I don't think it's a lack of curiosity. Sorry to say but I am fairly certain at this point that there is something else at play here.

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The same could be said of the public in general. Would they even attempt illegally targeting civilians if they didn't have mass mind control already in place? I'm guessing the answer is no.

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Yes, a fear of retribution.

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If they are in all the blood, they are affecting 'our' decisions, as any blood entity would have to be considered to have effect. Very good at mind blocking, ideation obliterating.

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Thank you for sharing the truth, Len - you are loved and appreciated ❣️

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I admire your courage. Just got certified as a Live Blood Analyst and hope to join your Army very soon. I am praying for you and your current TI attacks 🙏🙏🙏

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Congratulations Steve ! Where did you take the course?

And thank you for your prayers. I am very grateful.

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Interesting. How long did it take for your certification? God bless

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This has to be a cover up. Physicians are fully aware of what’s going on, however have been instructed to stay silent. This is a depopulation process and must remain secret.

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No kidding.

Have a group of friends gathering for lunch last week. One friend was placed on Hypertension Meds and her prescription lapsed as it was time to have a check-up. When phoning to make the appointment, she asked to renew the prescription and the Doctor did NOT renew the prescription. After two weeks of phoning and only transfered to a phone messaging system to get the prescription renewed, she's very concerned about this event as it's the first time this has happened since she was placed on meds for this diagnosis many years ago following a small heart attack.

She claimed at lunch to have to have phoned the Physician's Office every day for two weeks and asked the Receptionist making appointments if she's been placed on some kind of 'Murder Sheet' for people over 65 or some such criteria defining her necessary to murder according to the current 'Depopulation Plan'. She reported the response to have been a PREGNANT SILENCE FOR AT LEAST 15 SECONDS according to my friend and the receptionist stuttered when finally responding by NOT ADDRESSING THE QUESTION. She plans to go to the office to speak with an actual person about this matter on Monday.

Our whole group of friends now knows about this travesty and we're supporting our friend to find an attorney to fight this tyranny.

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Shes probably better off without their poison, truth be told.

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Oddly enough...Just saw her at church gathering.

She reports her BLOOD PRESSURE is magnificent and she hasn't had a med for almost 6 weeks. She is no longer seeing that Dr. and has found alternative care with a Homeopathic Physician still capable of implementing Testing Procedures in a Hospital.

She is getting testing done these next few weeks to determine if she requires any meds since she's had no problems since the attack almost 20 years ago.

WILD, Huh?

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Great to hear but not so surprising considering some blood pressure meds like Lisinopril (sp) contain reptile venom peptides. Thats sure to make you feel like pookey while slowly killing you off, but not too fast so they can still bill your insurance. I had a friend who was prescribed too high a dose of above mentioned med, weirdest

symptoms, skin falling off in layers, took his doctor 6 mos to figure out why, they adjusted the dose & presto! Back to normal in 2 weeks. I wldnt have gone to another doctor for the rest of my life, & I told him so, but you know, most people are brainwashed.

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No kidding...Makes most of us happy to have not been chronic demanding meds. Pretty amazing to learn Physicians to actually be marketing/sales for the Glaxo Wellcome Trust/ Rockefeller Allopathic Medical Complex.

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They get paid mega$$$$ from big pHarma for injecting toxic stuff into people. I'm glad I learned about the corruption many years before this covidiot started. Unfortunately, I think most physicians just aren't bright enough to question what they were slam-dunked into in med school....

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I agree.

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Its also cowardice of epic proportion, or worse.

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Aug 9Liked by Len Ber MD

A very curious set of videos Len! I'm no haematologist, but that first video definitely looks kind of scary! I'm not familiar with how blood cells look like with phase contrast, and so the colours in your video are not at all like what I see through a standard light condensing microscope, with option of adapted darkfield. Thats some microscope that captured the images you show. I'm curious; those dark fidgety objects surrounding the white objects (leukocytes?) are all inside of another enclosure/membranous looking object. What is this enclosure? Then you have dark smooth objects, and pale smooth objects, I assume the lighter objects are erythrocytes but what are the dark objects of the same dimensions, again I'm assuming around 8 micrometers, which would make the large object around about 14 microns, could this be a monocyte with its multi lobbed nucleus?

I have to say I don't yet have the skill/equipment to see these cells as in your videos (YET).

The thing that grabbed my attention the most was that these sub-micron particles that appear to be busy consuming the white cells' interior (cytoplasm!) to the point of breaking its membrane are said to remain active for weeks, even after all the blood cells have died!! Do you have any more information you could point me towards in this phenomenon please?

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It looks different because I am using phase-contrast microscopy. The images are different form dark field. Which gives me an idea. I should film the same spot using both methods for comparison.

It's hard to say with certainty which white blood cell it is, but it is certainly not a red blood cell. You are correct, you see erythrocytes on the periphery, typical size of which is 7.3 microns. For more of this and similar phenomenons I recommend the following substacks davidnixon.substack.com , anamihalceamdphd.substack.com , managainstthemicrobes.substack.com

Also, feel free to browse my previous microscopy substacks. Yes, these bots stay motile way past anything "biological" would stay kinetic. Yes, they invade red blood cells, and also hangout in the spaces where hydrogel is present. The source of energy for their motion is clearly not metabolism (as a life form would have). They derive energy from ambient electromagnetic field. So, we can say with certainty, this is not evolved biology. This is technology.

And the doctors agree! But they get flaccid the minute you ask them to further into it. This is nothing less than an intellectual bankruptcy. I don't understand the mindset of physicians like that. They need to be shamed, and reminded of the oath we took.

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So electromagnetically powered is a good thing.

If you know this, have you tried overpowering them?

Try using a solid state dipole magnet at various Hz and Mhz (alternating polarities) while filming to see how much it takes to get them to short circuit.

Another idea would be to expose them to the magnetic field within an MRI machine ( during operation) and see if they survive. Please let us know what you find.

I think youll find that they will short out around 500+ mhz of alternating magnetic fields for a few seconds.

This may be the way to stop them, although the detox of these unknown nano materials may be the biggest challenge.

Thank you for sharing your work. 🙏🏼

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It's the alt media who are telling me to hush about this stuff too . they think their various detoxes can cure it , but do we have any evidence of that ? do you have any 'before and after ' evidence ??

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Aug 9Liked by Len Ber MD

Dear Dr. Ber, your postings have been invaluable. As a result of one of your interviews, I had a QEEG sw Loretta performed which showed NKBI. I am now looking for physical evidence of non-biolgical materials (potentially nano biosensors) in my blood. It is a crucial piece of physical evidence that I need for a pending court case in which I am representing myself pro per. It has been extremely challenging to find a specialist to do live blood analysis much less SEM/TEM and Raman micro spectroscopy. I have been trying to get in touch with you but have not received a response so far. I would like to engage your services on a consulting basis if you have the time and inclination.

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Thank you Nada. It is possible that your e-mails never reached me. All my devices are under heavy electronic supervision and inference. Best way to contact me is to DM me on X. I would be happy talking to you and guiding you through the diagnostic labyrinth. I don't consult. I am a retired MD. But I help people like you. Congratulations on successfully following my recommendation. Not everybody has a patience to read my pages on TargetedJustice.com. I hope you are coming to Colorado Aug 28-30. We could have a conversation in person, which is always more pleasant.

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Aug 11Liked by Len Ber MD

Dear Dr. Ber, I set up a new X account @NVL_Esq to privately message you but when I attempted to do so, your profile states that you cannot be privately message. I am intending to attend the Colorado event but would like to speak with you before then if you could please privately message me on X with a contact number and good time to reach you.

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Dear Nada

Thank you for alerting me to this. My X settings for DM were changed (not by me!) I changed it back to open. I also searched for your account on X and it didn't show up in my search results. So, please try sending me a DM again. Thank you

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Hi Dr. Ber,

I have sent you several DMs via X and am wondering if you are not receiving them. I will be attending the Colorado Springs events primarily for the purpose of meeting you there. I have received no information though regarding the event after signing up other than the few meeting dates, times and places listed on the Targeted Justice website. I have reached out to RL via email as well but without reply.

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All my devices are likewise hacked. Thank you for offering to help. If you are going to be in Colorado on August 28-30, I may book a fly in and out same day. I don't like to spend the night away from my RF shielding enclosure and my special sleeping arrangements that give me some protection. I have been targeted with V2K, neural monitoring, neurotstrikes and remote touch (often sexual but now more intentionally harmful physically) for two years. As my court case is proceeding and one of the persons involved is getting more desperate as he is getting caught up in provable lies they have become more physically violent. I intend to introduce these technologies into my case either defensively or offensively but I really need some more physical evidence than just the forensic analysis of my latptops and iphones, electroconductive sheets that have burn marks on them, comparative results from different spectrum analyzers, my QEEG and eye test results. What would be close to a smoking gun that I could tie back to the cockroaches who are torturing me is physical evidence from my body like nano biosensors that an expert could examine closely and testify as to how they may facilitate the remote touch and/or neural monitoring. I found a lab that said that they may be willing to do SEM testing on my blood but no guarantees. The only live blood analyst that I could find was not willing to keep the samples sitting for a few days. The immediate live blood analysis that was done did show that my red blood cells were pulsating and as of a few weeks ago my body vibrates (small rocking back and forth motion at a stand still). I would really like to speak with you to get some feedback on my intended approach/strategy in my pending court case and how to make my evidence gathering methods more effective and comprehensive. If you are open to a phone conversation, is it ok to leave you my phone number through this channel of communication?

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Hello Nadal, what protection/ shielding do you use?

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I bought and installed a new RF Shielding enclosure which seemed to be mitigative on certain types of energy but not all. I have found that the medium that is most mitigative is water. I bought an IceBeanie headcap which provides coverage for the entirety of the head. It has a layer of gel inside and provides some and only temporary protection from "neurostrikes." It is more effective when cold. I also found a fairly good ice pack that is 12"x12" by CryoMax which has gel balls and a gel like fluid as a filling that provides some protection when wrapped tightly around the body part being targeted. Let me know if you have found other solutions that work. The type of energy that I am being targeted with has changed over time. When I received a hit to the head, I use to experience a thermal effect. I no longer have a thermal effect and surmise that the energy employed now may be ELF.

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If people don't wake up to transhumanism, their entire "resistance" to the globalist takeover is utterly pointless. This is obviously the most important attack vector; through it, you can dominate every other issue. The only thing left to do is turn to God.

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Not many will survive this and thats what they want ...A slow kill so nobody will notice what the real cause is...They will blame this on everything and anything...This will be another beehive collapse...Some survived and adapted but most did not...RR

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Physicians seem to be compromising with this program. It's sad that this is going on with so many people, including myself. I live in a Seguin, Tx,. Where some Authority figures here are involved with harassment, and gang-stocking. This includes some law enforcements. My prayers are with you. Thank you so much for what you do for the sake of others. God's Justice will Prevail.. Yes!

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Rose, I've found that TX DPS is up to their neck involved, along with every sheriff I've come in contact with, and on top of this freemasons are massively involved.

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Agreed the cognitive dissonance is so bad!!!! It is so bad that you can spill the truth in someone’s lap. And they’ll walk around ignoring the giant truth stain in their lap! It’s that bad!

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We are on our own with this unfortunately so I never want to here from the truth movement again that non-medically trained people don't have the qualifications to investigate this. NEITHER DO THE DOCTORS IT SEEMS

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One "victim's" point of view. Nanotechnology in the blood is only part of the horror story.


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Is it just the white blood cells under attack.

( Maybe "just" is the wrong word.)

The remnants of the attack maybe reclump into those calamari?

So, after two weeks the bots lose their power?

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No, they don't lose power, the sample dries out to the point that the bots can't move - they get stuck. If there is enough hydrogel in the sample (for example when I mix blood with dental anaesthetics), the bots remain active for 200+ days. (I actually need to go back and see if they are still moving in those samples). The reason for that is the presence of more hydrogel, a mixture of plastics hat retains water and doesn't dry out easily. Hydrogen is the preferred medium for self-assembly nanotechnology and kinetically active microbotes.


or https://lenbermd.substack.com/p/hydrogel-is-the-bodily-fluid-of-synthetic

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Calamari. Good one. I call them the invisible Indian Cooties, but I've seen the calamari/sperm as well 🙏❤️

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God has people's eyes, ears, minds, and hearts closed, like with pharoah in Egypt being closed to the Israelites in the Exodus. Communications is an area of professional purview for me. I've learned that, no matter how articulate and well-presented something is, people will fail to see, listen, and be open and curious about it. There's definitely cognitive dissonance going on.

Here's something to consider:

✝️ 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 ESV

[9] The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, [10] and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. [11] Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, [12] in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

People are being sent into a strong delusion. God is sovereign; hence, no one can break them out of it. They believe the delusion and take pleasure in unrighteousness. If that is God's will, then they will be unable to be anything other than that. They would have to turn to God in repentance and stop with their sinful, corrupt thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

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It appears the general population do not believe this type of technology could possibly exist, and It's too far fetched and only exists in science fiction movies.

It's way more easier to be ignorant and naive and pretend it doesn't or could possibly exist, than to accept they've been lied to and there's the possabilty of being contaminated by something that was portrade as safe and effective.

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"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services".

-- Kissinger quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009

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Yes! I have shared a copy of that message too. They have planned to kill off Earth inhabitants for very long time but people took that as a joke now people are paying very heavy price no way out.

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And Kissinger is now where he belongs.

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“90% of “useless eaters” have to be culled” - 2009.


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