What Does It Mean to Be a Targeted Individual Today
Four Features for Effective Communication
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Because of the variety of manifestations of being a Targeted Individuals, sometimes it is really hard to explain it to someone who has never heard of the Program. Targeting Program evolved as the technology evolved. We can assume 1975 was an important historic point (the year Church’s commission officially ended MKUltra). However, we can confidently say it never stopped, but rather morphed and became more hidden from the Congress.
Lately, I’ve been trying to come up with the common denominator(s) for Targeted Individuals. Let’s see if we can distill it to simpler and more digestible features.
From the legal standpoint, our current most substantiated theory is that Targeted Individuals are Listed Individuals. More specifically , TI’s are listed in the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) maintained by the FBI. Their names and personal information are distributed to other intelligence and law enforcement agencies, as well as corporations, financial institutions, and foreign entities via NCIC (National Crime Information Center). Targeted Individuals are assigned Handling Categories 3 and 4, even though they have no business to be in the TSDB (they are exceptions to the known and suspected terrorists criteria who have not broken any law, rather, they’ve been nominated to be included in the TSDB using “secret criteria”). Strict instructions are provided to the recipients of this information NOT TO DISCLOSE their TSDB status to the listed individuals.
The fact that the government agency spreads false information about Listed individuals constitutes government defamation. So from a socio-political perspective Targeted Individuals are victims of government defamation. This often results in social isolation and in compromising of the relationships with people who are a part of a TI’s social support circle.
Further, from a well-being and neurological angle, Target Individuals are Neurohacked Individuals. I think this term fits because it summarizes nicely the broad effects of having their brains tracked, accessed, manipulated, tortured and degraded. This category would include things like bi-directional brain-cloud interface that enables remote neural monitoring and intervention (including cases achieved by the use of self-assembled nanotechnology) , V2K, NeuroStrike (formerly Anomalous Health Incidents, or AHI) and resulting in Non-Kinetic Brain Injury with distinct features that include continuous brain degradation. Also, some aspects of organized stalking could be achieved by neurohacking.
And finally, from the perspective of social acceptance, we are witnessing a seismic shift from the Targeting Program being perceived as a fringe theory to a real and realistic program affecting about 400,000 Americans, and up to 6 mln people worldwide. There is just too much credible evidence, and it’s getting harder and harder for the government to hide the truth.
To sum it up, in this moment of history we can use these four useful concepts to effectively communicate who Targeted Individuals are:
Targeted Individuals are Listed individuals
Targeted Individuals are victims of government defamation
Targeted Individuals are Neurohacked individuals
Targeting program is no longer a fringe theory
I think that covers it. Looking forward to your feedback and suggestions!
My impression is that, because the technology allows for it, everybody is targeted:
No exceptions.
Adults and children have nano-particles put into them through vaccination. No wonder so many are taking drugs and committing suicide. They feel hacked and controlled by some evil force. We have to find a way to get the nano-particles out or at least made non functional. If you have gene through Airport security they have most probably tagged you by putting nano in you. My whole family have nano-particles in them.