2. "When Clinicians choose “The Existence of Underlying Mental Illness” as a factor in the unwarranted diagnosis, “they do a disservice to their profession and Hippocratic oath through the adoption of such a fallacious practice [..]"

Andrew Crane-Molloy, let me help you out with this one. It is very simple!

"It takes one person to have a REAL disease. It takes two people to have a mental illness."

- Dr. Jeffrey Schaler

Because there is NO onset age for "schizophrenia" or any "mental illness"! All of these are mere concocted fictitious constructs. You CANNOT develop a fictitious illness!

DSM psychiatry is a house of cards. No science, no biomarkers tests. NOTHING but opinions! It is a well-established SCAM. Witch hunt. Hence no Hippocratic oath.

In a nutshell: DSM = the Malleus Maleficarum (witches hammer). How to get away with sadistic torture, rape & murder.

Did you know that "mental illness" is insurance fraud?

Big Pharma peddling drugs, creating addicts & fake patients. #childAbuse



3. "Even a Single Case of Validated Civilian Attack should be a reason for thorough Investigation:"

Well, the perpetrators will not investigate themselves; or will they?


# "Hallucinations"

If I feel physical pain and you cannot feel it or see it (being right next to me), does this equate to the pain being unreal or mere hallucinations on my end?

If my nervous system picks up data and yours does not, does this equate to hallucinations? My sensations are imaginary now?

How come my radio can pick up a specific radio transmission while your radio cannot? Could it be that my nervous system is tuned uniquely to a specific broadcast which yours is not? Hence I am the only one receiving its data. What you cannot see, perceive, must be non-existence then. And everybody telling otherwise must be "insane".

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Psychiatry, Big Pharma and the DSM/Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders


Psychiatry & Big Pharma: Exposed - Dr James Davies, PhD


The lecture is about 2 hours long and this guy completely debunks the DSM/Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

TLDR: The DSM is completely arbitrary.

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Did he have to add "NHI" as part of the inclusion? I am not debating the subject, but including that term and subject, hurts the overall context and will all easy dismissal of the entire paper.

Not to dismiss, or exclude, but NHI is a stand alone discussion in itself, and not all discussions are ready to be had at the same time, and frankly, the effects from human use of EMR on TI, industry, and commercially, etc, is far more wide spread, affecting more populations (whether known or not) than NHI, at this point in time anyway.

Short story, let's get it on the table first, before complicating it with additional concepts.😉 BTJMO.

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Well, v2k is AI chatterbots.

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Yes overwhelming evidence that there is a spiritual war going on between empaths and narcissistic individuals and their goal is to target empaths and destroy their lives entirely for their narcissistic abusive supply and on going cycle of narcissistic abusive tactics to fulfill their narcissistic needs and their are chosen one's that are being targeted throughout the United States and the rest of the world population. The targeted justice team is hopefully going to provide justice for all targeted individuals narcissism is a nation wide problem that needs to be addressed and obviously resolved its completely out of control and believe it or not it's going to only get worse. I'm currently being targeted right now this very moment and I'm a member of the targeted justice team as a targeted individual I'm surrounded by narcissists in my community and surrounding communities and I'm experiencing in knowledge of how to deal with their cycle narcissistic abusive tactics. I'm just waiting to see the results that the targeted justice team has provided. God-bless.

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"multiple defense and intelligence officials claim" Caught my attention right off the bat. I have not heard these types of people making some of these claims, and would be interested in seeing if their more public facing in Australia. I am not doubting their existence, I would simply like to read the claims they have been making and whether this topic is discussed publicly =]

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See my activism!

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uhm too they do invade me at least my inner ear too... I know for I've tested in they do transmit through the coax cable and satellite lines. using UHF and VHF. I've also looking at frequencies on the FCC site, several times have found UHF and VHF frequencies being used. But I record like I said and turn off tv sound and then back up and it's noticeable that some of the voices leave as the sound is gone and come back as its back on. As I've stated many times here and other stacs, I use hearing aids but some of the v2k and voices I don't hear until I put them in. Then with them on I hear all sorts of baby talk and little kids voices through the TV's sound that leaves when I turn off the sound. I've also noticed trying to listen to like TV music the music channels they instantly are able to mask over the music with their own sound... Making me not hear the music. Just like being in a crowded room or concert and trying to hear someone talk through the music or other noise.

It's like a quatanimo torture technique for the prisoners there... Meaning I've watched videos about how some of them about 30 days in began to hear voices and loud stuff that only they can hear and maybe some or all the other prisoners too... It's like a noise campaign that Only I can here and it's loud. Only way I think they could make it so loud or as if it's through the air which it is but like it's coming from all over and loud is that they do invade our inner ears the bones inside to multiply ways to force us to hear it... If it was just the cochlea I'd be able to meditate it out but can't since they use my inner ear too... Or and I may have a chip too but from all my ear research we still have to interpret things and using our mind knowing the spots where sound it done we should be able to tell our brains to stop... But if I have a chip and or they're using my inner ear tells me why it's a specific sound music notes and tones not just your normal HEY were going to stab you and test you but I hear warbling kids voices singing notes and tones all from drums and bass notes but it's a chat bot or some sort of voice chip. for the hum is them singing the hum I hear along with all the other sounds and noises.

like right now it's like a bluesy like slow singing with notes and tones of a deep demon sounding dude. with talking hidden in it...

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Cool. UHM yeah I am sure beside expensive tests, there are ways like thermal, or sound detectors beyond normal levels could be used. Dr Hildy doesn't use something that detects RF signals? I mean I use a EMF meter with spectrum that shows a constant signal... I can record audio in multiple spots at the same time. Meaning I can turn on my computer, open NCH software which is free BTW those who suffer v2k. And record leave the house grab my pen Camera and Record with that too while away. Leave the computer on recording, and with both later on here the same things out and about as at home. You can hear the same voices out and about as you hear on my pen camera away... Helps show these signals are universal not just pinpointed to me or my location. Doesn't show they aren't aiming at me but it's still all over.

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You COULD LISTEN to people and investigate, find the actual military grade directed energy weapons+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.

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A tip from somebody who has been shielding for more than twenty years. FERRITES. You have to ground the shit out of your shielding. And all along your grounding wire you put ferrites. It is like it pulls all the emf out of the room.

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What do they call those guys who give us some truth but mix in a little disinfo that the intelligence agency propigate?

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Grey Literature?

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What a nightmare we’re living. PLEASE WAKE UP AND SAVE US AMERICA!

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" the paper found clinicians ought to adopt consideration to a wider array of individual and socio-political contextual factors in the process of evaluating the coherency of self-reporting TI belief systems. Furthermore, in defining the complex etiology encountered, correlation with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), Anomalous Health Incidents (AHI), Radio Frequency (RF) exposure, Non-Human Int elligence (NHI) interactions and Exceptional Experiences (EE) should all be considered in the formation of explanatory hypotheses" is exactly what we should be demanding. I literally couldn't have said it better myself, which is why this kind of research and information is so valuable to every TI =]

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