
No matter how many times I check my posts fro typos, they appear in my newsletters regardless. I guess it's a part of the psyops, like when they break in and leave dirty marks everywhere for you to notice...So I pretty much stopped paying attention to it, unless the typos make the newsletter unreadable. Resistance is futile, so forgive me the typos, and get focused on the content.

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Academic pathway for the records

I. Lecturer

II. Senior Lecturer

III. Professor.

David Hughes is at II. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8272-4365

Incorrect/invalid information is just discrediting our cause...

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Yes! That's what we should be concentrating on. Not on the content. Your motivation is noted. BTW, his bio was taken directly from David Hughes substack.

Nice try. but honestly your comment sounded like a long tedious fart in a quiet room full of people. I guess low grade paid FBI?

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5

Let's try to not interpret unstated aspects into a comment?


(i) If the academic promotion is provided in David's substack, it is not clear why his official academic records differ.

All I say is pretending inaccurate titles may undermine our credibility.

Nothing more, nothing less.

I noticed the friction many times, and I trust you are one of those familiar with academic titles and quite a few promotions between defending the PhD thesis and achieving professorship.


(ii) Contentwise, non-TIs helping with publicity is valued highly.

Do you know Ivan Raiklin (X) ? He offered to join any podcast that requests his interview. He was on the TSDB for some time (calls it "4th Amendment rape list").


(iii) I notice that other readers have made the point as well:

No NANO-technology is needed to lock onto the brain and nervous system of a human body (may check Celldar, Guardian 2002).

The body runs on NEURAL signals that can be converted into RADIO signals (RF / machines, computers) and vice versa. No implants, no NANO tech needed.

The nano-tech discussion is prone to distract from (a) the USAPs / pseudo counter-terrorism punishment programs

and (b) the experiments inflicted on the entire population through injections (which btw the TI community warned about since at least early 2021; so you may have motivations of your own to agree to it, or might have been too busy to following along critical social media channels...

DEW located your body and fired at you also prior to the injections, no?).

Ana Mihalcea should know this as well, because she was assaulted when she was n o t jabbed. Yet, when she talks about TIs, she mentions nano-technology, self assembling... in the same sentence. A totally unnecessary association. This is a disservice probably, mudding the water unintentionally?

You have your special aspects you work and publish on. It is high quality and appreciated. Many TIs still have to pursue some form of job..

As other TIs have commented: We highly recommend to look into the work of Sabrina Wallace, professional in the bio-technology industry for years if not decades

(and other experts in the field) when you find time.


Bonus: You may have experience to share in favour or against the Silent Knight device your co-host Ana Toledo is raving about?

Hope you find relief from barbaric assaults.

Thank you for reading comments of your readers.

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They literally already took down the video by Dr Hughes. Unreal. Hopefully we can access it on another platform. It was very well done. Thank you Dr Ber and Dr Hughes for all your work!

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Correct, so I replaced the video by uploading it directly to substack as soon as I found about about the YouTube shenanigans. Other platforms also have it (rumble, butschute, odyssey, Spotify, linkedIn).

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The info was great! Does anyone won k ow how we are going g to stop all this ? What preventive measure should we be doing to get all of this out of our bodies? I would like to know if there going to be an end and not the way they want!

Thank you

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Dr. Len Ber, MD: Thank you for organizing and spearheading this important event. Question: Is there a place from where we can download the 23 minute talk w/ David Hughes?

Some people are not interested in going through a Substack article to find it, start it and view it via Substack.

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Try BitChute. I don't completely buy into their "no shadowbanning" claim, if only from themselves. Nothing stops outside intervention if they really intend to, but at least it's most likely not built into the software like FB, YT, etc.



If that's still up, it must be a safe enough platform.

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oh, sorry, I guess I should have read the other comments beforehand - you know it's been pulled down.

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Dr. Len, this video has already been pulled down from utube.

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I clicked on the video, and got this message:

This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines

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I want to mention the Active denial System, it can go right through you and it SCALDS THE SOFT TISSUE, MOUTH.CHEST,EYES,ETC Hand held through walls 95 HZ ?. The DEW ican and is used to rritate the urinary Trac system,, and other organs. and anti- gravity ability has been used since my knowledge since the 90s when I was floated down a steep flight of cellar stairs.to land harmlessly except for snapping my ankle mid flight. Why I don't really know but only suspect. Barbara Guillette

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