Thank you Dr Len Ber. You explain everything so well with facts and truth. What I cannot always put together in words you explain clearly.

Netflix is not a competitor or pertinent in anything. Especially factual . But thanks for letting us know as they attempt damage control....... using Netflix....lol. Netflix is trashy entertainment. A few years back many exposed their predatory film aimed at sexualizing little girls. A pedo film. Sick.

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that was a poorly executed joke, sorry

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Oh ok........lol. Very good. You did well in my eyes. I'm a Targeted Individual so excuse me for not getting it........😂 lol.

Thanks for taking the time to explain it to me. 😀 Very good 👍

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In my opinion, anyone who uses emojis is either stupid, lazy, illiterate, or, more to the point, is intentionally playing tricks, i.e. pretending to be someone they are not. I do not trust anyone, on any Substack, who uses emojis. Serious people say exactly what they mean, without resort to games, obfuscations, confusions and subterfuges, and meaningless drivel.

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Thank you Truthbird for expressing your thoughts. Your observations are based on your own thinking which do not apply to me or everyone else using emojis. That's merely your thinking. Thanks for sharing.

" The trurh testifies to the Spirit of truth. I will lead you into all truths."

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Thank you. You have confirmed my suspicions with your reply.

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Very good.

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yeah I know a person I can't name who says they are highly into child and adult sex trafficking. they do have a lot to do with the networks that hit us.

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email TJ who it is.

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TJ knows and I've gotten into trouble for mentioning her name.

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No doubt. Thanks Doug. They've brought their perversions out into the public eye and demonstrate that they are proud of it.

I know that you know what matters, what's written and what has standing in this

world....... as you've shared the word with me before. Thanks😊

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

I quit my Netflix at that time as well and never went back! It’s what everyone should do because it only works when we all stand up and fight! Strength in numbers! I still know people who have their Netflix and don’t care enough about pedophilia to take steps to stop or stifle it!!!

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Jul 21Liked by Len Ber MD

Just wanted to say thank you for blowing off steam. We need someone that is willing to stick up for us all and fight back. This is what I keep saying we either fight back or lay down and die. Thank you again 💓

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Yes indeed. Thank you!

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You are totally right about this! When I worked I specialized in complex PTSD & dissociative disorders. This is totally different. When someone has an episode it is usually triggered and respond as if they were right back in the time, place & situation itself. It is an isolated incident. With those of us who experience the DEW effects it is not isolated, there are a larger number of symptoms but no time & place confusion. I feel the vibrations when I go to bed often. I’m totally aware the vibrations are coming from the perpetrator.

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100% correct. I hate dishes doing them for something that happened to me as a kid while doing them. But I don't vibrate nor hear the crap I do while that comes on me. I just see the images in my mind but nothing really happens.

I've read that they hit a lot of people who were abused as kids not sure that's true or not but???

Hey watch the movie cell it tell what I think is about to happen and soon...

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Hi Len, hope all is well. I've completed further reverse engineering on adversarial wetware and biofilms and published some briefs. Please test these out and see if they help you sir. I am continuing to recover utilizing this work and have published it in the clear to help others.

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Thank you for whistkeblowing🙏

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This isn't whistle-blowing. This is a counterstrike against ChinaCCP PLA Xi's Magic Weapon in WW3. There is a huge difference.

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The deep state is transcontinental snd has no boundaries in any country.

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How are you getting rid of the biofilms? I'm noticing it grows back very fast?

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Sir I'm getting ready to start an anti-biofilm regiment. Any advice?

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This is what I've worked with, not advice. Just what I've done to heal. I'm simply posting briefs on this platform as a type of digital lot. I hope the knowledge and primary experience helps others.

There are a lot of published papers indicating that terahertz light and gold with ligands and without ligands helps to degrade biofilms. Check out the published literature, not many doctors in America are skilled in this area.

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Oh I just saw this comment...you're using light and gold?

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The Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) is as FAKE as the whole DSM!

There is no initial AHI, NeuroStrike (Havana Syndrome) attack! It is ONGOING attacks. See v2k = non-stop 24/7 AI chatterbots feedback! We TIs are told what is happening!

Furthermore, it is not a novel neurological syndrome! Pulsed electromagnetic waves/field = photonic energy is nothing new. Research history.

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May, people are being attacked differently. Not all neuroweapons do voices. I am being attacked and tortured the same as you with extreme sound and cicada and high pitched unnatural sound. I do remember getting hard neurostrikes at the beginning of my targeting- I could feel the hit on my body with pressure behind it. Now I feel off and on vibrations. Neuristrike is a good term while AHI is a joke. I also get 24/7 now with more or less intensity.

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I totally agree! Thank you!

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Right on

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Len, please don't denigrate yourself by calling this post "letting off steam."

You are simply telling the horrifying, terrible, awful truth.

The more horrible our reality is, the less normal (i.e. ignorant, stupid, brainwashed, etc.) individuals will believe it.

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Dr. Ber, I am curious if your blood is swimming with nanobots that are programmed to make further attacks in your case? Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, has been showing in videos at high magnification how the COVID vaxxed and now unvaxxed (via shedding) are carrying hundreds of these techno bugs in a single drop of blood, lit up in red, green, yellow, blue, orange, and white. They are using blood cells, she thinks for gathering energy, and tending to the creation of hydro-cell pathways and some microchips. If she found the same in your blood, she has a treatment that has helped others which chelates and emulsifies these invaders. She is a part of Humanity Now and is on the Rumble site and has a Substack account.

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Swimming with them! Very unnerving at times. They don't like when you fight back...

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Blaming the victim again, that’s what they do!

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Thank you Dr. Len Bur; your shared and very horrid experiences (in a recent interview with Dr. Sansone if I remember correctly) re targeting is helping me sort out some health issues I have been having in the last few months. (Heart rates up to 200 bpm, sustained). The breadth and depth of various dew attacks on us seems to be ever expanding, but their prevalence of late only points to them being generated from an outside source. Knowing is the first step. best from ORegon

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They can tweak/hack your tester so make sure you’re able to manually test your bpm or do you actually feel like it’s that high? They’ve done this to me and my family members and they all fall for this when it’s not actually high. Just fyi

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I guess they haven't done there research. Part about being g in the medical feild is keeping up with the new diagnosis and treatments and what might be causing such symptoms. In this case there are is so much information about this issue infact the Army base and Airforce base in my state have announced the just got extra grants for the programs and one of them announced test that where going to be done over the weekend. These weapons are real! Law enforcement even have certain types of these available like the LRAD and probably more. The Patten offices have these on file,. Government unclassified documents , government videos , whistle-blowers and other forms of information.

But everyone has the right to there opinion!


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It’s obviously ongoing. The spin masters try to devalue the torture of it and the ongoing crime. nopoliticalparties and I are catching the ongoing attacks- RF, microwave, HAARP and weaponized ULTRASOUND! No Joke! Jacob actually had a building biologist come over and write a report on the dangerous levels he is being exposed to. Guess what? Our meters don’t lie. See the scientist in Brazil capturing the Havana Syndrome by UAPs with his equipment. The people are being hit with microwaves and RF/HAARP (weaponized scalar ) from these UAPs and are going to the hospital with serious burns. He says he hears the loud sound in his ears. He has proof. You should connect with him. He was on NewsNation YouTube. His name is Rony Vernet, founder of UAP Brazil. The episode is :Amazon UFO Secrets Revealed: Researcher Hears Mysterious Sounds…

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See NewsNation- Reality Check with Ross Coulthart- brilliant Australian journalist into full disclosure and not afraid to speak the truth.

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I like it when you get verbally abusive with the perps, I don't feel quite so alone.







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Bullshit ! They are trying to sugar coat a crime !!! To this day I’m suffering and been tortured since 2015.Horrific pain,high pitch ringing in my ear, microwave pulsating to my head!😡

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That sounds horrid Nancy. Sounds to me like you are super sensitive to 3G-5G as I am and more. Sometimes my ears are ringing so badly I cannot do anything but try to be out of range of it, though as you know this is difficult to achieve. I have to shut of my idiot elec meter at night to sleep, and do not use any kind of cellphones. Herbs and plants that reduce inflammation (from any cause) have helped me, (there are many) including birch and willow tinctures, pepper, cardamom, smelling or applying lavender, hops, and even a tincture of tobacco as well as simple things like ginger and tumeric. (American spirit tobacco and potato vodka equal parts by volume, go easy its strong). I am also suffering serious heart palps the last few months, debilitating 200 bpm. For that I am trying chinese foxglove tincture and hawthorne tincture. I wonder if it was about 2015 when the 3g-4g towers really started to proliferate. Note, I do not respond to substack responses, but you can email me at my name at protonmail.com. Best from OR

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There were serious attacks going on in 2015 and early 2016. I've heard many such stories and I myself was attacked very severely during my two week Christmas break from work.

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Started 2018 for me.

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thanks nobody's, helpful to know. I was just looking at what tech came out in 2015, one thing was car to car communication, though of course they do not mention the nitty gritty of what that meant in terms of waves. Nothing good. I know my ear and heart problems have all happened since late 2019, and my idiot smartmeter was installed spring 2019. Hmm.

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I was first targeted in 1998 and have been shielding since around 2003. Most people won't shield but I've found it's about the only thing that helps. It gives the body a chance to heal itself. Whatever else these attacks seem to do they also seem to turn us into electrically sensitive people.

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Any shielding tips ?? Thanks

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There are people who recommend forested areas and living in the country. Anything that you can do to shield yourself if good. But I also speculate that unless you can get all the nanotech out of your body even living in a forest or out in the country is going to be enough. So I live in a shielded home in the country and have lots of trees. On one side of my house there are so many trees growing, mostly on an abandoned property next door that it feels like I'm in a forest when walking along that side of the house. If you do try shielding, start with the walls of your house that face the cell towers. There is more to shielding than just magnetic shielding materials and materials that block frequencies such as sheet lead. For instance on your head board of your bed on top of what ever shielding materials you use that are attached to your headboard you want to attach very powerful magnets. I use 1000 pound pull weight magnets with a hold in the middle of them so I can attach them over my shielding. If you are electrically sensitive that means you are allergic to the south pole. So you place the north pole side of the magnet facing your head.

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Patrick, first and foremost, spiritual Light - keep building it! then, check out Safe Living Technologies: https://safelivingtechnologies.com/

and this sleep tent:


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Yeah I got plenty. Learned a lot just through trial and error and testing out other people's ideas. Don't think the people at targeted justice want me posting such ideas on their site as they don't recommend shielding.

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Best wishes and ty!

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So sorry!

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Nancy, to add, Skullcap. It is VERY good at reducing brain inflammation. I wracked my brain trying to remember it as well. I take it as tincture, or tea.

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Here too and sorry it's off topic but for help I use Borax, Epson Salt, sea salt baking powder of which those last two I learned from DR Madej. so yeah try those bath in it soak for at least 20 minutes no less.

I also bought one of those message pens and it helps. It breaks up the brains concentration on these stupid sounds and notes I go through. It also helps the vibrations too.

OK, on topic yes saying this stuff is some sort of brain disorder is Bunk!

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Hey all who subscribe to mine I linked a link about the movie Cell yesterday watch that movie.

I read bellow people saying shrieking, etc shrieking is exactly what they do in the movie if you watch it.

This signal at least part of it, is universal. not particularly, or specifically aimed at anyone. Notice I say part for some of it is aimed at us on purpose to make us hear it but for the most part it is universal.

I know because I did an experiment, a few years ago now, and it proved out to be true.

I used to have a small spy voice recorder to catch these evil gangstalkers do their street theater while out and about. And to test an idea or thought I'd been toying with. Was this signal aimed directly and only at me, or was it coming through the airwaves or radio waves or not. I gave it to a person who was going into a store while I went elsewhere to do something then come back and get this person when they were done.

They complained but I had them put it in their purse hidden but on. I went away and came back in a few minutes and took the voice recorder and placed the file they were recording onto my NCH software I use and listened to it and I heard the same comments on it I hear.

This proves or helps prove that this signal is not just aimed at me or you or us. At least like I said some of it isn't. Other parts are but not this part.

That said in the movie cell people go off after some signal hits them through their cell phones and begin doing like zombie stuff killing each other etc... IT shows them as a hive mind which is what is happening etc... Watch it will scare the hell out of you in the idea of how true to oil we are now really going through. I hate the ending though but...

So yeah it's called Cell not the cell or cellular just Cell. it has John Cusack and Samuel L Jackson.

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Len wherever you read that I hope they had a comment section and you ripped them a new one. If so link this you have my permission and tell them in no uncertain terms is this shit something my brain or anyone's has made up and link this.


OH my F*cking God these dumb assed people piss me off.

I vibrate but I've been able to kind of lesson it's ability through faith and knowing the truth and using my brain against these sons of bitches with knowledge.

But I do and it may be all over but the vibrations I feel at least are due to them constantly being able to trick my brain into thinking that notes and tones equal I have to feel vibrations. I would be more successful in ending this shit if it weren't 24/7 cocksmokers. But yeah this shit is not some brain thing it's god damn technology being used. I can within .000000001% or more tell you if a earth quake or some other disaster happened to all the HAARP facilities around the world most if not all our troubles would cease. YES cell towers microwves and satellites make up the other portions of this crap but HAARP does I think about 90-95% of our issues. But yes link that to them tell them to listen to my v2k IE Havana Syndrome or AKA NKBI as your more correct in calling it.

My brain does not buffet that's Bullshit. While I do have PTSD from some of my child hood it is not that. That's such a gross lie I can't even not want to smack one of them in the head...

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