Just recently Sasha Latypova, who writes at Due Diligence and Art, dropped this off in my Notes:

“synthetic bio warfare technology you refer to does not spread. It has to be injected to cause most damage. Please stop promoting yet another CIA designed sci-fi nonsense to scare people into yet another bullshit paradigm. There is no bio-nano-robotic-pathogens. These are regular chemicals and polymers. Of course they can be toxic, just as ingesting heavy metals or inhaling asbestos (a nonomaterial, ooooh!) is dangerous. But that doesn’t make asbestos a “cross-domain bacteria” or some BS new coined term these people come up with for clicks and likes.”


And then she added: “…Yes, I am definitely a non-believer in transhumanism, because it is 1)bullshit sci-fi 2)impossible 3)a satanism-inspired religion.”

Whatever the bloody hell that means.

I’d like to place $250K on the table in a wager against her “emotional beliefs” vs. “Real Forensic Science understandings,” but she’d just go on as usual insisting I’m “spreading sci-fi fear.”

I’m dumbfounded. I tried to explain to her my mind—that I’m literally incapable of emotion-based “beliefs” with no dead white horse in this race—that I’m a legitimate self-taught forensic scientist, historian and commentary reporter, but she insists on rattling on about her emotions, not any real science. I’m beginning to think she’s perhaps a paid agent; “controlled opposition” just using up my brain energy and time.

Is this what’s called “professional gaslighting” or is she just nuts? I tried to be respectful, and even complemented her on her art, as well as crossposting some of her intelligent articles…which she let me know she “liked,” until I questioned “smart people’s inability to face science facts about self-arranging bioweapons and shedding” and then she attached like a swarm of killer bees. Holy Hell.

I’m serious about the $250K wager, by the way; a serious financial bet against her “emotional beliefs” insisting that shedding is just Sci-Fi—vs.—“scientific understandings” by a team of legitimate scientists, doctors, nurses, clinicians and lawyers PROVING via government documents alone that “shedding is a reality” going back to 2015.

Again, what the Hell is wrong with smart people like Dr. Bartholomew and Sasha Latypova, who NEVER have any science-based counter arguments, just emotional attacks better defined as professional Gaslighting?

Full exchange with Sasha, with many others chiming in:


If anyone decides to comment in this “ongoing Note exchange,” don’t be as angry as I have been. She could be a CIA asset playing the center to distract people from the truths, and she may not ever know it. I’m serious.

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Regardless of her motivations, she seems like a great person to block and report for harassment.

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The unwillingness to address a respondents claims and instead making a personal attack is a number one sign of being on the wrong side in any debate.

True debates using oxford rules will make a comeback one day I hope. Its what is purposefully lacking today for a reason.

Perhaps as the losing side these days wont engage in debates, the ability to form two teams regardless of beliefs to debate a subject should be put together using oxford rules. Those debates could then put up for public consumption.

Imagine being on the opposing side of the bluetruth debate today, for instance....

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I am waiting for the Editor to respond. He might be in a real pickle. He cannot just ignore my points, as Bartholomew did.

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Does the International Journal of Social Psychiatry have a website? I was unable to find a direct site. Only found other sites that host multiple Journals, that included it.

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See References

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Thank you, I overlooked those first read through.

Dr. Fields used the word 'sensational' way more times than I would expect from an editor or a doctor.

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Radiation Sydrome

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One more injustice, one more coward, one more testament to the callous inhumanity that seems to be prevailing.

We can bear witness of lives interrupted, and speak of the attempts to silence the targeted community; some of the most resilient and brave humans on the planet.

We can keep speaking and keep showing up.

Thank you for keeping these government funded crimes on the radar ..

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Add to the list to be avoided at all cost professions. Shrinks, appropriate...

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Low quality doctors such as this Bartholomew, should pay moral damages for malpractice, and for helping covert criminals, whether knowingly or due to professional ignorance.

It’s no longer the ‘90s. There is no excuse for shoveling an entire community of victims, witnesses and whistleblowers, into “vague psychiatric problems” bucket. If you don’t know, just shut the fuck up, don’t contribute to the criminals’ ability to stay outside the reach of society’s ability to investigate, protect victims, and prosecute the demented Mafia.

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