I just got hung up on by Louisiana National Guard at (318) 290-5674. After about an hour J1/J2/S2 intelligence personnel determined that I was not credible by their real-time official assessment and report.
I can relate to much here: ongoing problems with technology. I was first hit with dew while emailing with Walter Bowart in 90’s & so was my young secretary. My computer threatened to kill me! Our biggest obstacle is credibility though & that is most likely to come from tech based media. Separate note is all the news on fbi abuse of the fisa court; yet another list many are on!
Hiked up over the mountains in the Bay Area a few weeks ago and came across a snake. It was slithering into the bushes to hide. I grew up with garter and racing snakes, loved to catch and play with them before letting them go. This particular day, there was a fat bodied snake- not the usually color patten I normally see. I touched it’s tail and it quickened it’s pace away from me. I was thinking of picking it up but thought there would be a better way to deal with this type of snake with rattles. rOur deep state is slithering around, .hiding in the bishes waiting for the right opportunity to attack the vulnerable. I know the rattler is poisonous but that didn’t stop me from going after it. Just have to go about it the right way and keep your eyes open.
Dr Ber, I have the feeling that you will discover a way to change the situation for people suffering on DEW, TI .. It may take a while but open your eyes...it may be sooner that we think . Thank you for posting and existing you make a huge difference for many who had almost no way to be respected and accepted suffering from this provoked artificial ailments.. is hard to understand or find the right words ...is matter of keep trying and share our findings....
This is a long term problem. the advances in sciences on nanotechnology for example have been hide fro the people for at least 12 year or more. Dina published a few articles for the general public in 2011 where nanorobots, nanoparticles, nanotecnology and nanomedicine and others are already a reality based on the research and real advances in sciences that have occurred. Yet main population is at the moment illiterate in purposed of that advance to ensure that they cannot put the dots together. Governments keeps in entertaining children and adults with sex, sports, aristocrat's life etc... we need to spread the knowledge to the most audience possible.. I am preparing a small book with a compilation of those articles published in 2011 they are only a sample of what is going on in scientific world, if one person awakes and that person awakes another person we can still make the domino effect and help main population to see a bit more...
Right now, I think focus needs to be on the Stress and Health Research Programs being conducted at hospitals and universities that are funded by the DOD and NIC that are researching the effects of physical and psychological stress on people. I want to know who is on the board of these groups and what kind of stress research are they doing because I an concerned about innocent veterans and civilians being experimented on with directed energy weapons for research purposes and without consent. This research may be doing more harm than good. Did a rogue element in the DOD get names off the TSDB list to experiment on? I want the United Nations to investigate this.
why would we seek the very system that is killing humanity for answers and help? they worship Apolyon and other pegan gods. They stole the truth to sell it back to us with military chemicles and sick organ removal. My grandfathers brain was removed - my family was openly radiated and the gov followed up with them. sucides and insantiy only came of all of it
That is the great human tragedy that this is conducted for the supposed better good of humanity and our democracy and of US supremacy when really it’s a coverup for the great reset. And some of the minions helping out, are too ignorant to see the truth of what they’re doing and contributing to.
Thank you Dr. Ber. I see exactly what you see. There is a veil over the majority of people’s eyes who just don’t want to see the truth or deal with it, and don’t want to be bothered unless it’s happening to them. People care only so much and then go on with their lives while others are being tortured to death in their presence. Our society has lost it’s soul and connection to the earth and cares only about making money and more money. Civilization is at a breaking point. Look at Avatar. The rogue element in our federal government are the killers destroying the planet in Avatar. They are heartless and Godless.
Lots of chem trails from military planes going back and forth high in the sky. Those chem trails need to be analyzed for their destructive power to our planet. Insects are dying, birds that eat insects are dying, the sky is becoming more and more acidic and the rain runoff is going to hurt animals, plants, fish, people, our whole echo system. The military appears to have taken over our planet with it’s own agenda. They are becoming fascists. I hope the ignorant will wake up before it’s too late. The drones and satellites and 5G towers are giving off frequencies such as supersonic, hypersonic, ultrasonic, microwaves aimed at lab rats-us- to experiment on. The government is gaslighting it and seems perfectly content accepting the abuse and torture of innocent people without getting off their cowardly complacent butts and doing something about it. Why do we need the US to have supremacy over other countries when it acts just like them- committing atrocities against it’s own citizens?
That is blatant cruel terrorism. These predators need to get a taste of their own medicine. Pure evil. I don’t believe in torturing my enemies but I do believe in an eye for an eye. I won’t forgive these demonic perverts. I would pray and hope they get the same treatment and I would give it to God to forgive them. I am not Jesus and I am not all forgiving. I don’t forgive evil.
Yes, nullify their influence, power, presence is an urgent need, but my humble opinion is that we need to focus in protecting and helping the victims much more important that revenge. By destroying the "mental ill" label completely will make a huge advance because we would not have to hide, and at least chances of improving our lives will increase as well...
Suffering unjustly doesn't do it justice lol the irony. But yeah suffering falsely accused, double jeopardy violated, no true due process, voyeurism, socially tried to be engineered, raped with technology, some murdered and excused as fluke.
They once had a great and sinister plan. If they hadn’t been greedy. But they now have signed a check they can’t cash. Just stand by and see. They’re getting desperate.
I’d like to point out that change is here. I listen to podcasts everyday. There were no podcasts (that I knew of) that existed in 2017 that talked about Mk Ultra or shows that featured TIs as their guests. Netflix has had (and still have) several movies on the subject of targeting, government surveillance, and Mk Ultra. There is a movie (if you like to watch movies) on Netflix now called “Wormwood”. The change that you speak about is happening now.
I DEFINITELY agree Len. That day will truly be a historical event.
A House panel led by GOP Rep. Jim Jordan held a hearing on alleged retaliation against government whistleblowers. The Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government heard from three FBI whistleblowers and Tristan Leavitt, president of the government watchdog organization Empower Oversight.
We definitely have weaponization of the FBI, CIA, DHS. I think of Jason Borne, John Wick, Mission Impossible and other spy movies that seemed over the top and fantastical but now possible. These movies expose the deep state, which is highly weaponized and working with the DOD. Remember John F Kennedy’s assassination and 9/11? These were deep state attacks on our democracy. How is the Federal Government not weaponized when 3000 plus people died in our country from 9/11? Insider job.
We’re seeing more and more interviews and movies about targeted people. I’ve been targeted myself for about eight years. I was so angry. Confused. Wondering what the hell happened to my life. I decided to turn to the Internet for help to understand. Stalking led me gangstalking. Gang stalking led me to the government watchlist. Then I began to calm down because the knowledge was somehow comforting for me.
A lot of my severe PTSD comes not from the torture I endure but from how I am treated because of it.. never comforted only blamed, I call for help NOONE comes, I think that's why vietnam vets struggle so much. It is unnatural to b left for dead because NOONE believes wer dying
One of the largest problems facing those trying to sound the alarm about this situation can be found in Orwell's "Animal Farm"- The rules binding the utopia together are slowly changed, and a critical mass of animals educated enough to notice the changes to their version of The Bill of Rights is never reached. Earlier this year, I attempted to reach over a thousand people in mainstream and alternative media about my personal situation and how it mirrored so many others, and I received a curious reply: 90% of the e-mails I sent got an automated reply saying that "Barbara Walters (for example) is out of the office today, but will return May 9th through May 11th. If this is an emergency, please e-mail NBC's general tip line at Tips@NBC.com." In my opinion, a high-level AI was intercepting all my e-mails, and then generating that vague response to keep me from using other forms of communication. After I had connected the dots, I began sending letters through USPS certified mail with return receipt requested, and using e-mail at random internet cafes that have computers connected to their ISP with a Cat-5 cable, and then sending with Skiff.com, since that particular service is browser based, encrypted, and does not demand a cell phone to register and use for free. It is very easy to prevent people from communicating and getting their messages out when the surveillance state is also doing an experiment on Targeted Individuals to see how many people in the media will not cover our story because they refuse to type out a link they get on a piece of paper.
i am taunted and gaslit by my computer and phone and youtube commercials and disgusting - they can be exact phone conversations BUT the one i get most is 'how the noise in your ears is shirnking your brain"
Let's always keep in mind that the internet(s) was initially funded/used as an inter-office tool by the DoD, and as far as I know, they still pretty much control it...so it shouldn't be surprising that TIs (and really everyone else) is being surveilled and all online communications are monitored. As an example, last week I sent an email via gmail to a specific AOL address and upon doing so, the msg was automatically marked as deleted but I didn't initiate this action or change email settings so the question is: who/what determined that emails to that specific addy should be immediately deleted? Moral: if we are online we should just assume we are being monitored & all correspondence is game for interception and/or deletion.
I'm actually surprised that no other country has yet come up with a totally independent competitor to the US controlled internet network. Frankly, it's well overdue.
xkeyscore- app used by DHS to monitor everyones phone, emails, smart device, twitter, facebook.... private or public . They infringe on our privacy every day without permission or due process and can retrieve any of our records in their great database anytime they want.
I just got hung up on by Louisiana National Guard at (318) 290-5674. After about an hour J1/J2/S2 intelligence personnel determined that I was not credible by their real-time official assessment and report.
Please call to back me up, now.
They said CBS News (tinyurl.com/havanababy), Robert P. Duncan (tinyurl.com/notouchtorture), USAF Captain Whitte (tinyurl.com/airforcecaptain), and Dr. Len Ber (tinyurl.com/physicianmindset) are not credible.
I can relate to much here: ongoing problems with technology. I was first hit with dew while emailing with Walter Bowart in 90’s & so was my young secretary. My computer threatened to kill me! Our biggest obstacle is credibility though & that is most likely to come from tech based media. Separate note is all the news on fbi abuse of the fisa court; yet another list many are on!
Hiked up over the mountains in the Bay Area a few weeks ago and came across a snake. It was slithering into the bushes to hide. I grew up with garter and racing snakes, loved to catch and play with them before letting them go. This particular day, there was a fat bodied snake- not the usually color patten I normally see. I touched it’s tail and it quickened it’s pace away from me. I was thinking of picking it up but thought there would be a better way to deal with this type of snake with rattles. rOur deep state is slithering around, .hiding in the bishes waiting for the right opportunity to attack the vulnerable. I know the rattler is poisonous but that didn’t stop me from going after it. Just have to go about it the right way and keep your eyes open.
Dr Ber, I have the feeling that you will discover a way to change the situation for people suffering on DEW, TI .. It may take a while but open your eyes...it may be sooner that we think . Thank you for posting and existing you make a huge difference for many who had almost no way to be respected and accepted suffering from this provoked artificial ailments.. is hard to understand or find the right words ...is matter of keep trying and share our findings....
I agree!
This is a long term problem. the advances in sciences on nanotechnology for example have been hide fro the people for at least 12 year or more. Dina published a few articles for the general public in 2011 where nanorobots, nanoparticles, nanotecnology and nanomedicine and others are already a reality based on the research and real advances in sciences that have occurred. Yet main population is at the moment illiterate in purposed of that advance to ensure that they cannot put the dots together. Governments keeps in entertaining children and adults with sex, sports, aristocrat's life etc... we need to spread the knowledge to the most audience possible.. I am preparing a small book with a compilation of those articles published in 2011 they are only a sample of what is going on in scientific world, if one person awakes and that person awakes another person we can still make the domino effect and help main population to see a bit more...
Very good👍
Right now, I think focus needs to be on the Stress and Health Research Programs being conducted at hospitals and universities that are funded by the DOD and NIC that are researching the effects of physical and psychological stress on people. I want to know who is on the board of these groups and what kind of stress research are they doing because I an concerned about innocent veterans and civilians being experimented on with directed energy weapons for research purposes and without consent. This research may be doing more harm than good. Did a rogue element in the DOD get names off the TSDB list to experiment on? I want the United Nations to investigate this.
I meant NIH- funding by the National Institute of Health and the DOD.
why would we seek the very system that is killing humanity for answers and help? they worship Apolyon and other pegan gods. They stole the truth to sell it back to us with military chemicles and sick organ removal. My grandfathers brain was removed - my family was openly radiated and the gov followed up with them. sucides and insantiy only came of all of it
That is the great human tragedy that this is conducted for the supposed better good of humanity and our democracy and of US supremacy when really it’s a coverup for the great reset. And some of the minions helping out, are too ignorant to see the truth of what they’re doing and contributing to.
Doctors took a hippocratic oath- above all do no harm. It looks like today very few professions follow the oaths they took and promised to abide by.
they also pledge to their pegan gods and Appolion the destroyer and they include their ..............lost all my thoughts as i began to write to you
Thank you So Much Sir
Thank you Dr. Ber. I see exactly what you see. There is a veil over the majority of people’s eyes who just don’t want to see the truth or deal with it, and don’t want to be bothered unless it’s happening to them. People care only so much and then go on with their lives while others are being tortured to death in their presence. Our society has lost it’s soul and connection to the earth and cares only about making money and more money. Civilization is at a breaking point. Look at Avatar. The rogue element in our federal government are the killers destroying the planet in Avatar. They are heartless and Godless.
It’s my strong belief that these “chemtrails” from the drones are helping to clog the minds of people who are being targeted.
Lots of chem trails from military planes going back and forth high in the sky. Those chem trails need to be analyzed for their destructive power to our planet. Insects are dying, birds that eat insects are dying, the sky is becoming more and more acidic and the rain runoff is going to hurt animals, plants, fish, people, our whole echo system. The military appears to have taken over our planet with it’s own agenda. They are becoming fascists. I hope the ignorant will wake up before it’s too late. The drones and satellites and 5G towers are giving off frequencies such as supersonic, hypersonic, ultrasonic, microwaves aimed at lab rats-us- to experiment on. The government is gaslighting it and seems perfectly content accepting the abuse and torture of innocent people without getting off their cowardly complacent butts and doing something about it. Why do we need the US to have supremacy over other countries when it acts just like them- committing atrocities against it’s own citizens?
That is blatant cruel terrorism. These predators need to get a taste of their own medicine. Pure evil. I don’t believe in torturing my enemies but I do believe in an eye for an eye. I won’t forgive these demonic perverts. I would pray and hope they get the same treatment and I would give it to God to forgive them. I am not Jesus and I am not all forgiving. I don’t forgive evil.
Yes, nullify their influence, power, presence is an urgent need, but my humble opinion is that we need to focus in protecting and helping the victims much more important that revenge. By destroying the "mental ill" label completely will make a huge advance because we would not have to hide, and at least chances of improving our lives will increase as well...
Suffering unjustly doesn't do it justice lol the irony. But yeah suffering falsely accused, double jeopardy violated, no true due process, voyeurism, socially tried to be engineered, raped with technology, some murdered and excused as fluke.
Video link
hear the lispy speaker the SSS sound are the lispy speaker. Deep bass and bass drums.
They once had a great and sinister plan. If they hadn’t been greedy. But they now have signed a check they can’t cash. Just stand by and see. They’re getting desperate.
Thank you Sir !!
Hi Len
I’d like to point out that change is here. I listen to podcasts everyday. There were no podcasts (that I knew of) that existed in 2017 that talked about Mk Ultra or shows that featured TIs as their guests. Netflix has had (and still have) several movies on the subject of targeting, government surveillance, and Mk Ultra. There is a movie (if you like to watch movies) on Netflix now called “Wormwood”. The change that you speak about is happening now.
Yes. But the biggest change is not coming from a Netflix limited series, but from #TJvGarland !
I DEFINITELY agree Len. That day will truly be a historical event.
A House panel led by GOP Rep. Jim Jordan held a hearing on alleged retaliation against government whistleblowers. The Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government heard from three FBI whistleblowers and Tristan Leavitt, president of the government watchdog organization Empower Oversight.
We definitely have weaponization of the FBI, CIA, DHS. I think of Jason Borne, John Wick, Mission Impossible and other spy movies that seemed over the top and fantastical but now possible. These movies expose the deep state, which is highly weaponized and working with the DOD. Remember John F Kennedy’s assassination and 9/11? These were deep state attacks on our democracy. How is the Federal Government not weaponized when 3000 plus people died in our country from 9/11? Insider job.
We’re seeing more and more interviews and movies about targeted people. I’ve been targeted myself for about eight years. I was so angry. Confused. Wondering what the hell happened to my life. I decided to turn to the Internet for help to understand. Stalking led me gangstalking. Gang stalking led me to the government watchlist. Then I began to calm down because the knowledge was somehow comforting for me.
Just wanted to say a little about myself.
A lot of my severe PTSD comes not from the torture I endure but from how I am treated because of it.. never comforted only blamed, I call for help NOONE comes, I think that's why vietnam vets struggle so much. It is unnatural to b left for dead because NOONE believes wer dying
It’s a human tragedy and shows the true nature of man kind.
One of the largest problems facing those trying to sound the alarm about this situation can be found in Orwell's "Animal Farm"- The rules binding the utopia together are slowly changed, and a critical mass of animals educated enough to notice the changes to their version of The Bill of Rights is never reached. Earlier this year, I attempted to reach over a thousand people in mainstream and alternative media about my personal situation and how it mirrored so many others, and I received a curious reply: 90% of the e-mails I sent got an automated reply saying that "Barbara Walters (for example) is out of the office today, but will return May 9th through May 11th. If this is an emergency, please e-mail NBC's general tip line at Tips@NBC.com." In my opinion, a high-level AI was intercepting all my e-mails, and then generating that vague response to keep me from using other forms of communication. After I had connected the dots, I began sending letters through USPS certified mail with return receipt requested, and using e-mail at random internet cafes that have computers connected to their ISP with a Cat-5 cable, and then sending with Skiff.com, since that particular service is browser based, encrypted, and does not demand a cell phone to register and use for free. It is very easy to prevent people from communicating and getting their messages out when the surveillance state is also doing an experiment on Targeted Individuals to see how many people in the media will not cover our story because they refuse to type out a link they get on a piece of paper.
i am taunted and gaslit by my computer and phone and youtube commercials and disgusting - they can be exact phone conversations BUT the one i get most is 'how the noise in your ears is shirnking your brain"
Take fish oil and brain protective supplements like B12, also melatonin helps one sleep.
Let's always keep in mind that the internet(s) was initially funded/used as an inter-office tool by the DoD, and as far as I know, they still pretty much control it...so it shouldn't be surprising that TIs (and really everyone else) is being surveilled and all online communications are monitored. As an example, last week I sent an email via gmail to a specific AOL address and upon doing so, the msg was automatically marked as deleted but I didn't initiate this action or change email settings so the question is: who/what determined that emails to that specific addy should be immediately deleted? Moral: if we are online we should just assume we are being monitored & all correspondence is game for interception and/or deletion.
I'm actually surprised that no other country has yet come up with a totally independent competitor to the US controlled internet network. Frankly, it's well overdue.
xkeyscore- app used by DHS to monitor everyones phone, emails, smart device, twitter, facebook.... private or public . They infringe on our privacy every day without permission or due process and can retrieve any of our records in their great database anytime they want.