MAC Address Emitting People, Let's Figure Out Together What To Do With This Smoking Gun.
We have been implanted with nanotechnology without our consent. We should unite together and make a case for non-consentual implantation and experimentation
Recently, I came out of the “MAC address emitting closet”. This is evidence that there is technology inside me that allows for transmission of information from my body in the digital format. I would like to start a private database of people like me. If the numbers swell to a significant amount, we should start shopping for an attorney to represent us in this conundrum. Other suggestions are welcome. I am willing to make it a separate project, with a separate Substack for members only. Please, share your ideas. You can write me privately to Please put “MAC ADDRESS EMITTING PERSON” in the subject.
None of the people who e-mailed me wrote "I emit a MAC address". Was my request not clear?
Even though I am familiar with the methodology, I will engage with a computer engineer to write a Substack "How to detect if I emit a MAC address". Please don't e-mail me if you don't have evidence of such emission.
Len, I'm onboard, if you'll have me. I have created a slide presentation (a lengthy one, at 125+ slides) that attempts to congeal all of the science behind the nano/microcircuitry and the profuse documentation of microwires/microfilaments, one of which was removed from my person as early as 2006. I experience the microwave auditory effect found in V2K, implemented through this electromagnetic-harnessing nano-technology. I've registered with Targeted Justice and am available.