Voices- Criminal harassment; Data mining by force; Brain mapping (that's right Brain mapping).

Guess who uses communications by wireless?

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I thank you for what you are doing. I apologize if I come off too strong with my own situation. I am panicking because all my support and resources are being challenged and I don’t want my son and I and our cats homeless and the last thing I want to do is ever go back to the V.A. For anything. I’m sorry I ever joined the AirForce. The one accomplishment I was proud of has become the Bain of my existence. I don’t want to sign up for help anywhere from anyone. I can’t trust that I or my son will be properly cared for or safe so I’m in a panic and no idea who to trust or where to go or how to be safe. I am a pretty strong person but they have managed to find a way to make me into someone I am not. And you know, there is no recourse. All of your info helps. Really it does. I don’t know how you keep it together like you seem to.

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My secret is maintaining constant awareness: these are not humans. These are machines. The stalkers are not scary, they are just mindless pawns in a bigger game. I have nothing to fear. I am too valuable of an experimental subject. When they torture me with pain, I say, o well it shall pass. And it does. In the meantime, I allow myself to scream and cry, whatever gets me through the attack. And stay hydrated! Any chance you get, go lift weights, reconnect with the reality. And don’t forget to hug people you love and who love you back.

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If only I had a family or a friend. My stepfather literally surrounded me with fake people meant for only one thing, to torture, enslave and abuse me sexually and medically. This is the targeting we all are dealing with. ( the hate campaign is new and separate, definitely religious and political). It is hard to separate the two but I know for a fact they are separate campaigns that have somehow combined.

Of course

It would be a lot easier with loved ones and friends. At this point I don’t think I ever had a single authentic person in my life. Would really be nice to be authentically loved back by people who are not these people. Im just being real.

I don’t know how much time I have left. Just a bunch of phoney everything and family that would rather see me die than tell the truth. If it wasn’t for the multitude of rapes I have had to endure in my lifetime I might feel safer but when I go to sleep is the times when I wake up to break ins, drugged, injected, sexualized and injured. , etc…I have NEVER been safe. This is what keeps me trapped, not in fear, but in disappointment and sadness. I am working on it.

To find out since you were born you meant nothing to anyone is tough to reconcile with. Just a thing not a human. I am positive this program killed my mother. With all of this My stuff is very tangible if only someone (not in this circle of idiots ) was professional and expert enough to do their job. With the right tracking and imaging equipment and technology, all these incidents and people are trackable, traceable and tangible and can be connected in real-time if they know what to look for and monitor my place and follow me by air. Easy Peasie to catch and convict. I just had some idiot pretend to deliver food, go all the way down stairs to one of 2 apartments at ground level under the building, just to go through an apartment and come at me from below, sneak around the corner and take my picture. I was upstairs outside in a dark corner getting some air. Police called again pretending to try to help. I hung up. Since then, a subtle but continuous low muffler noise campaign most of the day. Just barely stopped. I get anchoring to colors, usually red and blue. Currently just the 2 brief visits down the road the new color is White then silver and shades of silver. Red has been the accent color. Always red. I don’t even go out anymore. Sometimes it’s like 50 or more cars just going down the neighborhood. I just don’t want to deal with it so I stay home. Even my son doesn’t want to go out. I don’t know how they look at themselves in the mirror. These are very very very sick people. Whatever energy weapon machinery they had installed by the three guys dressed in black in unmarked vehicles has suddenly gone quiet for the first time ever.

Then my son announces he is going back to Utah for a brief visit. I cried. His friends are not his friends. No matter what I say he defends the very people I tell him are not safe. They keep him locked on his computer all day. No matter what I try he won’t even sit with me in the same room anymore. And constant fights. We are not the type who fight. My son and I had a very good relationship until we moved into the one house I just sold. They took that from us. Utah is not safe. I don’t want him to realize Utah is not safe after it’s too late or I am dead and buried. even though I know it already is too late. Utah is a very very very bad place. Especially for people like us. Outliers not “getting in line” is how one targeter put it.

We stay hydrated with alkaline water. Where we live now has changed. Not the friendly fun place it used to be when I still believed the lie. I’m sad. It’s hard. I need to leave the west behind. If anyone has suggestions please feel free to share. Washington state is massively targeted, more than I knew. Would love to work out and have real friends. Don’t know if that is ever possible. Has not been so far. We can’t seem to either sleep or stop sleeping and both have constant headaches, teeth and stomach issues. Getting more depressed by the day, so much for TMS. I know it’s all a game and psyops is just psyops, it’s when they through actual drugging Andrade and tangible physical injuries that make it hard. I don’t think the last part will ever be anything that applies to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Do you guys know anything about Oregon and what is going on their? They have been trying to get me to go to Oregon since I reported the professor at ASU. So desperate to get me there, my fake friend roommate years back was relentless in trying to convince me to move there. Same thing happened in Utah and just recently a 6 ft 4 guy got in my face looking all pissed at me, so close our noses almost touched, he was from Oregon. This was at our Bellingham hotel. Just curious if anyone knows of anything nefarious with law enforcement, the church or some other extremists.

Someday I hope I get a chance to meet and talk to someone that will listen. Going through my history I discovered it is possible this weapons targeting happened in Germany when I was stationed at Rhein Main. It was my first duty station and about a year 1/2 a year before the fall of the wall. I was followed by stasi. I contacted Germany but haven’t heard back and now getting hit with an energy weapon and overheating. Yay! Guess I better stop there or it will get worse.

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This is a great post.

When I was a kid, I remember my dad talking about microwaves and the "Quaks' of Quakertown. I knew about the cures people tried from the stories of the 70s and 80s.

Back then the AMORC Rosacrucians wasn't covered in dust with the Great Seal of the USA a bike ride away, and Willow Grove Naval Air Base was fully staffed back then-- Willow Grove was where they tested the microwave weapons in the USA, and also Ithaca NY were known research places.. Today, the old Willow Grove Naval Air base and other smaller bases 'shut' yet are used for Drone operations only.

As an adult, it is difficult to share stories of the Defense tests they conducted on me, and others who live in the area. It wasn't a secret at all. My nickname at school was "Robot." It's simply that the community at large fully supports the human rights violations, torture, and RICO violations.

They upgraded since the 70s with Big Pharma and Bucks and Montgomery county local non-profits for testing nano-tech and bio-tech. It looks and feels like a local level crime cartel that controls the police and courts. They targets those of us who know what they are up to as a form of ill treatment.

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Dr. John Hall (anesthesiologist) Dated 9.29.2019 50 mins. interview


See more of this transcription at ourconstitution.info.

14:36 "...Just so you know, these are all people that you know were professionals, were educated, were functioning in society just fine, and most of them were between 30 and 40 when they first started getting victimized. Much older than you would typically see somebody all of a sudden come down with schizophrenia and no reason to have all of a sudden developed an acute delusional disorder … Most of them were functioning, most of them are professionals. I've talked to a lot of doctors, a lot of lawyers, whistleblowers from the Natl Geospatial Agency, a couple of whistleblowers I've worked with from the NSA. These were functioning people and they can tell you the day they started hearing voices and started experiencing attack and typically it's in the 40s, late 30s early 40s,

with no history of mental illness and high functioning in society prior to that day ….

16:26 … many of them are placed on medications meant for schizophrenia or for

delusional disorder and so they're stuck on these medications and they're still being

attacked and they're still hearing voices. The symptoms won't subside with traditional

psychiatric treatment..."

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Great article! Thank you!

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Read about archonic forces.....

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