Been referred to as ‘blues with the truth’ and it is the spark of many embers still smoldering from long ago, among seekers. Too much truth does actually hurt some time.
Our processing power is inferior to AI when it comes to mundane tasks and following orders/code.
"You can never control humans entirely." Len wrote.
This highly depends on the level of torture.
Let us call pessimism realism. And optimism with the absence of reason false hope. For that is more on point.
Cognitive dissonance runs deep in groupthink and sheeples/general public.
Totalitarian enslavement of humanity has always been part of civilization. See slavery. The only thing sorta new is high-tech technocracy that attacks our nervous system remotely. People who do not recognize this problem are uneducated, brainwashed or useful idiots or worse part of the perpetrators. Sadistic serial killers. None more!
"What's intoxicating about bad taste is the aristocratic pleasure of displeasing."
- Charles Baudelaire
Those in power/authority satisfy their schadenfreude by abusing everybody else around them. Seeing everybody as inferior -- and especially those who are indeed superior to them. The hubris is palpable! Do NOT ever give humans power over other humans! It will always corrupt. It is just a matter of time. All censorship is the first step towards fascism!
You disagree with what we claim, you are BLOCKED! = Fascism.
There is a vast difference between disagreement with substantial reasons versus spamming or harassment!
"to win over technology, you need better technology." Len wrote.
I totally agree! So where are the legitimate scientists versed in the realm of photonic energy to scientifically DETECT & find a tangible way to JAM/BLOCK whatever is attacking our nervous system remotely 24/7 non-stop?
Any NGO or group willing to hire some or even talk about this?
I like what you have said here and appreciate the depth of thought on the subject. I never would have offered up this piece before but I am willing to do so now after doing some soul searching... the only real way to beat technocracy is not bigger and better or more of the same it is finding a belief system oppossed to the thing, like for example Catholic Christianity. I haven't been an expert in this I am just searching, however it seems to me thus far, when we look at the body God honoured us with and the world around us and then we consider the technology and the technocracy attempting to take this from us we would then look again, to honour God within and to reaffirm within us and in society that we choose God's vision for humanity not mans, when challenged bythe billionaire's technocracy. The idea that God was not talking about raising the dead with cyborg technology, that he was stating in the Catholic faith it is he alone and his works alone that would be raising the dead, and if we look at DEW and the military use of the things, and we understand that catholics in the past have refered to God's grace upon us and the earth as the "dew of life" you can see that there is a challenge being made here to God's sovereignty and to his kingdomby these technocrats. We only need to choose the right side and the rest is grace.
"The hardest truth isn't just recognizing deception - it's accepting that we might never know the full story while still needing to act on what we can verify. What began as research into specific deceptions revealed something far more profound: While devastating physical wars rage in multiple regions, a deeper conflict unfolds silently across the planet - a war for the freedom of human consciousness itself. This is what World War III looks like - not just bombs and bullets, but the systematic engineering of human perception.
This pattern of building trust before redirection reflects a deeper system of control, operating on the ancient alchemical principle of Solve et Coagula - first dissolve (break apart), then coagulate (reform under control). The process is precise: When people begin recognizing institutional deception, natural coalitions form across traditional divides. Workers unite against central bank policies. Parents organize against pharmaceutical mandates. Communities resist corporate land grabs.
But watch what happens next - these unified movements get systematically dissolved. Consider how quickly unified resistance fractured after October 7th, how the trucker protests dissolved into partisan narratives. Each fragment splinters further - from questioning authority to competing theories, from united action to tribal infighting."
"The most dangerous aspect of managed opposition isn't the information it shares, but how it teaches learned helplessness disguised as hope."
Appreciate and enjoy you, your observations and insights, Len - thanks for your continued efforts. What if instead of being "evolved" through random chance plus infinite amounts of time and unusual anomalies of "process" we are the product of intentional, intelligent, purposeful creation by an all-powerful God who is outside of His creation and who dwells in the eternal now -- who has repeatedly, from earliest (even pre-) civilizational times - which we who subscribe to special creation and young earth would likely ascribe to the age of earth as being ~6,000 - 10,000 years) set into motion a series of developments (understanding the trajectory and events that would flow from our first ancestor's fatal choice to seek fallen knowledge and wisdom versus entrusting themselves to Him and His ways) that will culminate, not in either the enslavement of humankind (perhaps for a short duration that is longer than most of us who are already subjects in a class system that considers us their slaves), it's destruction (entirely, though eventually the earth itself will be consumed by fire and a replacement, unmarred and unstained will replace it) or some kind of transhuman (blended) digitized and electromagnetically altered existence in a synthetic "knock-off" of this organic and once perfectly harmonious world system, now defective and hostile? What if He alone is the solution, if all of our learning and discovery -- of our active resistance to the encroaching and undoubtedly horrific outpouring of suffering and for many, annihilation, is futile unless we embrace Him and His "prescription" and solution for our deficiencies (those inherited from our first ancestors and perpetuated, cultivated, enlarged and growing more devious and nefarious by the moment) is in the person and work of the only One who walked among us and perfectly fulfilled the calling that was laid on us all (a standard none of us met or could hope to do on our own) - and Who has made a way for us to appropriate His solution and ways and to walk in them until the day comes when we are taken out of this mess? That doesn't mean we simply stand by and let evil reign, or fail to hold into account those perpetuating it in its most heinous forms, but it starts with recognizing our own inability and failings and once the solution is applied, to use that wisdom, understanding and gifting to effect changes and to stand in the spiritual as well as physical realm for righteousness and the cessation of evil? As the suffering intensifies, as more an more succumb to the mind-bending propaganda, chemical and electromagnetic assaults, to the societal delusions being woven about them, what future will we otherwise inherit?
Spot on, Len ... the living proof is the Stockdale paradox. If I recall, the admiral was the only Nam POW of his group who survived years of torture. He credits his realism, as opposed to the optimism of his peers, for his survival. Thanks for making this crucial point. ~~ j ~~
Optimism is akin to compliance... not wanting to rock the boat... wanting everyone to be happy. But unfortunately, that means one's enemies too. And to keep America's enemies happy is to comply with America's enemies... setting up a Tyrannical New World Order Nazi Regime... who punishes anyone who thinks we should be free... who punishes anyone who thinks they have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Optimism is also akin to cowardliness.
That’s why I’m a realist. Which has its own problems. Mainly, some people don’t want to hear that it might rain or snow, or more recently, those who got the Covid shot and haven’t died yet don’t want to hear the truth about that.
I was going to make that a semi humorous comment. But lately I’m more about being serious, depending on my current mood, the weather, stars alignment, and how recently I took a 💩.
You have a point. I personally avoid using the term "reality". Subjective human experience is a part of reality, so this sends you to the rabbit hole of circular argumentation.
Been referred to as ‘blues with the truth’ and it is the spark of many embers still smoldering from long ago, among seekers. Too much truth does actually hurt some time.
# Dr. Len Ber's "Pessimist" Manifesto Response
Our processing power is inferior to AI when it comes to mundane tasks and following orders/code.
"You can never control humans entirely." Len wrote.
This highly depends on the level of torture.
Let us call pessimism realism. And optimism with the absence of reason false hope. For that is more on point.
Cognitive dissonance runs deep in groupthink and sheeples/general public.
Totalitarian enslavement of humanity has always been part of civilization. See slavery. The only thing sorta new is high-tech technocracy that attacks our nervous system remotely. People who do not recognize this problem are uneducated, brainwashed or useful idiots or worse part of the perpetrators. Sadistic serial killers. None more!
"What's intoxicating about bad taste is the aristocratic pleasure of displeasing."
- Charles Baudelaire
Those in power/authority satisfy their schadenfreude by abusing everybody else around them. Seeing everybody as inferior -- and especially those who are indeed superior to them. The hubris is palpable! Do NOT ever give humans power over other humans! It will always corrupt. It is just a matter of time. All censorship is the first step towards fascism!
You disagree with what we claim, you are BLOCKED! = Fascism.
There is a vast difference between disagreement with substantial reasons versus spamming or harassment!
"to win over technology, you need better technology." Len wrote.
I totally agree! So where are the legitimate scientists versed in the realm of photonic energy to scientifically DETECT & find a tangible way to JAM/BLOCK whatever is attacking our nervous system remotely 24/7 non-stop?
Any NGO or group willing to hire some or even talk about this?
May, please pay closer attention. You misrepresent what I write, and how I describe the arguments I am addressing.
I like what you have said here and appreciate the depth of thought on the subject. I never would have offered up this piece before but I am willing to do so now after doing some soul searching... the only real way to beat technocracy is not bigger and better or more of the same it is finding a belief system oppossed to the thing, like for example Catholic Christianity. I haven't been an expert in this I am just searching, however it seems to me thus far, when we look at the body God honoured us with and the world around us and then we consider the technology and the technocracy attempting to take this from us we would then look again, to honour God within and to reaffirm within us and in society that we choose God's vision for humanity not mans, when challenged bythe billionaire's technocracy. The idea that God was not talking about raising the dead with cyborg technology, that he was stating in the Catholic faith it is he alone and his works alone that would be raising the dead, and if we look at DEW and the military use of the things, and we understand that catholics in the past have refered to God's grace upon us and the earth as the "dew of life" you can see that there is a challenge being made here to God's sovereignty and to his kingdomby these technocrats. We only need to choose the right side and the rest is grace.
"The hardest truth isn't just recognizing deception - it's accepting that we might never know the full story while still needing to act on what we can verify. What began as research into specific deceptions revealed something far more profound: While devastating physical wars rage in multiple regions, a deeper conflict unfolds silently across the planet - a war for the freedom of human consciousness itself. This is what World War III looks like - not just bombs and bullets, but the systematic engineering of human perception.
This pattern of building trust before redirection reflects a deeper system of control, operating on the ancient alchemical principle of Solve et Coagula - first dissolve (break apart), then coagulate (reform under control). The process is precise: When people begin recognizing institutional deception, natural coalitions form across traditional divides. Workers unite against central bank policies. Parents organize against pharmaceutical mandates. Communities resist corporate land grabs.
But watch what happens next - these unified movements get systematically dissolved. Consider how quickly unified resistance fractured after October 7th, how the trucker protests dissolved into partisan narratives. Each fragment splinters further - from questioning authority to competing theories, from united action to tribal infighting."
"The most dangerous aspect of managed opposition isn't the information it shares, but how it teaches learned helplessness disguised as hope."
Appreciate and enjoy you, your observations and insights, Len - thanks for your continued efforts. What if instead of being "evolved" through random chance plus infinite amounts of time and unusual anomalies of "process" we are the product of intentional, intelligent, purposeful creation by an all-powerful God who is outside of His creation and who dwells in the eternal now -- who has repeatedly, from earliest (even pre-) civilizational times - which we who subscribe to special creation and young earth would likely ascribe to the age of earth as being ~6,000 - 10,000 years) set into motion a series of developments (understanding the trajectory and events that would flow from our first ancestor's fatal choice to seek fallen knowledge and wisdom versus entrusting themselves to Him and His ways) that will culminate, not in either the enslavement of humankind (perhaps for a short duration that is longer than most of us who are already subjects in a class system that considers us their slaves), it's destruction (entirely, though eventually the earth itself will be consumed by fire and a replacement, unmarred and unstained will replace it) or some kind of transhuman (blended) digitized and electromagnetically altered existence in a synthetic "knock-off" of this organic and once perfectly harmonious world system, now defective and hostile? What if He alone is the solution, if all of our learning and discovery -- of our active resistance to the encroaching and undoubtedly horrific outpouring of suffering and for many, annihilation, is futile unless we embrace Him and His "prescription" and solution for our deficiencies (those inherited from our first ancestors and perpetuated, cultivated, enlarged and growing more devious and nefarious by the moment) is in the person and work of the only One who walked among us and perfectly fulfilled the calling that was laid on us all (a standard none of us met or could hope to do on our own) - and Who has made a way for us to appropriate His solution and ways and to walk in them until the day comes when we are taken out of this mess? That doesn't mean we simply stand by and let evil reign, or fail to hold into account those perpetuating it in its most heinous forms, but it starts with recognizing our own inability and failings and once the solution is applied, to use that wisdom, understanding and gifting to effect changes and to stand in the spiritual as well as physical realm for righteousness and the cessation of evil? As the suffering intensifies, as more an more succumb to the mind-bending propaganda, chemical and electromagnetic assaults, to the societal delusions being woven about them, what future will we otherwise inherit?
Spot on, Len ... the living proof is the Stockdale paradox. If I recall, the admiral was the only Nam POW of his group who survived years of torture. He credits his realism, as opposed to the optimism of his peers, for his survival. Thanks for making this crucial point. ~~ j ~~
Optimism is akin to compliance... not wanting to rock the boat... wanting everyone to be happy. But unfortunately, that means one's enemies too. And to keep America's enemies happy is to comply with America's enemies... setting up a Tyrannical New World Order Nazi Regime... who punishes anyone who thinks we should be free... who punishes anyone who thinks they have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Optimism is also akin to cowardliness.
The enemies is within!
Are you talking about a country or each individual person?
That’s why I’m a realist. Which has its own problems. Mainly, some people don’t want to hear that it might rain or snow, or more recently, those who got the Covid shot and haven’t died yet don’t want to hear the truth about that.
I was going to make that a semi humorous comment. But lately I’m more about being serious, depending on my current mood, the weather, stars alignment, and how recently I took a 💩.
You have a point. I personally avoid using the term "reality". Subjective human experience is a part of reality, so this sends you to the rabbit hole of circular argumentation.