Strikingly well-written reflection of detours over time (Burns' face in one cnn interview comes to mind again and again "we don't know" - the complete innocent card, awwww... - "but we will get to the bottom of it": Let him start with this substack!)

"It’s been over 1 year ago since #FBI declared #HavanaSyndrome a top priority.

It’s been over 6 years since lawmakers briefed on HS were told to keep it confidential for 5 years.

It’s been over 7 years since the Act of acquisition of #DEWS. #TimeFlies"

~ @PSardonicus (16 Dec 2022)


Welcoming the term NeuroStrike, too. Finally a connotation to w e a p o n s .

Speaking of strikes: Dr. Steven Greer has formed a " S t r i k e Team " , projecting change within the next 6-12 months.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2hk8Qp8dd0&t=7256s (2:32).


Truth about domestic war crimes is here to stay.

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Love it. I know🙏🇺🇸🌹

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“ And I am tired of this silent hypocrisy”

Thank you

They know what would happen to them if people knew what they’ve been doing to victims, activists, and by their actions the results to humanity’s and Planet’s future.

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And I suffer 24/7 with this experiment. Lately the psychopaths have been increasing the intensity slowly over the day, . It doesn’t matter how they attack me, I will always know the intension is to drive me crazy and disrupt my life.

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Some people are like- let me sit back and let someone else do all the footwork, why should I have to stick my neck out and speak up. Dr Steven Greer has a wife, children and grand children. What world do you want your children to grow up in? God bless him for speaking up.

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The military industrial complex, heavy on the weapons manufactures, are using this technology to attack people. It piggybacks on radio frequencies!!! I call it modified HAARP. The original Tesla worked with this technology. The minute he died, the FBI and military swooped in and grabbed all his secret papers. People need to be waken up to the real world.

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Dr. Greer has documents about the scalar technology and it’s ability to travel multiple speeds of light and that it has become weaponized and is being used as crimes against humanity. He further states it is classified that is why most scientists and engineers don’t know about it. It’s time the mask comes off.

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Absolutely , Dr. Ber. What you said. I have decided I’m going to scream out the window, “I’m not going to take it anymore!’”. (Figure of speech). I’m putting it out there on my You Tube Channel and bringing up Targeted Justice with various other You Tube Channels. We need to educate ourselves as to what’s really happening with the military industrial complex and align ourselves with Dr. Steven Greer and call congress and the president to investigate and follow the recommendations disclosed to them by Dr. Greer and the whistle blowers. Enough tine has passed by. Everyone needs to speak up or die a cowardly victim - because this isn’t stopping until we die or make it stop!

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What I find pathetic is the 4,000 people begging Targeted Justice for help but not being more engaged in putting an end to this torture. Because if we were, there would be 4,000 likes to your comments and Ana and Richard Lighthouse. If ‘We the People’ so desperately wanting help would actually do something about it, than something would happen. It is We the People that have the power - if everyone would come out of their hiding places and do something to bring awareness. I know some of you have done a lot. I called and wrote to every member in the weaponization committee and called my senators and wrote to every democrat senator and now republican and to the United Nations. I have a You Tube channel ‘unacknowledged MRS and I’m going to popular channels and speaking up and mentioning Targeted Justice by name!What have you all done to help stop this torture that isn’t going to end on its own? PS see Mission Impossible- Dead Reckoning- it talks about the military industrial complex and AI and our future. Wake up and stop making excuses. People will die and some of us are going to die from our torture. Open your eyes!

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Eric Hector was a major contractor for Raytheon and had complete access at the South pole facility and talks about Raytheon’s experimentation with the Havana Syndrome and V2K (voice to skull) on people resulting in brain damage. See the Shawn Ryan Show with Eric Hecker E.P. #66 Part III on You Tube

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