Information Avoidance
Drawing a parallel between how people reacted to mRNA jab evidence and the evidence of Targeting.
Despite the avalanche of information, how many people remain ignorant about the nature of so-called mRNA vaccines that masqueraded as pharmaceutical products, but are in fact military countermeasures (and as such, they don’t require proof of safety and efficacy)? I don’t have the percentage but judging by the number of people I meet and converse with, - a lot. I am sure there are stats, but that’s not the point I’d like to make today.
What’s behind this willful ignorance, or information avoidance? Fear of ruining the status quo? Immaturity? Unfounded optimism? All the above?
Now, let’s shift our attention to Targeted Individuals. The predominant attitude toward this group of people is that they are psychologically off. Therefore, their claims (that they are aggressively surveilled, intimidated, exposed to debilitating directable forms of energy and microwave auditory effect, as well as advanced forms of neurological bio surveillance and intervention) can be dismissed not on the merit of the claims, but on the preconceived notion that this is a form of mass psychosis.
And then Havana Syndrome happened, and the US government and the clinicians admitted that the employees of the Department of State and the CIA are suffering neurological damage from an unknown remote source. Note that what the government employees experienced matched what Targeted Individuals have been complaining about for a long time.
And then came the validation. The same criteria used to diagnose brain damage from directed pulsed energy in the affected diplomats were used to diagnose civilians whose attacks happened on US soil. Some decided to stay quiet, but some (like yours truly) decided to go public with their diagnosed validated cases of Havana Syndrome.
And what happened next? Instead of accepting this evidence and sounding the alarm, most people decided to ignore this information. So, there we go - another case of Information Avoidance. Because of fear? Immaturity? Unfounded optimism that this could never happen to them? All the above?
I hope I live long enough to see change in the public opinion. I hope that the legal case #TJvGarland will draw attention of constitutional scholars and concerned citizens. I hope that one day this information will be impossible to avoid, and the inevitable change will happen, and “the program” will crumble under the weight of undeniable evidence.
Until then, we will live amongst you and continue suffering unjustly.
One of the largest problems facing those trying to sound the alarm about this situation can be found in Orwell's "Animal Farm"- The rules binding the utopia together are slowly changed, and a critical mass of animals educated enough to notice the changes to their version of The Bill of Rights is never reached. Earlier this year, I attempted to reach over a thousand people in mainstream and alternative media about my personal situation and how it mirrored so many others, and I received a curious reply: 90% of the e-mails I sent got an automated reply saying that "Barbara Walters (for example) is out of the office today, but will return May 9th through May 11th. If this is an emergency, please e-mail NBC's general tip line at" In my opinion, a high-level AI was intercepting all my e-mails, and then generating that vague response to keep me from using other forms of communication. After I had connected the dots, I began sending letters through USPS certified mail with return receipt requested, and using e-mail at random internet cafes that have computers connected to their ISP with a Cat-5 cable, and then sending with, since that particular service is browser based, encrypted, and does not demand a cell phone to register and use for free. It is very easy to prevent people from communicating and getting their messages out when the surveillance state is also doing an experiment on Targeted Individuals to see how many people in the media will not cover our story because they refuse to type out a link they get on a piece of paper.
Hi Len
I’d like to point out that change is here. I listen to podcasts everyday. There were no podcasts (that I knew of) that existed in 2017 that talked about Mk Ultra or shows that featured TIs as their guests. Netflix has had (and still have) several movies on the subject of targeting, government surveillance, and Mk Ultra. There is a movie (if you like to watch movies) on Netflix now called “Wormwood”. The change that you speak about is happening now.