Nor am I interested in condescending attitude. "it ain't that" without one single explanation is an insult one expects from a snarky 10 year old, not from a professional. I expect high standards Mr. Ber. When pointing a finger at someone, look at your fist; three fingers point at yourself. Don't go there.

What TWO videos? You sent ONE from you-tube, not videos of a warm and cold blood sample as I requested and you volunteered to provide. Brownian motion, note spelling, is a function of particle mass and temperature. The video you sent does not give the size or composition of the "micro-beads" nor sample temperature. Their movement is minimal. Either their mass is high or temp is low as vibrational frequency is too low to move them very much. Thats all. Take a look at this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDHhukuupL8 Note mark 2:51 where even diatom fragments get moved. Those fragments are silica and relatively high mass, assumed much higher than Q-dots, and it takes substantial energy to move them. But Brownian motion is more than sufficient. And look at the high rate of start/stop movement from the smallest particles with low mass. That looks IDENTICAL to the jerky movement we see in blood Q-dots. Blood, especially at body temp 98F, is ALSO influenced by Brownian motion. Its completely impossible to avoid. Warm water vibrates, no matter if in blood or a coffee cup. It even vibrates a tiny bit when frozen, until all movement stops at absolute zero / 0 Kelvin. Warmth and associated Brownian motion is the energy source of Q-dot movement, Mr. Ber. They don't have flagella or little propellers with an Evinrude. Q-dots are both very small and light weight - being made mostly of carbon which is very light. This is exactly why Brownian motion can move them with ease, and even at room temp and 100+ days later, they remain "active." They are a tiny inert inanimate dust particle as far as water is concerned, no different than million year old clay particles that still "move" as explained earlier. Brownian motion from heat, balanced with particle size / mass - thats all there is to it. Mystery solved.

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I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. Thank you for the link / example. I'm very experienced in recognizing Brownian motion and know what to look for. Hence, an example is not what I'm looking for. What we need to determine is whether or not q-dots in live blood exhibit Brownian motion. They certainly can, and they may. Simply saying "it ain't that" is somewhat less of a scientific process to prove anything. Only a live blood sample can tell us whether this is true. What we need to do here is the following: take a live blood sample and film the motion of the q-dots. Then put this microscope slide with the blood into a refrigerator for 15 minutes to cool it to about 33F. Then quickly take the slide out and view under microscope at same exact magnification and film the movement of the q-dots. Is the movement speed the same as when at room temp - or not? I suspect when the sample is cold (not frozen of course) the q-dots are almost stationary. That proves Brownian motion as the q-dots are in an aqueous (water containing) solution which provides the energy for the motion.

Here is a very short video of pollen grains (at 15 sec mark) exhibiting Brownian motion. If water vibration can move pollen grains that are far larger and more massive than q-dots, then it can also move q-dots in blood.


Regarding Brownian motion, this was discovered by Robert Brown. Hence it is called BrownIAN motion, as in Brown-like. The "-ian" ending means "like".

Contrarily, the name Browning most commonly refers to John Browning, an American inventor and manufacturer of repeating rifles; also inventor of the World War II .50 caliber machine gun. John "Browning's motion" is supersonic and you don't want to get in the way or you will look like a Swiss cheese.

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THANK YOU Dr. Ber! I have seen Brownian motion in soil samples millions of years old. The particles are highly decomposed volcanic ash that have disintegrated into a type of clay that is extremely small. FYI: there and many types of clay depending on mineralogy, and, clay is the endpoint of mineral decomposition. This material stems from when the Earth was one continent. Furthermore: these soils can be 100% suspended in water i.e. simply mixed in a sedimentation cylinder. This is a glass column 3 inches diameter and at least 18 inches tall. Particle settling is timed. These soils NEVER settle, even after a week it stays suspended. When the cylinder is put into a refrigerator, they settle out. When placed back into room temp, without stirring!, it becomes cloudy again. The same is seen under a microscope. That is Brownian motion; a function of particle size (mass) and water temperature. I look forward to your findings and again, thank you kindly!

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Thank you kindly. Here is a video of a classic browning motion. It ain’t that. https://youtu.be/UUSL0NqcY6k?si=ZEfbxyiH7-sy3eyf

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Are you serious? "it ain't that" is the best you can do? Thank you for deleting my reply. I see you're doing that to many of us. Next time, don't tell us you will do something when you won't hold up your end.

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Not interested in personal attacks and baseless accusations. I didn’t delete any comments. Look at the two videos and tell the good people if you can spot the difference. Bye.

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The replicators were so low brow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzAnM19MxNw

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[Rhetorical questions inbound] Do they ever cease operation? Can they be neutralized/eradicated and not just chelated? Where do they actually come from? Is there a human or other origin? Is the entire planet compromised? Have they spread to the moon or mars with our expeditions there? Will they eventually consume everything on the planet? Finally the most obvious what is their purpose? Obviously we are only at the beginning, just a skosh past perhaps, with the discovery phase. Great work. Hat tip to Karl C.

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I think they are man-made. I don't know the origin, but it has not evolved. It has been designed. There is no biologically evolved item that would continue this kind of motion for such a long time. These KAMS simply don't have any chemical metabolic requirements. I suspect that energy of some sort makes them move. We have never observed anything like this before. So there are no evolutionary predecessors for these structures. Conclusion: this is designed technology rather than evolved biology.

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I appreciate the tip to shame our doctors. However, I fired mine in 2020.

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We your followers know this for long and will hopefully see much new blood evidence! God bless you Ana for your tenacious work that so has revealed the awful enigmas of our time. May I in return tell you that reliable reports from France are now telling that Mc Kinsey commercial bureau and more are highly more or less openly involved in French politics, dealings in the ministries etc. This may have some bearing to eventually enlarging the concept of the puppet makers?

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The question is still in the forefront of my mind: what on Earth drives this perpetual movement? I simply must have some source of energy. While my own Leitz scope is in for an endless repair (parts hard to find), I cannot do a simple test, to prove my own theory right or wrong. Dr. Ana, Karl, Len, Dr. Nixon - anyone - please prove me wrong with actual video evidence, rather than a quick cart blanche discount with a chuckle or wave of hand. I still somewhat suspect this endless movement to be tied to Brownian motion. This is entirely temperature dependent and tiny soil particles show this identical movement pattern, with identical particle sizes / particle mass, with identical jerky movement - and it goes forever. HOWEVER, the movement displayed at room temp is FAR faster than near freezing as molecular vibration slows down. Simply put your microscope slide into the frig for 15 minutes (at or near 32F) and then quickly view and film the movement. Has it slowed down or no? It is such a simple test, but nobody can get this done. So... double dare ya - can you prove me wrong? Pretty please - does that help???

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I will do that!

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By "non-invasively," do you mean the unvaccinated are also emitting MAC addresses?

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We know from other studies that there are unvaccinated people who emit MAC addresses. The source is unknown. Shedding is one of the plausible hypotheses. But could be Covid swabs? Could be environment, food, other pharmaceuticals.

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I Did try to discuss it with my Dr. He dismisses it but did not call me a liar. I’d say the drs know but but choose to not acknowledge it:/

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perhaps tech will control/disrupt it then?



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Good line of thinking!

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By “non invasively”, do you mean non vaxxed? Aka shedding?

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Here’s hoping for a simple, effective solution to the continual desecration of the human body by the nefarious beings currently running the worldwide shi!show.

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His name is Jesus. “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.” Psalm 91: 14-16

This “show” is at the hand of Lucifer as clearly foretold by the succinct statement that he is out to steal, kill, and destroy… but his time is almost up.

What’s not to Believe? https://peter70x7.substack.com/p/whats-not-to-believe

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The only cure!

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So many!!! No small dose, but an overdose.

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Your point is how energetic the KAMs are?

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They move. That implies some source of energy.

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Gold is fine white powder. Starfire - meteor dust - works the ATP in many octaves upward of sunlight.

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Ah another acronym! Personally I have extracted MMEs (Micro Mechanical Electronics) which are likely yesterday's technology compared to what we are seeing now-a-days... My desire to see us hit critical mass with this vital information has diminished to the point where I no longer really care. I am in my sixties and have asked for an early checkout - I pray daily that HE sees fit to honor my request. GOD help us.....

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I'm sending you a bloody huge hug from the UK. Just close your eyes and just know that someone is thinking about you. Terry, turn your knowledge to power this technology is older than your knowledge so you would be amazingly helpful to so many researchers. Tracing steps via older technology. God bless x

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Thank you for your kindness... I too thought that people held in a much higher regard than myself would want to know what i have experienced, but that has proven NOT to be the case. Several years ago I burned a fiber that i had extracted from my arm and when i stuck it on a slide and looked at it the word NASA was written in quantum dots(!!). I sent the image to all the "usual suspects" back then but not one responded to me. Skizitgesture - to her credit - did a video on it but that is all. This led me to believe that (A) they are all in on what is going on - Or (B) they are too naive to accept the truth that is staring them in the face.

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I'm sorry people have treated you so badly. I would love to see your photo. Ask Dr Len Ber to post it or go to Karl. C Substack and ask him. Karl posted a picture with letters and writing on that someone else sent in. UK news article two days ago posted this https://techcrunch.com/2024/01/17/nasas-robotic-self-assembling-structures-could-be-the-next-phase-of-space-construction/ I am seeing the phone news posting article after article about nano tech meds being great so it feels like they are trying to show reasons why people are finding nano tech in our blood. At least on Substack you are amongst people who's eyes are open. You could write a Substack and post pictures in there. I send you live and light. X

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