Thank you Dr Ber! I don't even know what to say, just Thank You!! ✝️ Prayers for you and the other 300,000 T.I.'s in this country. 🙏.

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Where did you come up with the number 300,000? TJ suggests it may be around 400,000, but I and many others believe this is a very conservative estimate of the real number. It's very likely that the number of victims of directed energy weapons (and other kinds of illegal attacks and surveillance, etc.) in the United States (not the entire world) is at least an order of magnitude higher, perhaps two orders of magnitude higher.

The vast majority of TI's never become consciously aware that they are being attacked. They might "hear" V2K messages, but when they do so, they believe that means they are becoming insane, not that they are being attacked by invisible weapons. They end up committing suicide.

This is exactly what happened to my life partner. When I had tried to tell him about the DEW attacks to which I was subjected, he refused to believe anything I said. But then, several years later after we had split up as a couple, he was similarly attacked, and yet, he refused to believe the reality of what was happening to himself, even though I had told him about my experiences with these attacks.

This is typical of the way most human beings work. They refuse to believe that evil is a reality, and that it is actively attacking them in numerous ways, via directed energy weapons and many other ways. We need more, not less, people to become victims of these satanic weapons, before this reality can change.

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The majority of society behaves like this. 2 of my own family members reacted in the same manner as your ex. They also became angry. I believe their subconscious knows I am not lying about this though.

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Why did they become angry?

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Those that need more help are not able to wite here and many are in psychiatric mental wards where is hard to reach, where psychiatrist can uncommunicate people, blocking them from their love ones if they do not agree to treatments in many cases with the collaboration of nurses, social workers, judiciary system and more those potential TI are ignored by everyone sadly, until we really understand the proportions of this abuse there is no possible solution

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Wow hey yeah that seems about right man are you in one now or have been? If that's how you know this??? But I remember dreams or visions of mine as kid years and years ago about being locked up like that in a mental ward for not giving up my beliefs in God. I also had another dream of them keeping me in like a truck trailer until I said I'd give up God I never did they finally let me go. The thing is the area which is just up the street not long ago had a truck trailer thing in the parking lot that reminded me of my dream. Which in the dream when they let me go was that same parking lot... and the same color of that empty truck cargo trailer that sat there for a few weeks... Yeah they kept threatening to behead me if I didn't I just kept at it then they let me go... But yeah odd stuff...

but yeah these criminals keep the paradigm and that's how not letting people have certain rights like their supposed to. I know too there's the flip side of people who are sick and need the medicine to keep them calm. but yeah if it's not a thing like that then they need to back off...

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I have been able to observe what happens in those places, I have interact with those psychiatrist, nurses, social workers etc.. I have seen how they reach to their subjective diagnosis, I have research and learn from other few great psychiatrist and researchers like Dr Peter Bregging, Dr Bob Johnson, Dr Loren Moshe, Dr Loria Hilahm, Dr John DG Johnson, Peter Goetzer, Dina Chris JL and a few more... Experience, public health research, seen the victims, following detentions, court proceedings, seen lies and suffer indirect threats if you confront their wrong doings... almost 30 years of experience in many countries of the western world..

No one needs psychiatric drugs because is the same story behind the Covid 💉that on antidepressants or antipsychotics, they do not prevent no cure “mental illness “, the other way around they create mental illnesses as they are not different from street drugs therefore what happens to people is they suffer withdrawals and side effects that mimic mental illnesses, cold turkey is as dangerous with psychiatric drugs as it is with street drugs. People can experience altered state of minds for many reasons and may need support, but they do not need those drugs for sure..this is not my opinion there are thousands of Scientific studies that shows those drugs and ECT disable the brain, there are other options and în many cases it can be related to allergies, missing basic elements in our biological system, hypersensitive to electromagnetic fields, and more as artificially created mental state. Governments in the western world ensure the population has no option on how to treat people suffering altered stated of minds by blocking any other avenue for many years, psychiatry, a big part of medical establishment has sold their soul and do not care for other humans as the first thing is missing in most of them is to be humble.. others are not prepared to trough their money and time therefore like horses will not look to the right, not to the left, only one direction, and a third group they have no capacity to challenge the wrong doings, there are few honest people in the medical profession and they will be displaced in a near future.. G_d has given them many opportunities to straight their path but they keep ignoring it..

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It’s hard to believe humanity is so clueless?!

Sir with all due respect, take a look around and talk to our fellow citizens and you all with be educated just how uneducated society is…

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Nor do most want to hear about it much less look to see. They rather look to see how many likes they get on Fakebook of their vacation or new car they just bought.

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100% It is all about facebook and how many material things they can acquire.

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Is there another link to the saved Army website for V2K? This one won't work on/is blocked by my browsers.

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Yes amazing how secret they kept it I wonder how many were locked up ;

suicidede over this crap. They couldn't take it , so the sensor ( we ingested ) hunters could remote easily find us . After all we are a commodity. A highly valued test subjects. Experiment.

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Is not convenient for psychiatry specially spread the information on vk2

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Are these people real ?? Thanks Dr Len

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Everyone needs to fill out the info and share to prevent the United Nations from killing us all! Please share



The children need warriors to email Houchel copy anyone of your choosing 😈 at constructioncodes@buildings.nyc.gov & say their NYC 2020 Energy code, covid bioweapon mNRA injections are treason 🏴‍☠️ 💀💉 reference broken NYS Ed Law part 29.1.b.2 and 29.1.b.1 treason! exercising undue influence on the patient or client, including the promotion of the sale of services, goods, appliances or drugs in such manner as to exploit the patient or client for the financial gain of the practitioner or of a third party;🫡🇺🇸❤️

Make the force injected police do their job, wake up and arrest the wicked that force injected the https://www.nyc.gov/site/doi/report/report-corruption.page 🤬

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The not allowing to sleep is part on how a brain can be manipulated and how may of this attacks starts, the voices, the blocked sleep as you will do to flege prisoners of wars prepare the terrain to experimentation, psychiatric world is mixed with brain attacks, as they are the ones who STATE THAT HEARING VOICES IS A MENTAL ILLNESS no they try to research and really help people

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This is a link to the side effects from antipsychotics given for those suffering schizophrenia but not only


On the same line is easy to deduct that those mental illness can be provoked by the Psychiatric drugs in any one that is given them wether their hearing voices is provoked or natural. Many patients are forced on those drugs

Psychiatrist have no un

Knowledge , no system to understand thow to do the differential diagnosis. Therefore those who may ended up suffering a mental disorder as a result of the psychiatric drugs may well have been TI from the beginning.. Therefore I am sorry there is not only TI community, the victims are many more. Specially those hard drugged which psychiatrist treat different depending on your social status. AVK2 destroy the bases of the scam of psychiatry s D the DSM

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Thank you, Orli, for your extensive list of doctors! I’m a TI. I have compiled a large amount of research into V2K and the microwave auditory effect, as harnessed by microwires, which are comprised of nanosensors, as disseminated in the vaccine. If you request, I can send the 125p. slide presentation to you. Perhaps you and this audience may find my Substacks helpful. It’s scientifically sound, and focuses an eschatological lens on the subject.


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