ward for being normal and giving him the MRI And evidence from Carnegie Mellon technology that said it is nanochip. I’m afraid I probably punched somebody if they tried to lock me up again.
Glad to discover this; as it was buried deep in my promotional email than most of what you write & rarely get this far. I certainly agree with most of what you said. You know my one point of contention is it has not yet been proven that TIs are “listed individuals “ at least not on the specific list you mention, but I will be happy if proven wrong. There were lists perhaps based on Fisa Act court conviction that existed before this database going back to the now public MKultra program that was under the CIA directive but perhaps the lists have been updated to include these individuals or, on the contrary, they never used real names. But once the TSDB is reviewed we shall know. I think we are still on the fringe but this is changing rapidly and I believe it will become better known in the next year thanks to the your work and that of many others! The facts that make this true is no longer fringe! I would also add that we are individuals who have been subject to brainwashing or programming. Thanks for all your work which I referenced on X just last night.
"Listed Individuals" concept comes from "Targeted Justice v. Garland ", a legal case that lays out why this is our legal theory, accompanied by evidentiary support.
Again, absolutely ridiculous. This is like saying there is no difference between people who have sustained injuries and people who could potentially fall victim to the crime causing these injuries. Why do you keep trying to push this meaningless modification of a word that victim groups use to critically identify themselves? Once a person has sustained injuries, sure, that would be a different matter. But it seems here you are merely trying to prove yourself right about having said this before, whereas the reality is that people are suffering Right Now, and all this semantic hair splitting is accomplishing is to make it harder for the general public to understand the crime that has been inflicted upon them. In my view, you are not only wrong about this trivial matter, but it comes off as insensitive to the current reality of the human rights issue. It doesn't make sense to repeatedly push this interpretation of the definition except from a self-serving perspective.
If you read my text carefully, what's in it is that everyone is POTENTIALLY a target. Data are collected on/from everyone, too, and considering the biochemical processes involved, it's impossible to say if someone is already under attack or not.
One thing is certain: what used to be an exception is now the rule.
Sorry, I cannot help you any more with your reading comprehension.
I agree. Here, the drains are laced with nano, which is then made airborne. The streetlight network obviously has underground cabling, connecting it to the grid. Using light and other frequencies, these power lines can be elctromagnetised (as they are here, at night) so that the energy comng off them can be used to drive the nano into the crevaces and open windows of people's homes.
A favourite trick of gangstalkeres here is to park over a drain, so that the car's thrumming vibrates the drains. Just today, I caught my Number 62 neighbour dropping something around my doorstep. I assume this was a powdered version of the nano. The ensuing hours were terrible. So I got a bucket of soapy water and sluiced the doorstep and the problem immediately stopped.
If it is this easy, then it is dificult to see how most people are not affected.
Adults and children have nano-particles put into them through vaccination. No wonder so many are taking drugs and committing suicide. They feel hacked and controlled by some evil force. We have to find a way to get the nano-particles out or at least made non functional. If you have gene through Airport security they have most probably tagged you by putting nano in you. My whole family have nano-particles in them.
Try Clean Chlorella at Health Ranger Mike Adam's on Brighteon TV or Natural News .com. There are natural remedies that help to remove metals and other garbage from the body. It may not remove everything but it does help . I still get hit with frequency's over most of my body. I still get the torture Weapons and the insane afflictions as others, but I'm still able to stand . Thank you Jesus Christ. Hope this info helps you . If you find something that helps you please share.
Sorry, Mary. If it's any consolation, everybody is full of nanoparticles these days. Without those, the global depopulation and control program couldn't work. Targeting specific people is now possible exclusively through radiation (even the person's DNA can be "downloaded"):
Thanks for sharing!Remember that the technology is in you as in pretty much all of humanity, and yet you still have free will. Enabling us to overcome. However, the gang stalkers have to give up their wills to perform idiot escapades in hopes of terrifying us. It's always projection. If they are deranged , perverted, unbalanced or weak they make stupid attempts to project it on the Listed - Targeted Individuals. So that we are always focused on what they're doing instead of moving forward to win . Pick your battles. Gang Stalkers will expose themselves and provide you the proof to rise above their insanity. Stay Strong.
It would be so good to have a repository of people's suggestions and tips for doing this. Perhaps a forum which can be closely moderated. I would do it but my eyesight is terrible and I don't have the reach. So were TJ to do it, with volunteers to run the thing, we might come up with some good protocols. If security is an issue, we could arrange membership of the forum affter vetting. What do you think?
All of the internet is accessible to AI. Every single keystroke. Then downloaded to the various control centers. There is no privacy on the internet. There never has been. What you're suggesting has already been tried many times to no avail.
Pray. God is showing us in high relief this physical world is corrupted to it's utmost.
When I was active in them which was quite a few years ago, it was evident the forums and groups had all been infiltrated by "bad actors" to cause harm and gather information. So I imagine others like me just stopped participating.
There may have been a time twenty years ago when that kind of privacy was possible on the net, but I'm not sure it existed even then.
The groups I was most active in were vetted and it stopped nothing. Any hacker can tell you there are backdoors to all software in order to have access.
This comment section and the articles and all other activities are all gleaned and digested by AI for various purposes.
The internet was created (so they say...) by the US Military for communication and surveillance purposes. I read a small article in the NYTimes in the very early 90s telling us all this. we have always known we just didn't WANT to know and, so, plowed ahead anyway.
I just came across a video of how AI is being used by pedophiles by taking innocent video of people's videos of their children they have posted on Facebook, etc., and then perverting the images of the children into some of the most vile videos I've seen. Do NOT post any images of any child online. Why people are still doing this when it's evident what's happening is beyond me.
I have been a victim since 2015 , in Sacramento. I have the tinnitus, vertigo, social isolation, gangstalking, home break ins, medical co-entelpro, computer hacking, phone hacking, and damage to property. I’m 72 . A widow since 2022. I live in a retirement community. I want justice/compensation for my suffering. More and victims are coming forward. Make this stop.
Thanks Nancy! Speaking for myself and no other in their afflictions.
I had to become afflicted and endure , just to become a part of fighting for what's right and other's. So, I hope that you find a resourceful community of people here.
I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ take up your battles at every end and bring you through along with all others for His namesake, in Jesus Jesus Christ's name , amen !!!
Remember from throughout history it was YHWH who said ," I am involved in the affairs of man. I build up kingdoms and I tear them down. " That includes the worldly governments of yesterday, today and throughout time. Recall what's been written by YHWH.
All the gang stalking and all the evils of this world is fighting for your attention. To produce the same fears, and sufferings and self inflected worthlessness that lives in evil. To make you /me /us weak. We are not them.
In all the abhorrent assaults against so many , Truth, Justice , Mercy and the Faithfulness of our Heavenly Father still comes to the forefront and brings healing in His wings. He is not a GOD who cannot be touched or moved and has such an over abundance of love for us. Keep standing, keep praying, keep doing what is right, keep reporting the truth, and you'll see His glory. " Those who wait on the Lord (Adoni) will rise up on wings of eagles. " It's written. "If I be for you who can be against you ?" Job was considered by YHWH and was delivered. I thank YHWH that I am considered even though it's difficult. It's those who overcome in the end who are saved and we can't overcome without Christ.
From what I have seen and endured this is a test of faith. I speak for myself.
Referring to the last days, " In those days will there be any who believe ?" (paraphrased)
What we've endured is coming on all the world, including the wicked ,rich and poor. It's in the Scriptures. The entire world gets tried whether they believe in Christ or Crime ( aka the antichrist) .
Thanks! I liked your post. You are able to utilize the truth and make other's think. 😊
There will be justice from God. I have no doubt of that. There will be no justice from this world. I have no doubt of that.
ALL is to the glory of God. When we see evil, we tend to doubt His truth instead of doubting our own ability to understand how large God's plan is and how profound His wisdom.
I agree with everything you've written and appreciate your thoughts as well
Jesus is the only escape. I pray more come to understand what that means and, no, I don't think it's a "rapture" to avoid hardship and persecution. It's the exact opposite.
If Len has an objection, I'm sure he will voice it, and I will be more than happy to honor his request. You, however, is playing his role, and I'm sure he never asked you to do it, especially because you are rephrasing what I am saying, which is not a good sign, when it comes to your role here.
My present framework is based on things I can substantiate. You are talking about the problem of attribution, which is why all 207 lawsuits before ours had been dismissed; and this is why this is not a part of the present framework.
FISA is a joke and always has been. There is no abuse of it because it was created to be an abuser of people's trust.
When I was pressured at my workplace to be vaccinated, I kept asking them, "How do you know I'm unvaccinated?" They refused to answer. I kept pressing. I lost my job.
This alone proves FISA is a fraud. The only way they could have known I was unvaccinated is because they had full access to my medical records. Period.
This is a war. Our government is waging it against us. PRAY.
I tried to get legal representation but no attorney would touch it. Unfortunately, though we very much need to wake up to this fact, trying to get the very system that perpetrated this crime on us to prosecute themselves is naive.
My experience has been the same as millions and millions of others here in the US. Many more millions around the world. There are no lawsuits pending.
When the clowns in government have to reap what they put on the children, young and old, rich and poor , male and female they'll exact what's right for this Nation quickly. Right now too many lives have been lost ( murdered) and lied about. Let the political prostitutes reap what they planted ( all at the expense of other's lives), since they played god.
"When calamity comes upon the wicked, go to your room and close the door." As it passes.
Thanks Denise. Your words are well received and in perfect timing and I agree. It makes me angry to witness so much distruction in so many people for so long...... that's all.
Well written Dr. Len. I, like you, am being attacked with neuroweapons 24/7 and have caught the attacks on my ultrasonic recorder. On one setting you can hear the noise harassment campaign almost exactly as I hear it in my ears and it is obvious. Please see my YouTube channel @havanamarlena. 60 Minutes had the same sound I captured - Havana Syndrome Stumps investigators 2/22. We are also being gang stalked to the highest level as we can not escape it anywhere we go and are being infiltrated with corrosive frequencies that destroy our body.. There is nothing worse than having your body attacked and hijacked with DEWs. It is extremely loud in the head so that it is near impossible to sleep or read or be creative when it is amplified and turned up to the 9th degree. I am also currently being hit with a microwave on slow burn which i recorded going up by 10 degrees near my head. This is torture..
I have this idea that TIs should join together to live in a grid or a block, conduct experiments there about the phenomenon, as well as experiments on defense and security. It's something that could truly make real progress before we perish one by one.
Thank-you Len for bringing a cohesive, sound dialogue into the table.
Hi Len, I hope you are well.
1 Targeted Individuals are Listed individuals
There may have been an incident or action on your part earlier in your life that might get you on the list, like being an activist for example. This is not necessarily the case though. Some people are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. They may move into the wrong apartment for example. Always remember, the perps do not care about you but they do care about your data. It could also be that you, perhaps a single mom, were targeted along with your autistic child with patent tech that is field tested. It is all about mind control. There are numerous targeting programs. There were 149 MK-ULTRA sub-projects, for example.
2 Targeted Individuals are victims of government defamation
That could be. Depends on your involvement. Your reaction to the torture is the data collected on you. You may be one of hundreds being psyop’d. There is no need to feel singled out in so many cases.
3 Targeted Individuals are Neurohacked individuals.
I would say, yes, most likely. They are after data.
4 Targeting program is no longer a fringe theory.
There's so many examples! If they are targeting us with technology, we can target them back with technology and prove our targeting.
Hey! does anyone know of some testing equipment I could buy that's cheap to hook up to coax and it will show me if there's more than what's allowed to be in voice coming over the cable lines?
I've proven to my satisfaction that AI is transmitted through the cable lines, but using equipment that can help prove it would help...
I've written my state Federal DOJ and have of yet been told how do I refer someone for federal Charges. We need federal charges brought up on all Cops EMS groups FBI, DOJ, DOD, all those in congress and Senate who refuse to listen to us. I want 100 Billion dollars just for myself so multiply that with millions we could bankrupt the Govt...
There are 5 codes not 4 or just four the document I have says up to 5 sub codes they place us in.
Plus they say were in 22 other categories.
Why do you not include the 5 codes and only use the 4?
Is the 5th code not important enough to mention? What happens to the targeted person/s in the code 5? If and when you gain the TSDB lists? Do we linger in obscurity? Being tormented while others get their freedom back or what?
Plus I get the idea you think it's only 400k but rest assured its far more than that. Homeless people who think their Schizzo are in the millions. Countless others who've languished in mental institutions are also victims so the numbers go way up to more like 5-6 million here alone then 8-10 more in EU and around the world. Probably making it about 20-30 Million people world wide. Making it far worse that the Holocaust of Nazi Germany.
I think you covered that very well. I met with major crimes special victims unit Bureau of police today I told them I thought I was on a terrorist watchlist they did not comment. I’m tempted to send them a copy of this email. I am flabbergasted at the way people can ignore the fact that this is happening when deep down inside I think they know it is.
I was 1 of 10000 military individuals to receive a BCI(Brain Computer Interface) via nano technology back in 2003, under so called "voluntary non-consent". Thanks to DoD, DARPA, CIA and NSA arse holes. A program that ran from 1998 to 2006.
Apparently there's another 100000 military/Intel members with them now. Probably a spook reading this right now, and they don't realise they have a logic chip in their brain 🧠.
They should ask James Giordano about it.
Oh my gosh and they act like there’s only one person in the world that has one through Elon Musk. I have one too, and then consent to it. I’m sick of being scared. They’re gonna lock me up in the psych ward for being normal and giving him the MRI And evidence from Carnegie Mellon technology that said it is nanochip. I’m afraid I probably punched somebody if they tried to lock me up again.
I did not consent to it.
Glad to discover this; as it was buried deep in my promotional email than most of what you write & rarely get this far. I certainly agree with most of what you said. You know my one point of contention is it has not yet been proven that TIs are “listed individuals “ at least not on the specific list you mention, but I will be happy if proven wrong. There were lists perhaps based on Fisa Act court conviction that existed before this database going back to the now public MKultra program that was under the CIA directive but perhaps the lists have been updated to include these individuals or, on the contrary, they never used real names. But once the TSDB is reviewed we shall know. I think we are still on the fringe but this is changing rapidly and I believe it will become better known in the next year thanks to the your work and that of many others! The facts that make this true is no longer fringe! I would also add that we are individuals who have been subject to brainwashing or programming. Thanks for all your work which I referenced on X just last night.
"Listed Individuals" concept comes from "Targeted Justice v. Garland ", a legal case that lays out why this is our legal theory, accompanied by evidentiary support.
Hello Dr. Len Ber. I pray you are well. I missed your Sunday broadcast .
Thank you. The podcast is not dead, it's just no longer an Every Sunday Podcast.
Your welcome. Will keep watch for it. Thanks.
My impression is that, because the technology allows for it, everybody is targeted:
No exceptions.
Again, absolutely ridiculous. This is like saying there is no difference between people who have sustained injuries and people who could potentially fall victim to the crime causing these injuries. Why do you keep trying to push this meaningless modification of a word that victim groups use to critically identify themselves? Once a person has sustained injuries, sure, that would be a different matter. But it seems here you are merely trying to prove yourself right about having said this before, whereas the reality is that people are suffering Right Now, and all this semantic hair splitting is accomplishing is to make it harder for the general public to understand the crime that has been inflicted upon them. In my view, you are not only wrong about this trivial matter, but it comes off as insensitive to the current reality of the human rights issue. It doesn't make sense to repeatedly push this interpretation of the definition except from a self-serving perspective.
If you read my text carefully, what's in it is that everyone is POTENTIALLY a target. Data are collected on/from everyone, too, and considering the biochemical processes involved, it's impossible to say if someone is already under attack or not.
One thing is certain: what used to be an exception is now the rule.
Sorry, I cannot help you any more with your reading comprehension.
I agree. Here, the drains are laced with nano, which is then made airborne. The streetlight network obviously has underground cabling, connecting it to the grid. Using light and other frequencies, these power lines can be elctromagnetised (as they are here, at night) so that the energy comng off them can be used to drive the nano into the crevaces and open windows of people's homes.
A favourite trick of gangstalkeres here is to park over a drain, so that the car's thrumming vibrates the drains. Just today, I caught my Number 62 neighbour dropping something around my doorstep. I assume this was a powdered version of the nano. The ensuing hours were terrible. So I got a bucket of soapy water and sluiced the doorstep and the problem immediately stopped.
If it is this easy, then it is dificult to see how most people are not affected.
Anybody can be selected to be harmed anytime...
Strangely, I happened to write about the problems with EMF and the grid today:
Adults and children have nano-particles put into them through vaccination. No wonder so many are taking drugs and committing suicide. They feel hacked and controlled by some evil force. We have to find a way to get the nano-particles out or at least made non functional. If you have gene through Airport security they have most probably tagged you by putting nano in you. My whole family have nano-particles in them.
Try Clean Chlorella at Health Ranger Mike Adam's on Brighteon TV or Natural News .com. There are natural remedies that help to remove metals and other garbage from the body. It may not remove everything but it does help . I still get hit with frequency's over most of my body. I still get the torture Weapons and the insane afflictions as others, but I'm still able to stand . Thank you Jesus Christ. Hope this info helps you . If you find something that helps you please share.
Sorry, Mary. If it's any consolation, everybody is full of nanoparticles these days. Without those, the global depopulation and control program couldn't work. Targeting specific people is now possible exclusively through radiation (even the person's DNA can be "downloaded"):
Nanoparticles AND hydrogels are in just about everything these days... Granted, the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections tended to have higher amounts.
Thanks for sharing!Remember that the technology is in you as in pretty much all of humanity, and yet you still have free will. Enabling us to overcome. However, the gang stalkers have to give up their wills to perform idiot escapades in hopes of terrifying us. It's always projection. If they are deranged , perverted, unbalanced or weak they make stupid attempts to project it on the Listed - Targeted Individuals. So that we are always focused on what they're doing instead of moving forward to win . Pick your battles. Gang Stalkers will expose themselves and provide you the proof to rise above their insanity. Stay Strong.
It would be so good to have a repository of people's suggestions and tips for doing this. Perhaps a forum which can be closely moderated. I would do it but my eyesight is terrible and I don't have the reach. So were TJ to do it, with volunteers to run the thing, we might come up with some good protocols. If security is an issue, we could arrange membership of the forum affter vetting. What do you think?
All of the internet is accessible to AI. Every single keystroke. Then downloaded to the various control centers. There is no privacy on the internet. There never has been. What you're suggesting has already been tried many times to no avail.
Pray. God is showing us in high relief this physical world is corrupted to it's utmost.
Sorry i this is a silly question, but what happened to those forums which you mention? I see a few forums but perplexingly, hardly anyone uses them!
When I was active in them which was quite a few years ago, it was evident the forums and groups had all been infiltrated by "bad actors" to cause harm and gather information. So I imagine others like me just stopped participating.
Ah. Whaat if we had a private forum for which we were vetted? I suppose anything can be infiltrated, including comments sections like this. It's sad.
There may have been a time twenty years ago when that kind of privacy was possible on the net, but I'm not sure it existed even then.
The groups I was most active in were vetted and it stopped nothing. Any hacker can tell you there are backdoors to all software in order to have access.
This comment section and the articles and all other activities are all gleaned and digested by AI for various purposes.
The internet was created (so they say...) by the US Military for communication and surveillance purposes. I read a small article in the NYTimes in the very early 90s telling us all this. we have always known we just didn't WANT to know and, so, plowed ahead anyway.
I just came across a video of how AI is being used by pedophiles by taking innocent video of people's videos of their children they have posted on Facebook, etc., and then perverting the images of the children into some of the most vile videos I've seen. Do NOT post any images of any child online. Why people are still doing this when it's evident what's happening is beyond me.
God help us all.
I have been a victim since 2015 , in Sacramento. I have the tinnitus, vertigo, social isolation, gangstalking, home break ins, medical co-entelpro, computer hacking, phone hacking, and damage to property. I’m 72 . A widow since 2022. I live in a retirement community. I want justice/compensation for my suffering. More and victims are coming forward. Make this stop.
Thanks Nancy! Speaking for myself and no other in their afflictions.
I had to become afflicted and endure , just to become a part of fighting for what's right and other's. So, I hope that you find a resourceful community of people here.
I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ take up your battles at every end and bring you through along with all others for His namesake, in Jesus Jesus Christ's name , amen !!!
Jesus is our only escape. I pray everyone comes to this realization as soon as possible.
There will be no justice from this world. It's evil.
Remember from throughout history it was YHWH who said ," I am involved in the affairs of man. I build up kingdoms and I tear them down. " That includes the worldly governments of yesterday, today and throughout time. Recall what's been written by YHWH.
All the gang stalking and all the evils of this world is fighting for your attention. To produce the same fears, and sufferings and self inflected worthlessness that lives in evil. To make you /me /us weak. We are not them.
In all the abhorrent assaults against so many , Truth, Justice , Mercy and the Faithfulness of our Heavenly Father still comes to the forefront and brings healing in His wings. He is not a GOD who cannot be touched or moved and has such an over abundance of love for us. Keep standing, keep praying, keep doing what is right, keep reporting the truth, and you'll see His glory. " Those who wait on the Lord (Adoni) will rise up on wings of eagles. " It's written. "If I be for you who can be against you ?" Job was considered by YHWH and was delivered. I thank YHWH that I am considered even though it's difficult. It's those who overcome in the end who are saved and we can't overcome without Christ.
From what I have seen and endured this is a test of faith. I speak for myself.
Referring to the last days, " In those days will there be any who believe ?" (paraphrased)
What we've endured is coming on all the world, including the wicked ,rich and poor. It's in the Scriptures. The entire world gets tried whether they believe in Christ or Crime ( aka the antichrist) .
Thanks! I liked your post. You are able to utilize the truth and make other's think. 😊
There will be justice from God. I have no doubt of that. There will be no justice from this world. I have no doubt of that.
ALL is to the glory of God. When we see evil, we tend to doubt His truth instead of doubting our own ability to understand how large God's plan is and how profound His wisdom.
I agree with everything you've written and appreciate your thoughts as well
Jesus is the only escape. I pray more come to understand what that means and, no, I don't think it's a "rapture" to avoid hardship and persecution. It's the exact opposite.
In your opinion, why and who are doing this?
You're a dick head. Email James Giordano, he might give you an honest answer.
Imagine commenting on Len's substack in a way designed to make you look like "the source" and actually saying something like this
If Len has an objection, I'm sure he will voice it, and I will be more than happy to honor his request. You, however, is playing his role, and I'm sure he never asked you to do it, especially because you are rephrasing what I am saying, which is not a good sign, when it comes to your role here.
Not directly relevant to the topic of the podcast. I see no improvement to the presented framework.
Thank you. I am omitting my comments.
Actually, you can do that. I thought I was talking about being "targeted."
What do you think would improve the "presented framework"?
My present framework is based on things I can substantiate. You are talking about the problem of attribution, which is why all 207 lawsuits before ours had been dismissed; and this is why this is not a part of the present framework.
**Government agencies admit FISA abuse**
FISA is a joke and always has been. There is no abuse of it because it was created to be an abuser of people's trust.
When I was pressured at my workplace to be vaccinated, I kept asking them, "How do you know I'm unvaccinated?" They refused to answer. I kept pressing. I lost my job.
This alone proves FISA is a fraud. The only way they could have known I was unvaccinated is because they had full access to my medical records. Period.
This is a war. Our government is waging it against us. PRAY.
Good, don't take the jab. were you able to get a new Job?
Sorry, you had a that bad experience. They should've given u the opportunity to submit a"Religious Exemption" Letter...u may have a lawsuit🤔
I tried to get legal representation but no attorney would touch it. Unfortunately, though we very much need to wake up to this fact, trying to get the very system that perpetrated this crime on us to prosecute themselves is naive.
My experience has been the same as millions and millions of others here in the US. Many more millions around the world. There are no lawsuits pending.
Yes, I understand what u r saying, but you have to have faith in GOD for deliverance🙏🏽 not the Government🙏🏽
God is the only one I have faith in. And His Son Jesus Christ.
Thank you for saying this. God Bless.
Thanks! Information greatly appreciated.
When the clowns in government have to reap what they put on the children, young and old, rich and poor , male and female they'll exact what's right for this Nation quickly. Right now too many lives have been lost ( murdered) and lied about. Let the political prostitutes reap what they planted ( all at the expense of other's lives), since they played god.
"When calamity comes upon the wicked, go to your room and close the door." As it passes.
Do not laugh. Be afraid.
Remain humble...and praise GOD🙏🏽
Thanks Denise. Your words are well received and in perfect timing and I agree. It makes me angry to witness so much distruction in so many people for so long...... that's all.