Dr. Len Ber, would you be willing to add a drop of chlorine dioxide (CLO2) solution to the slide with the KAMS to see if CLO2 would affect the KAMS?

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OMFG just like The tower of babel when they tried to create a way to Heaven and kill God and act like gods.

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Yoube video of 'The Rape Of Europe(A)' via the recreation of the Tower Of Babel as new the European Parliament Building

The rape & destruction of old Europe via Invasion by armies of migrants


See Scott Lively's books (free PSG's at his website


Books include

Dynasty Of Darkness

The Pink Swastika

Redeeming The Rainbow From The Gay Agenda

And more

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Can we avoid the dental nanoparticle implants, kams, or however they're called, by going to a holistic dentist for services...is there any shielding or protection from this....must we avoid the dentists too...but how?

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I used to take Enbrel for psoriasis. I bet it’s in there. I had morgellons after I stopped taking it...

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When did you begin end the meds? What were your symptoms of morgellons?

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I can’t remember exactly, took it every week for 6 or 8 months. In 2012 or 13 maybe. The morgellons symptoms were a year later. The Enbrel cleared the psoriasis briefly and it came back much worse.

My doctors were so negligent I had scabies for over a year as well. Finally a substitute doctor at a walk in clinic helped me with that. The dermatologist looked at it from across the room, very humiliating .

I had a lot of brain fog back then.

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Am so glad I happened across this today...Been experiencing much of what you're speaking about and Doctors have found nothing until I went to a Doctor trained/educated in both Allopathic and Homeopathic Medicine. The whole family has now been treated for heavy metal/parasitic problems and all are feeling much better.

Became sick with an undiagnosed congenital issue back in 2011 and it led to a vast depreciation in quality of life which intensified with every treatment given and that included a surgery to remove the kidney as well as a stent in the Ureter following a Heart Attack...When I'd been completely healthy throughout all life. Am not somebody believing 'Misery loves company'...But, it is heartening to hear your story matching mine.

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I’m so relieved to hear you found a real doctor who could help. & got the whole family well .💌

Most doctors call it delusional parasitosis still. It’s exhausting and scary.

Thankful daily for my doctor now.

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Odd color fibers, weird sensation under the skin, strange unnatural things on my psoriasis plaque, sometimes it looks like a bug or a plant. One time it was a set of numbers, transparent. I was also still taking a bunch of useless (or harmful) prescriptions for various autoimmune issues. I slowly weaned off everything but my thyroid medicine.

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& the fibers seemed to react to my finger and also would wiggle if I waved the cell phone near it.

Took borax baths for a year faithfully, that helped too. Eventually I met an integrative medicine doctor and he didn’t discuss the details, he just gave me a heavy metal detox by Metagenics and both my heavy metals and parasitic overload improved greatly, the morgellons symptoms improved as well.

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Hard to explain but it also seems like something very small , bug , parasite? , was taking little chunks of my fingernails, it was very strange. They’d shred in front of my eyes, just bizarre.

Sometimes if I touched my shoulder, faster than lightning I’d feel pain in my leg or foot. Made me think it’s not of God. I also got back to my faith in Jesus and did a lot of repentance prayer and for deliverance from it. Shortly after that is when I met my current doctor.

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Sorry you went through all of this. Glad you are on the road to recovery.

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I remember one time, after I got my dental implants and I was being harassed, they placed me in a ambulance, than restrained me, and forced a pill in my mouth. The pill dissolved and I felt it almost march to the dental crown they had given me with Obama Care. These images remind me of this, although I know they are microscopic and seem to be moving randomly. Are their any patterns, etc. Are you going to introduce anything later to see if they respond to it?

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Reading in the Book of Asher they were in India not Iraq. It says even in scripture they went east to Shina not South East. But it says they tried to build a tower or in other terms a Gate or star gate like the movies to heaven. The point is they tried to invade heaven and kill God and wasn't sucessful and God made them that tried into monkey's and Elephants hence the Hindu Gods of monkey's and Elephants.


35 And the Lord smote the three divisions that were there, and he punished them according to their works and designs; those who said, We will ascend to heaven and serve our gods, became like apes and elephants; From book of Jasher chapter 9. Who has those as symbols of Gods and demigods?

Hindu. so it wasn't Iraqi that the tower was built it was around India or Pakistan.

Point is they're trying to be god and destroy the true God and make us into him or a likeness.

Just like Satan tried to do back then.

Cyborg would be the way to do this make us all gods I wont use big G we are not gods nor will we be.

So yeah find a way to destroy them already.

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So Hanuman et al are former bad people who tried to invade heaven and kill our God? Sure new to me, but kind of explains t he unwillingness of the West to deal with India´s rich etheral history. I refer a o to ordinary market tricks that in all contradict Newton`s and other gravitation aspects but are totally ignored by western scientists....

For me, I have made some mental comparison to the Annunaki in Sumer, who according to the bible came here to dig gold, necessary for their own home planet Nabiru, and created man to constitute not their likes but a bit stupid work force. Could something like that be in the WEF planning, for example considering those forbidden, enclosed areas that we are already experiencing in Sweden, possibly sites for uranium?

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read the banned books of the dead sea scrolls like the Book of Enoch the book of Jubilees, and the book of Asher which is the reference I linked in my write up.

They give a better reference to what genesis 6 leaves out. All genesis 6 talks about is a short statement but the books of Enoch and Jubilees and Asher all bring in better understanding of what happened.

The giants are or were real 20ft and above tall people and the fallen angels, which are the annaki you talk about. taught mankind things we were already trying to discover but hadn't yet.

Which is why God did the flood because mans bloodline was tainted and he knew if he didn't do something about it Jesus would never have been born. Satan through the fallen angels tried to stop his first coming and is doing the same thing now to stop his second coming.

Using AI and all these vaccines and WIFI and other things to hack us and make us compliant.

Which is why they banned those books and hid them until they were found just before Israel became a nation again.

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We need to be Remainers as well ■ stay in the fight! Amen.

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Very thinkworthy and thank you. I did not get t he link to the book of Asher though, could you give that again please?

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here it begins at chapter one. it goes into a lot of detail about Enoch and the Giants then tells about the Tower of Babel.


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If this is true ■ then it explains much; why the ice wall/s are off limits. Q. If this is a lie, then why so much detail? So Mars is where? The firmament is a reflective map? "The Lands of Mars, 178 Worlds Under the Great Dome" and The Navigator Who Crossed the Ice Walls, by Nos Confunden, Claudio Nocelli.

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As for the last I don't know. But since I don't cater to the Alien concept as I do the Creation concept man was created in Gods image. What they did when the Fallen angels came and gave birth to Giants they did sin against man and beast. Most likely what you hear in Mythology like a Centaur, and Satyrs,etc and also the Dinosaurs and caveman is more like what you talk about. Meaning they the Giants ate themselves out of house and home being so big they needed a bigger animal so created Dinosaurs then maybe the cavemen and the other mythical creatures that they say are not true which I believe they were.

Chimera's, Centaurs and other creatures existed at one time before the flood.

But the tower of Babel, which the bible is short on knowledge that those other books fill in, is what I am referring to. It says if if we don't confound their language nothing will be refrained from them that's in Genesis. That's exactly what they are attempting again to make them and us gods... Satan is always trying to kill God or our beliefs in him. So he can be god.

If we believe in evolution that makes him god. Or if we believe in Aliens that makes him god.

Anything he can do to take our love and belief in Jesus as God he wins.

So that's what they tried to do in the pre-flood era. United and one language or of one mind.

Which is the same thing as the NWO. They want us to be of one language knowledge and gods that's what all this is about.

Transhumanism is forced evolution and to begin the process to do the Mark of the Beast.

Those of us who are Wheat need to separate from the tares and fight this menace at all costs.

It needs exposed, and then we chose sides and fight...

I chose God not god I chose being in Gods image not Satan's.

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The clothes that God man for Adam and Eve were inherited and it seemed to have a source of power and rule; after the flood Nimrod, a grandson or so had these clothes, I believe if Ham had stolen them, that is the source to Nimrod. It is in either Enoch or Jasher, this is the best I remember from reading a few years ago; please read for yourself for exact information.

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What I read or remember reading Yes Nimrod got the cloths that Adam had they were stole from Noah. That's why Esau was running all day he killed Nimrod and I think he stole the cloths. and why he was a hunter.

Those cloths had power over animals which is how Noah got the animals into the ARK.

But as what I'm saying is all this is rebuilding the tower of Babel making us gods not Gods but gods. They're trying to make us all hybrids just like scripture says as in the Day's of Noah. Plus anything Satan can take our worship of the true God away he will do...

That's what all this blood stuff is about they're trying to change our DNA into Satan's image. gangstalkers stalk us to have us kill ourselves and or others making our words nullified to silence from warning people.

I warn people as much as I can. God made me a watcher as in what it says in Ezekiel. If I see the danger and don't say nothing your blood in on my hands if I do and you don't listen it's on yourself. So I don't want people blood on my hands.

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Doug - I thought about you and this information, now I have crossed it randomly; therefore, I will share this October 29, 2020 Ex-Freemason's testimony of what his Mason friend/s provided him. It mentions the injection "putting their father's name on everyone." M. ■ https://youtu.be/Dd6qWkXdF1M?si=O9AJjOA1ZBQO1JLV

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Doug - Thank you! ■ I watch Revelation 19 through 22. I like how Noah was to take the animals that lowered themselves, yet those that stood were rejected/not taken. It is a seed war. Dr. Joseph Sansone had a very crucial article a few weeks ago that states research has located that the injected have a PP or can be written as a 2P in their genetic code due to injection, but their shedding does not contaminate others with the PP/2P. Since your studies are established, I have found the first injection for the public was December 14, 2020; middle of Hanukkah, about the 5th evening in ny at 5:15 p.m. 1260 days is completed by sundown Shavuot 2024, next day being July 14, 2024. Like the ten virgins parable, I expect a delay and look to Fall Feast 2024; if not I will grievance with YHVH based on that I have a man that calculates to the number, his patent that marks people is the number of his name, and his business operates the image that speaks and is operated worldwide that people worship/obey/obedience. Last, I find that Revelation 3:10 written "lead us not into temptation" and also in the prayer, in Greek is translated as 'experiment'. There in this chapter that they kept his name, did not deny it, I find that they kept his name in their DNA Nuclide Acid pattern in every cell, his name, YHVH. 10-5-6-5. Since this injection is a Nuclide Acid shot, I wonder what and where they added or deleted. The Yod is the hand/right hand and the Hei's are eyes. In Greek the translation/definition for forehead is between the eyes. This rewriting is abominable. Margie

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Yes, thank you for connecting the dots and issuing the caution.

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From Pinterest some year ago I got ahold of a story telling and proving the same king over S umer, Indusland and Egypt, and in fact the three belonged to one country. This presentation was done by somebody well versed in this history, development of languages, historical landmarks and lots of intuition. You would not know of him or his name, by voice middle aged not British but well spoken. I found that reasoning very compelling and of course concerning a period well after the flood and biblical times. Seems to me the Jews belong to these very ancient peoples if not t he most ancient and we thus have an interest listen to and consider all their stories.

I am sure you are in on the Wyatt experiences, the Covenant found in Jerusalem and Metatrion supposedly garding the latter and also impersonating Enoch himself?

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Oct 4 EBS Is A FEMA 5G Graphene Oxide Kill Switch ■ This article challenges me to what levels of offense I pursue; sharing. M


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Major Global Law Firm in Beijing China, Wolster & Co., with offices & attorneys in USA, accepts Bryan Tew’s Lawsuit against American Government for Torture, Violence, etc


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I've been trying to warn folks about NanoStrike "clean air" systems (another layer of neurostrike) that are literally everywhere these days, what a world.

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Dr Ber, they maybe respond to light. My question is what happens when a person dies with this material in.??

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Exactly WHAT kills these demonic dots? Magnetism? Chemicals? Frequency? Haven't heard any research about exactly what kills, or stops this...Or, does it require a cure? It's not exactly a disease; but causes disease in the process of zombification. Can't believe it's necessary to write or think in that fashion...Zombification.

All certain is knowing the reason so many T.V. shows a few years ago focused on Zombies and I wondered about it as I had no personal interest in Zombies as Monsters taking over the Earth.

Honestly, when using EDTA Chelation to bind the electronic/Hydrogel Materials for elimination from the body, does it ever die...Even in the sewer system?

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Reports that the MAC addresses in injected c19 continue ■ after burial, bluetooth device scans.

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TRUE...Still measurable in grave after almost 3 yrs.

Also, those not getting Ai/Bioweapon Injection are contaminated.

It's aerosolized through respiration and body fluids.

Virtually everybody is now contaminated...


with Enteric Oral EDTA CHELATION or Transdermal Lotion EDTA CHELATION

usually used as treatment for Heavy Metals Poisoning according to

Dr. Ana Mihalcea found in Substack. BRILLIANT HEALER.

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Cloud - thank you! ■ I take EDTA in the morning and Fulvic Acid in the evening; I did not get the injection, I have been in retreat since September 2020. I figure out of my six member family, those that must get more exposure while around me, I should be less contaminated. Being out of society I wondered if my heart could handle it, or my mind, but I am surprised how much a lie there is about being separated from the world. I find I learn constantly, especially in design that I could had never developed into if I had continued a community enriched life. I will say, my daughter, my husband, my two Grandsons know I am available; my Son-in-law I am sure valves my decision; he in his forties stopped his career to train his sons since from their birth. Perhaps the family unit is more intense in life and country than community and global. Thank you; being a heavy metal body these times are helping me with the best detox! M

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🎯🎯🎯 All the way around.

While in the world and functioning; the strength of God's Faithful is found

among one another united in the Holy Spirit and residing in the country.

"We are in the world, not of the world."


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Amen ■ Amen

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I'm hoping EDTA suppositories will help as I can't access IV EDTA. I think she said it does, but takes longer.

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I seem to recall her writing about her own blood continuing to have Ai active although she had had I.V. EDTA as well as High Potency Vit. C Interveneous and Minerals to compensate for leaching which did indicate her blood to be pure. She takes the usual supplementation protocols as per the Doctors; Vit. C and D3, NAC, Chelated Zinc and Quercetin as well as Transdermal EDTA. That wasn't enough without another series of I.V.

We can't absorb sufficient amt. of EDTA with oral, transdermal or suppositories to effectively maintain purity of blood with the poisons geo-engineered into the air which means all the Earth's water and soil is also poisoned. The animals, plants...EVERYTHING. Imagine the evil behind this...Totally outrageous and impossible to wrap my spirit around. Were it not for my profession and working with tremendous evil; don't know if I could or would believe this current world situation.

Another person's Substack is very informative with 'Radiation, Frequency and Scalar' Technologies and we've built several 'Scalar Generators' to deactivate the Radiation in the environment to deactivate the Ai in our bodies during the night. He guarantees this

Ai/Bioweapon technology DOES degrade and is eliminated through urine, feces and sweat. We turn off all electronics through the night and turn-on the Scalar Generators in every bedroom on a shelf immediately above all beds and pet beds as well as the barns where the animals are during the night and most days when it's cold. Have not had blood tested to ascertain the veracity of this. Here are 4 links to the information about Electronics...IT'S VERY SUBSTANTIAL and the last two are particularly important for learning to mechanics providing the ability to fight with frequency through 'Scalar Technology'. Links:





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Dr Len Ber. I am also interested effects of CD dropped on the slide. I currently see positive effects from using CD both with hourly dosing orally and through enema. Mesh Structures appearing in biofilm from enema. It appears from my personal clinical experience that at least some of these Kams may be being stored in Biofilm. Can you confirm?

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are they the QD? quantum dots?

or are they nano bots, sth bigger than QD? please

i think QD are so small it can be seen at normal microscopy?

please tell us.

Thank you

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are they the QD? quantum dots?

or are they nano bots, sth bigger than QD? please

i think QD are so small it can be seen at normal microscopy?

please tell us.

Thank you

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