It is important to note that the United States Court of Appeals, DC circuit found that the FCC and FDA (NIH) long held claim that no health effects occur from below thermal RF exposure is false. The agencies have taken no action on the order. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/wp-content/uploads/chd-v-fcc-we-won-decision.pdf

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Thank you for raising the importance of the use of scientific method. He probably wasn't expecting a peer review. Hopefully it triggers a robust discussion.

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Gotcha, Orli. I am not missing a point. I am trying to retract a specific inaccurate article using specific applicable arguments. You cannot achieve that by complaining about the inadequacy of the entire DSM, or by making personal attacks against Dr Bartholomew. That’s in his arsenal, not in mine. Take a deep breath, and deal with the issue at hand. Happy 2024!

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Dr Ber, you are 100% right but I humble think you are missing the point of what many times I have commented in your post.

If Bartholomew, sorry I have taken the Dr, as his behavior makes it possible, accept the true on Havana Syndrome that are real physical attacks including the V2S element, he, the psychology and psychiatrist community are in deep sh*t!.

It shows that DSM is a scam. The effect domino may wake up the possible reality of millions of people have been misdiagnosed because no proper differential diagnosis has been carry out!

Are you aware of the magnitude that agreeing to your research may influence the medical world???

Bartholomew understand his career maybe seriously jeopardize and the possibility of millions of law suits in their profession may become a reality.

Dr Ber take precautions, you are in a dangerous zone.. Take care 🌼🌹🌺

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yeah good I hope they hear you.

You know when they first began this Brain initiative crap, if they would of put in protections first, stating what can and what can't be done, then I think we wouldn't be fighting this shit now.

So, a few weeks? How long does it take if at all, after several years? For continuous being hit it's been almost 3 1/2 years. For over a longer period of time it's been almost 24 years. In Jan it will be so that's just a few days away. I wonder how I am not just a stupid rambling Idiot by now... Grace of God I guess.

You know I pray and this AI hitting me goes nuts. It's hitting me harder than shit now. But you know pissing it off makes me happy. When I am right I love a good fight..

Anyways Len go get em bust his lips open. Figuratively speaking of course Thumbs up!

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Stay rebellious! (& keep praying. )

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Nailed his ass.

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No! The editor, Dr. R. Douglas Fields wrote a book "Electric Brain"...

O' the irony

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I find it a strange “coincidence that a lot of important information from a legal, congressional and scientific perspective has come out during the holiday period when I’m less likely to see it. This case, in my opinion, is a blatant attempt to cover something which has even been accepted by Congress albeit only government officials thus far!

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The editorial letter was a grant from the NIH. Ahem. Who gives grants to write an editorial letter?? Ever

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My only conclusion is this has to be part of a deliberate disinformation campaign. Look how long it took the government to admit to the truth about the cause of symptoms of their own diplomats & spies? There was an excellent panel of well known experts in different fields who first studied the Havana group. They were technically hired by the government but when they finished they went straight to the NYT who put it on the front page; I think this was 9/1/2018! Then they tried to ignore it until these “diplomats” appeared on 60 Minutes. So they hired another panel of experts, with one duplication: no one knows more on this subject than Dr. James Li so he was on both (he is also a TI). Same conclusion and this time it went into the journal noted. But they don’t stop there! Next I read about the “Intelligence Community “ conclusion that no foreign country did this. This is how confident they are that no one would suspect our country. Plus the intelligence community are masters of deception even though they know that it could be them next. The government affiliated group finally got medical & disability coverage and settled for an undisclosed amount! Sorry to go on & on but this all makes me so angry!

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WOW! Thank you so much for writing such an excellent letter that is scientifically sound and very necessary! I find myself shocked when ever aI hear or read something that is dismissive of Havana Syndrome or offers one of the already debunked theories of psychogenic causes, circadas etc. I thought when the article was published in the Journal of Science, Medicine and Engineering by James Li concluding that the cause was pulse microwaves, that was the last word on the subject. It’s a highly respected journal that cover all the bases of the conclusion, peer reviewed

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Good, keep up the good work, and Happy New Year to you!

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