SynBio (Synthetic Biology) attacking Red Blood Cells is not a totally unknown phenomenon. Many microscopists including myself documented the “emptying” of the Red Blood Cells in the presence of microscopic kinetic structures that the Carnicom Institute calls Cross-Domain Bacteria, or CBD. The phenomenon is so obvious that when I took my old videos to the two highly recommended hematologists, both of them confirmed that this was not biology, but technology. Also, they saw the particles moving in a completely “dry” blood smear past two weeks after slide preparation. (The longest recorded period of the SynBio remaining kinetic in the blood was 242 days… Zombie Blood!) Based on their conclusion they could offer no help or advice.
Fine, it’s technology and you they know nothing about it. But now it is affecting my physiology! So no more excuses.
I document abnormally low Oxygen Saturation Levels (below 94%) at rest, and have been prescribed Oxygen Replacement Therapy. However, I do not have a lung or a heart disorder that could explain these abnormal levels. Moreover, the oxygen level drops without any triggers, as if someone is doing it remotely. I know that intentionality of our condition is a hard pill to swallow for many doctors. Even for those who agree that the Havana Syndrome attacks (aka AHIs) are intentional. After all, the kind of energy that produces AHIs is a special, “designer” kind of EM pulses.
The evidence that I have collected during my previous experiment was highly consistent. As you might realize, reproducibility of the experimental results is one of the standard of “good” science. So, today I repeated previously conducted microscopy experiments which showed emptying of the red blood cells. Red Blood Cells end up looking like “empty shells” filled with SynBio. The reason we know it is SynBio is because there is no bacteria or a microorganism that has ever been collected from a human blood sample that possess these characteristics and remain kinetic for a long period of time without access to air and access to nutrients.
The video below is a compilation of 4 short videos recorded over a period of 1-3 hours after slide preparation, 20-30 min apart, using x200 magnification and phase-contrast microscopy. I am in the process of formulating an adequate hypothesis of what specifically is going on with tissue oxygenation. Stay tuned!
For the first time ever my red blood cells are dropping. Thank you so much for your work!!!
I just ended up in the hospital with acute unexplained anemia (hgb dropped from 13 to 9.8) and O2 sats below 90 with no previously known pathology to explain it. In my clinical practice, I’ve been around very heavily vaxxed (6-7 jabs) patients. Plus the geoengineering we are all suffering under. Frustrating when I’ve been doing all the right things for over a decade and now it’s all for nothing. Ugh!!