Thank you Dr Ber! I know this is being done to me 😕 and with the better understanding of it at least it helps in that way. The more we learn, the better. Thank you, God bless ✝️.

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We are all being targeted. That said, take your pick on what vector of the Omni war on humanity. We all need to take every precaution imaginable. The enemy has no bounds and all imaginable technology at their disposal. They have funding via the printing press. Daunting odds…

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Daunting odds... my favorite.

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I take Vitamin C with Hesperidin and colloidal minerals. Fluvic acid, humic/Fluvic acid and minerals plus cannabidiol and THC help stimulate hypothalamus neuronal stem cell growth... Might help you mate.

Two Hesperidin ligands form a chelation molecule it crosses the BBB, it removes Fe²+ and Fe³+. It's used as a battery and temperature sensor in the hydrogel. Measuring the difference in temperature tells them which neurons are firing.

A quick search some interesting reading. :)))



Hmmmm wonder why the bulbous nerves have plastic in them...


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Olfactory nerve opps

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The new science loves us. I guess they ran out of good things to do. Trash people

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Thank you Dr. Ben Ler, They lied to me about the cause of my diagnosis so this I do have evidence physical evidence of the initial injury.

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Thank you for all you do and share.

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Len, thank you for this. What I've been able to reverse engineer on the failed hit job on me was the use of both paramagnetic and feromagnetic particles. This has been confirmed by use of a PEMF device and a magnetic vortex skyrmion unit with mechanical vibrations that has been able to pull the materials out (nano, meso, macro). The issue is once the particles are in you, then the paramagnetic and feromagnetic nature of them enable more to be pulled into you, thus a cascade effect occurs quite rapidly when in a paramagnetic and feromagnetic environment (e.g. planet earth now due to CCP coal power plant heavy metal pollution everywhere). Here is what I'm doing, I have two PEMFs at critical resonace frequences running of CCP synthetic rope worm, fungus and mold as well as parasite bioweapons on a local basis transmitting into left and right lobes of brain synchronized, this re-synchrohnizes my brain and I am cognitively clear again. I then have anti-vibration work space, floor mats, to stop Xi's Magic Weapon re-connects and am in a shielded space with my own 5GHz transmitter online.

I also have DNA-TX at various cancer, mold, fungus, etc. frequencies and then healing DNA frequencies in the far field using DNA TX technology.

I am avoiding scalar near field until the junk (CCP designer rope worm) fully removed). Eucalyptus + lemon and black tea helps as well as hitting the material non-invasively at critical resonance frequencies and using PEMFs to draw it out with terahertz light UVa, UVb and NIR R. It is quite the ordeal to fully decontaminate from CCP vagus nerve system bioweapons. Here is site I built that has tech I'm using www.electrostasis.com

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Rope worm eggs were in these vile vials decades ago. Long before the CCP got involved ... These caused previously 'normal' children to start banging their heads on the wall !

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bioterrorism and CCP is a leader globally and has been for decades. Read the 1999 excerpt from CCP that I have published on substack. This is CCP death by 1,000 cuts genomic, bioweapon warfare with wetware integration.

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Yeah all more bad news. more crap killing us yay! Thanks though Len nice to know. Yeah microwaves are killing us all. Cock roaches are the only things that will be left it looks like!

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uh wow and yeah people need to pay for this crime. Pitchforks and torches will probably be the only way out! or guns and people willing to use them.

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