Len, thank you for this additional data. Please kindly see my latest brief on the bioweapon that CCP grows inside of your body (e.g. adversarial wetware) that is part of this AHI/UBI/Havana Syndrome technology stack (e.g. the part that is the "wire tap inside of your body").

Look forward to continuing the good fight to get to the root of these attacks. I 100% agree that the group(s) behind these attacks are enemies of humanity. My focus has been on what I can control, that is help others and continuing to reverse engineer the most rapid response to countering the weapon platform. My work is listed here www.electrostasis.com and you are welcome to collaborate sir.

Thank you again for the interview opportunity. God bless.

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1) Is it Real or Imagined?

2) Is it Natural or Man-made?

3) What is the source of the attacks?

4) Who is behind the attacks

To question 1, is the nervous system real or fictitious?

To question 2, do premeditated ongoing covert attacks against a specific individual occur in nature with the locality irrelevance?

To question 3, telecommunication systems.

To question 4, who is profiting from injured people ("patients")?

And above all, why are the powers-that-be do not want to get to the bottom of this holocaust?

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Tinnitus seems to be very common now.

I have suffered with it for years in my left ear.

It just seems normal to have a cicada playing that harmonica in my head.

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Yes. Sounds like dentists drills. Mine began during a Spine surgery in 2017, all at once, I almost died while recovering from that surgery. Found extra parts installed in my lower right brain cavity while dodging these dentist drills. Used to be able to manage this, as well as many other injuries & surgeries with meditation, taking more care of myself and trying things to combat the “tinnitus”; it’s more than just tinnitus, the right side; where they put various metal objects in my brain ~ when the low buzz starts, or the metallic “TWANGS” go off, it stops me in my tracks. The Havana Syndrome spoken about here is. I believe, just the tip of the iceberg of what this type of technology is capable of. Finding someone somewhere that can interfere with whatever the connections are, or the receivers/transmitters are is the outcome needed NOW. I don’t have the time or means to reverse engineer the BCI Device Technology inserted into my system. I D0 have proof though. Getting to a source to verify this is first on the list. The thugs did this to me TWICE, they apologized the first time, basically told me to my face how sorry their ring-leader was, and stopped for 14 months. Come to find out, the first go-round was a test with this crime family’s attempt to utilize this technology they bought into.

S0, enough chit-chat… does anyone have the technology to connect with the BCI devices? Interfere with the signal? WHERE ARE YOU???!!!

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They have biofeedback machines or something very similar to it. They were, at some point in time, able to obtain our dna. They can cause pain like headaches, leg spasms, shoulder pain, etc.

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It seems to me that the directed energy weapons are a separate torture tactic.

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it's not tinnitus its technology or artificially induced. But I have the same kind of thing music and people and or AI singing constantly. torturing me with notes and tones in my left ear too but try to cross over to the right ear so I stop them by humming into my right ear while cupping the ear to show my brain you are not hearing this on this side...

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Same except it is in both of my ears and has really affected me hearing people speaking to me. I thought it was from working on and being around drag race cars most of my life.

Now I have to wonder.

What if ??

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I also worked in a noisy environment my whole life but took care of my ears and used protection.

This just starts and stops.

If I go to the city it seems to stop for some odd reason. I thought it might be the elevation change but questioning it now.

I come home and the cicadas start up again.

I checked with a EMF tester and nothing out of the ordinary unless I start up that microwave oven.

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After a Cervical Spine replacement surgery (the first one). I woke-up with the cicadas or dentist drills in my ears; it was N0T gradual. When I went to an ENT Doctor, he pulled-out a tiny, rock-hard chunk that had the look and feel of petrified blood. I think what may have happened during the spine surgeries or the several jaw surgeries is that the blood dripped into my ears. Dried, and is just stuck in there. What the occasional low-buzzing only on the right side is, I believe, from whatever metallic thing they put in my brain, which does show up on a pano xray. The thugs who attacked me with BCI Devices to run their Deep Net Bloodsport Torture game KNEW about all the metals in my system but they did this anyway..,. Idiots. Yeah, I’ve got a very full plate. I just want to get to someone somewhere who can locate and interfere with this “Bravo Gang” of criminals to stop this insanity. For myself and the innocent people they do this to. Not to forget that everyone who tags in on one of their ‘games’ IS findable.

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Thanks for the reply and further clarification.

After reading your comment I think my issue is definitely different.

Mine ring all the time with no change in volume. Very noticeable when it is really quiet. Sounds like Cicadas playing a tune as you described.

Thanks again for your help and explanation.

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In a study group we discovered all 4 of us suffering from the cicadas in our heads.

I mentioned I use bones earphones occasionally rather than ear buds.

It acts like ultrasonic waves using bass to rattle the inner ear bones rather than ear drums.

For $20 off Amazon it might be worth a try.

If anything you can use them with some good music to drown out the cicadas.

You can hear what is happening around you with bones FYI as your ears are not blocked.

Best of luck.

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Oh wow.

I didn’t know anything about such things.

Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge with me.

I will give it a try.

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it's v2k artificially induced guaranteed..

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I generally agree with Len’s assessment. It does make sense that it could be more than one signal interacting. Even within the microwave range it is still a “range”. I would also add that it could be both domestic and foreign. These weapons have actually been around for a long time and there are some that cover a certain range while others can be used at closer ranges. We are leaving out the harrassment and stalking that most TIs experience. Psychology Today came out with article on gangstalking (will find date). This plus dews cover most of the TI experience though we may choose to leave this out if focus is narrowly focused for diagnostic purposes. But the “who” may matter if we are asking for congressional cooperation. Since we are clearly being discriminated against as civilians!

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yes DEWS lasers NATO, satellites, Ham radios Walkie Talkies, Companies do sell off frequencies to criminals to help transmit their crap through Coax lines. This' I've proved not open for discussion nor conjecture. If there are parts of v2k I don't hear unless TV is on then it's coming through the cable lines and transmitted. I've recorded this many times and proves 100% every time. It's also universal I've proven this too more than once. IF one gives like a voice recorder to someone else who don't hear this shit and then later listen to it on their computer and you hear the same stuff as if that person was with them but wasn't then it's universal not conjecture not debatable. but yes all sorts of ways this is sent...

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Thanks Dr Len

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Is it Real or Imagined? Real and very bad.

Is it Natural or Man-made? Man made.

What is the source of the attacks? No one helps to find normaly when you tell people house activated look strange.

Who is behind the attacks? Mafia

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Govt cops, Military, FBI, CIA, fusion centers infagard, big business local neighborhood watch groups, FEMA, and more Not Mafia unless you count them as mafia then yes not no not mafia the Italians or Mexicans and blacks or what not are not part of it except the govt cops may hire them to torture you and us.. Antifa is part of it anti Trump pedo groups all sorts...

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Dr. Len, please speak about wave forms that feel like spiraling vortexes, 666, form. And tsunami of tidal waves they create around women especially for assault. No one talks about it. No one has ever addressed it. Thanks in advance

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To some who get v2k download airspy To TJ do so too it helps show the voices and stuff that is hitting us with v2k and may help you in court!

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While I am not qualified to answer I can say the Govt is FBI, CIA most of all... Fusion centers Cops who then hire out to criminals and show them URL's to log into to send us Microwaves using GPS coordinates from their cell phone to hit us. Plus a myriad of other Radio signals and frequencies to send us sound and or AI signals are the ones. All gangstalkers I condemn you AI and all the Militray who is complacent and FBI and CIA and other criminals who participate in this I condemn you all...

Isiah 54-17 says No weapon this includes these modern weapons not just swords hat the commentaries all talk about when talking about this scripture say but it includes all DEWs v2k and AI and other criminals who are allowed to be logged into their systems. No weapon formed against me or us will prosper and all tongues including AI I get to and you do too get to condemn them!

But most indubitably YES it is laughable and an embarrassment to say it's not any kind of foreign or domestic power using this on them and us Bull shit to the millionth power. To call it a disease a I saw on FOX's thing is an insult too. it's not a fucking disease! It's a mother fucking weapon being used against me and others. AI and others are also being utalised against us. These lying sons of bitches need hospitalized from being beaten down. I'd li;ke to form a anti vigilante group then hunt these fuckers down seriously! hold them in a barn hold trials over them then find them forgone guilty as they've done me and others... then blow holes into them. Sorry all my opinion not condoning violence but you all know you feel that way too... To say you don't you lie. we've been hit for years by these God damn weapons raped murdered and accused of all sorts of things against our will don't tell me beating them down wouldn't give you a bit of satisfaction because it would you know so!

But yeah I'd settle for Death penalties of all street theater, FBI, CIA and all others complacent. What they've done is treasonous. Since I as a man can't beat down a woman id love to see the pink haired bitch that said grandfather into her phone or Radio, or whatever it was watch another woman beat her down, Then since he's a man Mr NRA hat man who gets off playing v2k tunes with air hand dryers an official beat down. Christian or not I don't do the oh yay oh yay Thanks for the persecution. You hit me your liable to be hit back. Sorry to offend! I've been non stop hit with these weapons for almost 4 years plus counting all the other years over 25-30 years. Beating them down is a kindness at this point...

Reading over the years horror stories of them hitting kids as young as 3 and most likely younger just makes me mad... But yeah what a thing to say that were all just hallucinating this! Or calling it a disease!. Only disease is them who get off on torturing us. Throwing parties if we suicide or mass shoot.. So yeah being pissed don't do this justice.. Sorry to offend!

Dr Len Good story thanks.

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Symptoms that I have is too many to be write down I’m not able to do now but I will try one day at the moment I’m unwell and I needed to gather more information and learn more about how others people are experiencing and how to seeking for help and where? They burring my eyes make reading very difficult for me.

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