This is worth a watch for those concerned with the effects of mRNA vaccines - Hard to believe! Posted at Rense yesterday:


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Someone is definitely hacking my substack. I signed out and still it is open and some of the wording in some of the stuff I am writing is getting changed while I am not on my phone. Damn it!

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The DOJ has prevented me from gaining employment at a local amusement park in California because of this list. I have obtained a Global Entry by the TSA. Therefore, I'm not a terrorist. If I have a Golbal Entry Identification Card, then why am I on the TSDB. How do we get the evidence for obtaining our inclusion on the different Handling Codes?

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A big thanks to Chad for giving TIs a platform to talk about their torture and crimes against humanity.

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The program is also about money.

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The defendants say it’s a National Security threat because it will expose military secrets. If the the military secrets involve committing crimes against humanity and the citizens of the US, than the National Security Umbrella can’t be used - because it would be protecting illegal and criminal acts that go against the constitution and the rule of the law and would thereby threaten our National Security.

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Seems they are using a high pitch frequency to cause memory loss. They are hoping it will be written off as tinnitus. They started using it on me around 3 years ago. My father complains about a ringing in his ear as well as my brother. They know it will effect memory so they do it as one form of torture. My running is not natural as it will change ears. How many people are having their memories wiped from these people. Why do they do such evil things is still a mystery to me. They are full of hatred and I can’t seem to figure out why. Why torture Americans by Americans?

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I know some forms of tinnitus can cause memory loss but maybe the 24/7 attacks will not damage our memory as much as our eyes, ears and vestibular center of the brain. I’m sure they’re hard at work trying to get the right frequency that will turn us into passive compliant sheep. I also suffer from extremely loud high pitched attacks that vary in intensity.

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I did try to donate but it asked for an invoice number. I will try again tomorrow another way.

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If you were trying to pay through cornerstone, it does ask you for the invoice number. You can put your last name, month, and year without spaces, and continue with the donation.

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I hope this comment finds you well.

Len you were so right about some advice you gave me early on. I had no idea how big this thing really is.

Corruption at every level in the highest courts.

I also had no idea I even had a direct connection to anyone involved in any of this.

Never crossed my mind.

I just want it over.

I would really like to live through it and make it to the other side.

This is insane! Very difficult to comprehend the atrocities they inflict upon us.

Wow! Just Wow!

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Excellenté por favor y gracias!!

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Anna has done a magnificent job with this lawsuit. I am so amazed by her very hard work and her positive attitude. However I do worry and I am not an attorney, I worry that Len going through each part of the motion will give away Anna’s strategy in defending her work. Shouldn’t we try to maintain the element of surprise? Just asking.

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Appreciate your concern, Vicky. No worries, I am not divulging anything that is not already in the court filings. Our secret weapon will remain under the shroud of strict confidentiality until it’s time for a song and a dance.

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I do think that this specific industry is knowing weather the information is shared or not! The technology allows them to neural monitor and know Anna’s plans and intentions! Everyone has to move knowing that what is being discussed is also known by the government criminals. Thank you Vicki for your concern 😁

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I'm not so convinced yet that these folks can read everybody's mind on a global or even a neighborhood basis. They probably have patents for doing that with certain of their inventions, but getting a patent and making it work, that's often a horse of a different color.

I have also proven repeatedly that the folks out there stalking we ITs are no smarter than the average Taterhead nationwide, many of them.

How'd they allow me to gather evidence tending to prove their use of teleportation based on a couple of simple facts I knew were true, and using a rather simple method I captured the evidence. Yet! They are confounding probably 10's of thousands of TIs nationwide daily about breaking and entering into TIs' residences and none of the TI's are figuring it out. They aren't breaking anything. They don't even need a key to your door or a hammer to break your window, which I've never heard they do anyway, to gain entry.

BTW, I gathered this evidence 7 years ago!!!!!

So, how did they allow me to gather the evidence? They falsely assumed I'd react like all other TIs under similar circumstances and simply decide to remain a little dumb-founded and maybe fearful, which was not how I reacted at all! I reacted like anybody with a little common sense would react....I got the evidence within probably 2 weeks of when the calling cards started in my residence!

I'm not inclined to impute a lot of things to these stalkers they may not deserve. Sure, they have a lot of neat technology, and they behave like they are demonically insane and satanically inspired and they are exceedingly cruel. The Nazis were very similar, and look what it got Germany by May of 1945.

My predictive assessment about the Gang Stalkers is they are demonically insane and not nearly as smart as they'd like to think they are. Their leaders also have access to a supernatural source of information; not all information.

I have another predictive assessment that will probably end up being 100% accurate. We will not defeat these folks in the long run without the direct intervention of Jesus Christ, and accordingly we all better start behaving like Ninevites very soon.

Thanks and all glory to Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God, and my Savior.

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