You are so right. Sneak and peek does not begin to describe it. Here is the press release concerning my Injunction against the CIA, just submitted to the Court--https://www.activistpost.com/2024/06/us-journalist-files-restraining-order-against-cia.html

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They use teleportation widely. I proved that too. I and others have described "Sneak and Peak" as "Calling Cards" now for almost 20 years. They use teleportation. I have the evidence, and when I installed Nest cameras, guess what? The Calling Card stopped immediately, that specific type of Calling Card.

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I have seen it. they did it in my room. an object that I was looking for manifested in mid air and dropped at my feet instantaneously like something from a videogame. I don't know what kind of message they were trying to send. but I come from a military town in Bremerton WA and they have been playing with their toys for decades at least since I was a kid. dragon fly drones, whole families practicing V2k and using synthetic telepathy. a whole town full of psychopathic bullies.

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Full credit for getting this before the courts,keep the community posted.

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WOW....literally no words. Thanks Dr. Ber.

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Literally, imagine the astonishment of those used as 'Lab Rats' taking the initiative making


Appears they've chosen intellectually brilliant people as their rats often.

Perhaps, THAT may be the greatest errors of arrogance as the intellectually brilliant

are turning the tables.

There is now much information about how to fight this battle for folks as you and there's no doubt their RAGE from the Trump Electoral Victory prompted EXPOSURE before all was

perfected in their evil, nasty technologies overlapping in virtually all aspects of organic life.

Praying for the Targeted...Been a hell nobody deserves; except those already perpetrating the torture and torment before execution as Criminals Against All Organic Life on Earth.

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Because if they can control the perceptive and articulate, the rest are a no-brainer (pun). The acute might actually make sense of it for the sheeple and expose it. Keep them going in circles while the distractions and propaganda campaigns force everyone down demographic cattle chutes.

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You are a genius! Thank you!

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Stress kills.

“Mu” or “emptiness” in Mushin refers to an empty state of mind in the sense that distractions, preoccupations, fears, worries, are absent and are no more an issue for the mind, whether in combat or daily life.


Mushin and Zanshin.pdf


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What is the meaning of sterile sodium hydrochloride?

Sodium hydrochloride is a compound composed of sodium and chlorine. It is commonly known as sodium chloride or common salt. Sterile sodium hydrochloride is a pharmaceutical-grade salt that has been sterilized to remove any microorganisms, making it suitable for use in medical settings.


Chemical formula: NaCl

Molecular weight: 58.44 g/mol

Appearance: White crystalline powder or granules

pH: 5.5-7.0

Thanks Dr. Ber. I had to look it up. Is this right ? What's the purpose?

I noticed with all their dew's attacks that they are fixated on sodomy and rape , but specifically on feces. Some cults are known for infiltrating world governments , businesses ,nations across the earth and their practices are just as revolting.

I appreciate your research and taking the time to share it with us. Til next time 😊

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es, meant chloride. Will five the typo. Thank you!

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I'm going to be using Faraday detergent for my EMF shielding products these are items that I've had to purchase because I'm a targeted individual. God-bless.

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Thank you for info.

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👍 You're welcome.

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This may be a stupid question, but how do they get access to your clothes?

That is scary beyond belief.

I’m so sorry that this is happening to everyone.😡

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Laura, I don't want to answer for others, but they are known to come into one's house when one is not there.

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Who’s to say they don’t sprinkle that crap on everything you might touch Outside your place, Also? Garbage cans, car door handles, doorknobs, etc. Just Sayin

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For years I would find very little holes in my shirts. I just figured I snagged something like a nail. 🤷‍♂️ I finally realized someone was coming into my house and making these holes. I just shrug and move on now.

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Install Nest, or preferably, Reolink cameras throughout your residence. Dr John Hall talked about using cameras to catch the stalkers who were sexually assaulting his former fiancee' probably back around 2005,

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chemtrails too they spray that shit and it gets everywhere.

it's in our water every place now too. which is why people may begin to use Borax in their washer to help get rid of that shit.

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Has anyone ever spread a cloth on the lawn overnight in order to collect it?

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Teleportation and the use of a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). It so happens the SCBA is also the cloaking technology Robert Guffey described in his book, "Chameleo", and that Tom Bauerle has repeatedly stated was used against him. Tom eventually reached an out of court settlement with an NDA proving the cloaking technology was used against him. Guffey found the man who invented the technology and connected the man with Bauerle.

The man wrote a letter supporting Bauerle's claim, that it was the cloaking technology he invented and which was stolen by an element of the US gov't. The man spent his career working for defense contractors.


This Youtube video was around about 2008 showing the cloaking technology used by the US Army in Iraq about that time. It was supposedly captured on video in an IED attack on an M1 Abrams tank. The bomb certainly lifted the back end of that 70 ton tank about 3-4 feet off the ground. Watch the bomb explode right at 3:00 and the soldier wearing the cloaking tech appear at about right after 4:25:


Back in 2008-2010 there were much clearer versions of this video, including one where a guy filtered the video using various other frequencies like infrared. He also slowed the speed down.

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Apparently all neighbors are aware of us being targeted. I feel quite sure that they move them in and out As I have seen numerous times, or pay them hush money. But. I aside you they come in my house almost every time I leave. They spray a very light brownish grey sticky substance on my floor a carpets, and clothes. They take my clothes and bring them back , many times altered in someway. Has everything to do with the threading. Comforters the same way. I find wads if threads everywhere, some have a speck of red, others, blue or green. I, like the gentleman speaking before me have seen the white specks that have a border Ring around them that looks electrical. By the way, it sure is nice to have conversations with people who understand what I’m dealing with.

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What's really screwed up is we are Mickey Mouse lab rats on the one hand and a ritual sacrifice of a toy on the other. I know many want to see this as a purely scientific, clinically detached endeavor but it's not. It's part of a final solution satanic takeover and slow (generational) public revelation. Alice Bailey called it the Externalization of the Hierarchy. She was a contemporary of Aleister Crowley and Madame Blavatsky, was one of the first to use the term "new age" (meaning Novus Ordo Seclorum), had a 10 point plan to destroy Christianity, and created the Lucis (Lucifer) Trust -- the consultant publishing house for the United Nations. They've brought society into a generic, base, uninitiated form of satanism largely through media: sex, drugs, etc. and above all atheism or at least a very weak relationship with God at best.

M&M is for Mickey Mouse but derived from Magna Mater and the Queen of Heaven cult. All 3 Abrahamic mainstream religions have a subtle "shekinah", kaaba(list) or great mother history buried in them. It even comprises Fri-Sun worship for pagans. M&Ms are her fertility egg symbols (bad for the body temple). Master Mason (Disney was one), Marilyn Manson and Monroe (both Church of Satan), even the Mary Magdalene "grail" bloodline lore are facets of it, the Madonna. See Manson's deal with Disney (perfect for kids) and his MM-ear photoshoots. It sounds somewhat vague without more specifics, but they're in the shadow gov too and are controllers of the toys of Revelation Babylon here. Rome is just a continuation of the Chaldean-Egyptian mystery priesthood while Kabbalist Jews are right alongside just like ancient Babylon. It's not just Biblical metaphor. It's also literal. Those 2 groups own Unholywood together and about all else. The Illuminati, Communist Manifesto and WEF tenets/goals smack hard of the same writer because it basically was.

Jesus, the Father and Holy Spirit are the reason many of us are still breathing. Most have absolutely no clue what's really going on aside from being targets of neuroweapons and gangstalkers. This is spiritual war above all else, but they do want blood. But they want us to do it ourselves. It would draw too much attention if they went out murdering so many in the public anyway.

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I'm too deep to explain my position, but praise Jesus Christ folks are turning to the Lord and tuning out the crap we can not or should not trust.

Please pray for me tomorrow, I'm being shipped out. Pray for futures - pray the authority over our current state in Christ Jesus, pray that "demons" have no power over those in Christ Jesus. Pray for salvation and peace. Jesus had it all, paid it all, and gives peace & forgiveness to all.

--->>Pray for 'demon gods' to trust "no longer needed". And give thanks.

--->>ME: THE PRODIGAL, NOT THE PROBLEM praise be to Jesus Christ

Thank you for sharing.

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It definately matches up to bible prophesy, imho

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Dr Ber it's very possible and likely that there are contaminants in your liquid laundry soap that have bleaching properties.

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Why does washing it with the same detergent remove the spots? Did you miss the part when I said that the clothes are spotless when I fold them? Don’t use bleach on dark clothes. Same story while using different brands of detergents.

Ok, I spent enough time falsifying your hypothesis.

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I think a lot of this wetware is in processed food and ichem trails. I constantly see the criminal military jets blasting chem trails over cities.

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i have pics of them pumping it strait into my home

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Excellent work Sherlock. You are exposing the beast within these fake agencies doing more harm than good.

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Len, A perfect illustration of how the EMF targeting system increases its power level to find me when I step away from my EMF meter located in the area where I sit at my desk. I have 4 or 5 videos proving this, just like this one. My guess is the power level increases in a search to energize nanotech in my body that it can sense and find:


Is that how an EMF bombardment works, quite often.

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They are dropping it all over the poor communities over here in Bandera, Texas

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Frickng nano tech or bots or both. He will cause all... Bastards...

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while all this is good for info and awakening the masses, Babylon falls by violence sorry it does.

Ultimately we will have to resort to violence of some sort in- order to win this war against us and them. The French had a Bastille day we should think along that lines too. Aristocrats were the elites we have now. Soros, Gates, Pezos, Tesla, Heads of Google, Rockefeller, and more...

But an angel took up a stone like a great millstone and cast it into the sea that's us not water, and said by violence shall that great city Babylon be destroyed.

But yeah ugh Dr Len god damn they drop that crud on us all the time. disgusting!

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How do you get violent with mRNA vaccines that have already killed more than 1 million Americans and are bound to kill 10's of millions more? How do you get violent with stalkers who are wearing cloaking technology that makes it so you can't see them from 5 feet away. Maybe you'll only see the blood on the blade of the knife they just pulled out of your body?

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somethings wrong with you! or you don't know scripture or something?

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It's gone way beyond Sneak 'n Peek... I've been targeted for Deep State surveillance watchlist organized crime in Washington state... They have recruited criminals involved in burglarizing, vandalizing, drugging/poisoning me as well as abusing and poisoning my dog.

The government has basically become an organized crime and trafficking operation connected to organized crime now with stolen property, as well as drugs and sex trafficking, going on and operating out of bars and businesses in Ferry County, and other areas in Washington state, where I'm located. My oldest brother was recruited by the operatives involved in organized surveillance burglaries and targeting operations. It goes all the way to the Whitehouse, when Obama was involved in exempting the Whitehouse from FOIA requests so they could operate above the law in their organized crime targeting programs through the CIA and military....

Your experiences with them soiling your clothes is familiar, as I've experienced similar activities by their covert operatives, when they weren't just outright stealing my clothing as well. I know what it's like to have at least one of these scumbags urinating on my dryer, as well as other items in the house... I am dealing with a group of murderous psychopaths connected to the government deep state and their organized crime operations in Ferry County (next to the Canadian Border). I would love the opportunity to be on your podcast sometime.

I could talk about many subjects on your podcast besides being targeted on the government watchlist shortly after 9/11. My oldest brother studied lockpicking and locksmithing when Boeing was paying for employees' educational classes and instruction. (While my brother was taking lock picking to make himself a better thief, I was also benefiting myself by studying private investigation classes, as well as NLP/Reiki training.) I became a licensed private investigator after taking the class. I also became aware of my oldest brother being recruited into the targeting program as an operative after overhearing his conversation on his cell phone with another agency operative/asset.

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