Jun 30Liked by Len Ber MD

I look forward to you & Ms. Toledo giving a comprehensive examination of what this means for Targeted Individuals in a Targeted Justice v. Garland podcast.

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Me too. Well said.

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Jun 30Liked by Len Ber MD

Great breakdown Len!

Good to see! I will be discussing this with various authorities across my home state of CA!!! Lets hope the Judicial branch does thier job!!!

Godspeed to all fellow Targets!

CJ Smith

Los Angeles,CA.90045

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I'm in CA as well. Keep me updated if possible.

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Dear Carolyn,

I appreciate the message and your dedication to bringing this hanous evil program to an end!

You can reach me direct at 310 292 3882.

I'm here in WLA born and grew up here and have lived here most of my life! My life that was stolen from me back in 1995!!!

Kind Regards,

Jeff C Smith.....

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Thank you, Jeff. I am the same, born, raised and lived all my life here too. My life stolen in 2013, tho probably before that. I'm in Nor Cal, and all of my devices are hacked, including Signal, but it's good to gather 'forces.'

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Jun 30Liked by Len Ber MD

Great informative interpretation Dr. Ber. Thank you and be well.

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Jun 30Liked by Len Ber MD

It'll be interesting to see if the "throttling of the noggin" continues when they realize that the very authority they granted themselves... has suddenly evaporated. Stay strong TJ's, we're all in this together. They can run, but they can't hide.

Dr. Ber - Thank you for sharing your valuable insights.

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Awesome, Len! I heard about this and thought the sane way. I think some of our congressmen and congresswomen realized the over reach and abuse of power and are trying to rein in the maggots in the three letter agencies- the fascist overlords. Good will win over evil.

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The deep state has become so rogue and hateful toward our system of Justice that I expect them to carry on covertly.

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Thanks Rita. They will end up destroying each other. Stay Strong. Many of the gang stalkers in and out of government are demented. They resemble joe Biden. Pretending to be what they are not. Much of it is pretense to provoke fear in us. They are afraid of being found out. When people become so evil it destroys their minds. Internal destruction occurs mentally, physically, spiritually and even financially. They become weaker and more unstable.

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Some serious self analysis here ... where was my mind in the 1980s? Many of the legal and governance features of the present state takeover of liberal democracy (in concert with big corporations) seem to have been put in place decades ago, but I only began to wake up in early 2020 with those illogical lockdowns and, soon after, those reckless injections. This Chevron doctrine was put in place in 1984, and the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was in 1986. What else should I have noticed?? Am I really the only one to be so late in waking up?

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No. Just be glad you are and are standing on the right side of history. They didn't think so many people would fight back. They were looking for all out war , excessive shootings and more deaths and they failed. Thank God YHWH.

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Yes, thank the Lord. And I also think that if the injections had prevented transmission and had reduced deaths from covid and had not been too harmful in their own right, then people like me would be in those camps they built for us by now. It would all be over for liberal democracy.

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Let's pray this helps us

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Thank you for this explanation Dr. Ber. Let us continue to hope and pray for positive outcomes to this decision.

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Probably means nothing as targeting is covert, not admitted. Already illegal.

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I guess you have not read "Targeted Justice v. Garland" filings.

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Thanks Lloyd Miller for your post as it brings more truth and the obvious to mind. Like gov. shadow boxing instead of presenting the actual facts. They can't. So they shadow box and throw everything at us ,but the truth. They use scare tactics. That puts them in a defensive position.

These four lawsuits have standing. Not opinions, not fantastical words or gossip like they use.

If it means nothing then Targeted Justice Inc. would not have so much opposition by government. There'd be no reason for the doj, fbi, dhs, or any other government agency to try to hide the information from anyone or lie. Covert anything can still be seen and proven. You mentioned they don't admit it. Like plausible deniability. That doesn't work. No doubt there's probably billions of lawsuits where the criminals didn't admit guilt , but still faced the facts and justice prevailed. They don't have to admit guilt for us to prove the facts or reap Justice. We all know how they play. We understand. Their weaknesses, flawed covert imbeciles ( non thinking perps) are liabilities to them and much of their operations they devise are shrouded with pathetic provable lies. Theres lots of division working through them and repetitive ignorance. It's obvious. They are not hidden . Not covert . Even if they continue to lie to themselves. They are still being outed. Exposed.

I watch and depend on the Spirit of truth, Christ Jesus.

Thanks again!

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I know how you arrived at that since I often feel the same. It's just that they do operate with legal sleight of hand and convince otherwise smart and educated people that it's on the up and up. Even in the face of the outrageous nature of what they even see with their own eyes they go along with it. It is an utterly sadistic and illegal program, and we must chip away at it by every means possible.

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reading a book on UFOs or not being for free market enterprise or constitutional republic vs democracy or new political system could constitute a "national security threat" to some judge or some officials in the NSC. So I'm a little perplexed how this will actually play out.

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Not by their books. You know half lies half truths. The end is found in the book of Daniel and Revelation, to start. All their space aliens, time travel, mental telepathy, mkultra, holograms, v2k, 5g , frequency's, ghosts, shadows , dew, lasers, ai, etc. is all man made. Like the modern day wizard of oz. Lots of theater. Lots of pain and sufferings to make the Nations ( all people) bow in fear and obedience to the antichrist. It's the beast system. It's written of in the Bible. Trust in Jesus Christ Yeshua.

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Sadly, all branches are weaponized against us...I try to enjoy the pyrrhic victories, but in a fallen nation, both lawless and post-constitutional, my optimism wanes.

But we're forever grateful for all the efforts of this courageous team...

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thank you for your commentary on this historic decision. I have some concerns however. Seeing how judges are increasingly ignoring the law, statutory and constitutional, and running their courts as fiefdoms separate from the mandates of written law, and seeing how the concept of judicial immunity gives them impunity to do so, one wonders how much any court decision or change in law impacts a steadily devolving situation. Comments?

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Because even when you know how to 'play ball' on the court, there is a higher power even the referee is beholden to -- 'sponsors'. They're all part of the same black and white checkerboard club and often with military affiliations, so to say this would get far would be a miracle of God. But the Lord is with us in this, that much I do know.

These monsters perpetrate domestic terrorism on their own citizens, the Novus Ordo Seclorum we'll call them. Any TI knows what kinds of things they're capable of and you have to imagine it from the top down within the military complex. That's a direct line to the courtroom when they need it to be. They do play ball besides checkers.

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Thank you for your thoughts. It would seem to me that our core mission might entail returning accountability to the courts, which obviously serve another master

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I have noticed that they also attack and torture their own grievously. And , leave them to go down. They don't care about those they use. They are not as committed as they pretend to be.

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Dear Janet, I don't think you have grasped the essence of overturning Chevron doctrine. Judges do not ignore the law, or create the law, they interpret the law when necessary. But now that Chevron doctrine is history, they interpret the law without giving deference to the opinion by the agency that executes it.

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With all due respect Len, I do not think you understand the crisis in our courts due to judges propensity to ignore the law. I have been writing about this for a couple of decades now. You are free to research my work and since you seem not to accept my input on anything, you can research the work of others on this issue. The problem seems to extend from the concept of judicial immunity and is enhanced by the fact that so many judges have been found to accept a particular form of bribes and payoffs. Trying to bolster a corrupt and failing system, as you do in this statement, "Judges do not ignore the law, or create the law, they interpret the law when necessary" does not do justice to the facts of our current status. Peace out, Janet

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Stop creating controversy, and please stop making it about yourself, offer something productive. We all know justices are corrupt. We've been given the gift of overturning Chevron ruling. What's the best way to take advantage of it?

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The crisis in the courts is not about me. Please step back a minute and stop the vituperative and mean-spirited attacks. You can do better than this!

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You are confused “ I have been writing about this for a couple of decades now. You are free to research my work and since you seem not to accept my input on anything..”

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Pray for the Judges as many of them are also being persecuted by these half wits. And , pray for all . This is worldwide . Please and thank you.

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I find it difficult to have compassion for those in power who use that power to cause pain to others. If you find it in your heart to pray for them, please do so. I will keep working on exposing them,

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Will do Janet , thank you for all your efforts, your work and with much respect. Your words are well received. 😊

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See my above comment to Lloyd Miller, as he expressed--though in a different way--the same concerns as you have.

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Dr. Len Ber: To suppose that abandonment of Chevron [which deferred to federal agencies' interpretations of ambiguous congressional laws related to the missions of an Agency],

To suppose that abandonment of Chevron will meaningfully apply to agency actions related to "national security" is not grounded on anything concrete that I know of.

1) victims need outside [non-victim] lawyers or legal researchers to identify any federal Court rulings, impacting victims, which rely upon Chevron;

2) with or without Chevron, federal Courts still defer to the Executive Branch on matters which the government claims are related to "national security", even though federal Courts have sometimes not permitted unlimited Constitutional violations invoked in the name of National Security [victims would ask Courts to require: limits of duration; limits on severity;, of the physical, bodily, Constitutional violations, or other Rights violations].

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Correction: the decision abandoning Chevron DOES NOT invalidate prior Court decisions which relied on Chevron. It only means that: future Court decisions cannot rely on Chevron. [see text at end of "syllabus" intro to the new Supreme Court decision]

[ "By overruling Chevron, though, the Court does not call into question prior cases that relied on the Chevron framework. The holdings of those cases that specific agency actions are lawful — including the Clean Air Act holding of Chevron itself — are still subject to statutory stare decisis ['a settled legal matter'] despite the Court’s change in interpretive methodology. .. Mere reliance on Chevron [in a court decision] cannot constitute a “ ‘special justification’ ” for overruling such a holding." ]

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We are a Republic and I comment due to the arguing going back and forth I see bellow. Judges are to not define the law they are to decide if the law holds to a Republic form of Govt or not that's their only job OR supposed to be. I know they've over stepped that since the civil war and have been defining the law since then, but by all rights they're not supposed to just see to it that a Republic form of Govt is upheld. Which is what is written in the Constitution. All states are to provide a Republican form of Govt. Now we got this damn Majority rules shit and they think it allows them to rule us like kings when they win. Sorry Majority don't rule your not a king and NO you don't just change back and forth as you've done since I've been old enough to know about politics and shit.

That's what I have seen Republicans win the do what they want until the Democrats win again then they change things to what they want it's all BS. Only a full on shooting war will over throw this crap and remake it as it's supposed to be. Sorry but yes only a shooting war will undo this damage.

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According to the U.S. Dept. of State, the U.S. is a "constitutional federal republic" ; https://ar.usembassy.gov/u-s-government ;

Regarding the role of federal Courts: According to article 3 of the Constitution,

"The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority; .."

And so: Courts have the power to decide on the legal meaning for citizens of laws, of parts of the Constitution, and Treaties. And to decide on all legally valid cases in law, or Equity.

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That link just shows what I said we are a Republic. A constitutional Republic.

One of the reasons that Jefferson didn't like the court to begin with was he knew they'd rule for their own power. https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/article-4/section-4/

Article four is the article I referred to.

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