Since my Presentation “Bringing Understanding to "Havana Syndrome" and Anomalous Health Incidents” has been published on and the access to the presentation has been suppressed!
Specifically, it doesn’t appear on my Academia profile as “recently published”, and has zero views! You have to use the direct link to access it:
On ResearchGate, a DOI (digital object identifier) has been assigned to the presentation, and most of the times the link is not working: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24660.21122 You can however access it vie this link:
If the links fail, you can access it on Substack and YouTube.
Finally, my nomination for a CDC Advisor on “Havana Syndrome” is gaining momentum, and if you have not voted it, please support it (you have to create an account and click “Vote”:
And while you are there, please support nomination of Ana Toledo for a Deputy Attorney General who will be working tirelessly to end the Targeting Program:
There is also another Urgent and Time-Sensitive Initiative that you must participate in if you care about ending the Targeting! Mail or E-mail a letter to the US Supreme Court Justices NOW, prior to the Rehearing Conference in “Targeted Justice v. Garland” set for December 6, 2024:
Targeted Individuals need your help TODAY!
Thank you on the behalf of every Targeted Individuals illegally listed in the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) Handling codes 3 & 4!
Please, don’t delay!
Already posted your direct links and this post to my x.
Absolutely infuriating and unacceptable! I’m done with clients soon. I will raise hell everywhere!!