There was a time when the heat became too much, one could head for the border. There is no border on a Prison Planet. Brian Tew went everywhere except the Poles, he could not escape the electronic harassment. This is my 18th year of being aware of being targeted. I learned in the first year there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. One cannot out run the microwaves.
I also learned there is not one entity, institution or public person who is able or willing to address the targeting issue. I've been required to be subjected to a psych exam by VA, because for the last two years I've been telling providers that ALL of my medical problems are caused by electronic weapons.
As far as the populations of the planet awakening, I'm not being pessimistic by saying it's not likely to happen. The electronic MK has sedated everyone I know to the point that, no matter how much evidence and information is presented, it's not enough to even stimulate the possibilty, in their minds, that this is the reality of this world.
The success of the government Propaganda which is the MSM, has emboldened the DOD to proceed with the deployment of the bioweapon, and, again, my acquaintances are even unwilling to look at any info at variance with the Proganda.
The "world' will ignore us until it's too late to matter, for them, and for me, a spiritual solution is the only solution I see.
You know what I left out? Magnesium levels. According to Russell Blaylock they are essential to minimizing brain injury resulting from strokes at least, and possibly other causes. Russell Blaylock can tell you if you can find him. Proper magnesium levels reduce and minimize brain injuries.
Russell told the story long ago how in brain surgery surgeons experienced a spasm to the surface of the brain of some patients, and when that happened the patients did not survive; as I recall the story. He went on to explain how he ran across the idea to irrigate the surface of his patients' brains with a magnesium solution during surgery. He stated when he did that none of his patients ever died from the spasm. He also stated thereafter and before surgery he would put all of his patients on a magnesium IV and it worked.
In a video Russell also described and depicted how patients who suffer strokes and heart attacks have significantly less brain and heart damage when their magnesium levels are optimized.
I'm a researcher. Accordingly, I don't give advice. Rather, I offer the results of my personal research, so this is not medical advice, its the product of my wanting to stay healthy and alive for at least the past 18 years and me being willing to tell my story.
Here's Thomas Levy's e-mail address. He's not very warm and fuzzy, but he's very kind to respond to e-mail inquiries. That's been my experience. He's also the first medical doctor I found who identified and discussed "Long Covid", which is probably now called "Long Spike Protein":
Have you ever run across Dr Russell Blaylock? He has to be more knowledgeable about human health than any medical doctor I've ever run across. I started adopting his general protocols about 18 years ago. They work, without question.
Russell retired from neurosurgery shortly after both of his parents died from Parkinson's within 6 months of each other in about 2000. That was 23 years ago. He's published a monthly wellness letter for about 20 years where he shares his research. The reason I right this to you is because he is the #1 expert in brain health in the world, and anybody with brain trouble should probably want to become familiar with Russell's work. He performs continuing research that no other medical doctors even have the time to perform.
His May, 2023 report is titled, "Why Is the Incidence of Brain Degeneration Increasing?". I'll send a copy to you if you like it. I've been a subscriber for most of the past 18 years. His reports are published thru Newsmax, who maintains an archive of all of his well reports on its website.
Here's the Key Points from his May issue:
• Impaired development increases the risk of neurodegeneration
• Inside cells, glutamate is harmless; outside, it is deadly
• “Priming” leads to neurological problems
• Riboflavin is critical for protecting the brain
• Thiamine can reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases
In 2004 I had pretty serious heart disease, including atherosclerosis, extreme high blood pressure and and a pretty significant arrhythmia. I never went to a medical doctor to address my heart disease. My father suffered 3 massive heart attacks during a 10 year period. My younger brother had his first heart attack at 37 and his second at 41. So, it runs in my family.
By the grace of Jesus Christ is His father I'm in very good physical health and managed my heart disease better for 18 years than had I listened to a busload of cardiologists. They'd have me on 10-20 prescription medications by now and I would not be healthy. I'd probably have suffered at least 1 or 2 heart attacks. They'd have had me on a statin drug for the past 18 years that Russell described as a "Fraud". Actually, he called the cholesterol theory of heart disease a fraud.
The only cardiologist I listen to is Dr Thomas Levy. He's a global expert in Vitamin C, and probably the only medical doctor who has ever identified the genesis of atherosclerosis. He describes the initial cause as focal scurvy. Buy his book "Primal Panacea" to learn what you don't know about the healing benefits of Vitamin C, including extremely high-does Vitamin C up to 300+ grams. Vitamin C is so essential to the healing process, I would think somebody with Havana Syndrome and who may be continuously bombarded with EMF might want to supplement with Vitamin C. I have Dr Levy's e-mail address and I have no doubt he will correspond with you if you wish. Again, he's a cardiologist, an expert in Vitamin C, and a lawyer.
But I write this because as one of the very few people with Havana Syndrome, you should familiarize yourself with Russell's 20 years of research. I bet he would even take your call since you are a medical doctor, if you can find his phone #.
If you have an e-mail address and want a copy of his May report, send it to me. I have a protocol of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other helpful substances I regularly supplement with, and as a result of his May edition I added 4 or 5 high quality B vitamins to my list. I already took them but decided to take them in slightly higher concentrations.
Here's a test for you? Have you ever heard of the term "immunoexcitotoxicity"? It is a central mechanism in brain deterioration. I suspect you may suffer from it based on my familiarity with Russell's research; maybe not but I but its yes.
With every wellness letter Russell publishes he makes recommendations about vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other helpful supplement like curcumin. He's been writing about curcumin and other bioflavonoids for at least the last 10 years and I've been taking it that long.
Another of your, everybody's actually, likely problems resulting from EMF bombardment is an increased level of chronic inflammation. Its a silent brain killer. Look at the photos of the lady with EMF burns all over her face on TJ's website. She almost certainly has acute inflammation from EMF bombardment, in her case the visible inflammation to her skin. According to Thomas Levy she probably needs to be taking high-dose Vitamin C. Everybody needs to be taking high doses of Vitamin C.
According to Dr Joel Wallach 21 years ago, the human body needs something like 96 vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Blaylock probably adds another 40% to that number with very beneficial substances like curcumin, quercetin, hesperidin, ACGC I think it is, ellagic acid, and 6 other anti-inflammatories in his product Advancin, just to name a few.
I would guess, and I'm rather an expert at assessments like this, you could not hire 50 brain surgeons and/or neurologists who can help your brain health like Russell Blaylock can. He rather threw the PDR away 23 years ago concerning health.
So, there's my test!
Now I'm going to find out, not how intelligent you are but how smart you are.
This was Richard's response to my question about using salt water in his water counter measure system, and it elicited my longer e-mail. I'd asked Richard if he's tried salt water:
"I have not tried salt water. Might be worth trying.
Gel packs/pads seem to help as well.
Look up migraine gel packs on amazon."
I'm big into countermeasures, since 2015. My interest ebbs and flows, and Richard answered another of my e-mails earlier this week about the EMFs being used in beam forming. To my surprise, Richard replied with a link to a page selling beam forming micro chips and almost all of the chips were rated for frequencies higher than the 10Ghz, which is the upper limit my current EMF meter registers.
So, my very broad spectrum EMF meter does not cover any frequencies used in beam forming chips. That necessitates another meter.
My interest was created by the fact I'm regularly experiencing EMF burning and tingling where my 10Ghz meter would register NOTHING AT ALL!
Safe Living Technology came out with a 20Ghz to 40Gz 5G EMF meter a week or two ago I'm reluctantly considering buying! Another $1200 experiment, but it may be worth it.
I think people should talk more about EMF and stalking countermeasures, what they've tried and what they envision, over on TargetedJustice's website. Richard's done some good work, work I personally think needs further research on, especially the EM frequencies being used and meters to detect them (evidence folks), and the technique for canceling EM frequencies using a jammer. He has that video on his or TJ's website.
I suggest that “alien abductees” are in reality merely one sub-group of a larger population of targeted individuals. Their experiences constitute the little-known symptoms of a covert long-term military campaign whose goal, global in scope, is to redefine the nature of government on Earth and to utilize extremely advanced technologies to control the human population in ways not even considered possible by the general public.
Here you are folks. I was communicating with Richard this morning and responded with this....certainly more than he wanted or expected. I'm into solving problems...
I'm giving consideration to this contraption developed by Roger Tolces. Roger is the guy with the $70,000 device that identifies and proves (satellite) EMF bombardments, like 10 years ago he produced this video very strongly suggesting it. He demonstrates it in the first 5 minutes of the video at this link if you are interested. Really neat tool to have......for $70,000. Be nice to pick up a working model at a garage sale:
Here's Roger's device I'm considering on his website. Its near the bottom of the page. I am wondering what type of biologically negative effects it might have on a human being. $1,500 is another pretty expensive experiment - his Active Shield System:
I'm also thinking about Safe & Sound's new 5G 20Ghz to 40 Ghz meter, another $1,200 I don't relish spending. I've yet to find a meter that covers 10G to 20 Ghz, and I feel like spending $1,200 may be a partial waste without that 10 Ghz gap. You'd be more knowledgeable about this than me:
I simply haven't run across any meters that measure above 10Ghz, that aren't hugely expensive.
But with your revelation earlier in the week about beam forming systems using 10Ghz+ microchips, that can explain a whole lot about the EMF I'm experiencing and the fact it is not registering on the up to 10Ghz meter I'm using right now. If I buy this meter I'll have up to 10Ghz and then 20Ghz to 40Ghz, leaving that 10Ghz gap.
BTW, you and your board should consider engaging in discussions about all natural solutions for the problems EMFs almost certainly create in the human body, and its the same problem the mRNA vaccines (all vaccines cause it) are causing in people, chronic inflammation, i.e. myocarditis and other related inflammatory problems. I can't imagine TI's not wanting to become familiar with preventing chronic inflammation as a normal part of their health regimen (your doctor won't talk to you about this because its not in his PDR). Its even more important for older people like us. EMFs have to create chronic inflammation in the human body, and as my medical expert and go-to guy stated about chronic inflammation more than 10 years ago, it is a primary cause of heart disease (especially atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis), cancer and neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's, ALS and Alzheimer's.
The nano-tech in me has created burning since 11/2017, meaning it is creating an inflammatory response almost certainly. I've been building and taking an anti-inflammatory protocol since 2005. I was motivated to get on one when I suffered a significant heart event in 2004 in Midland when for 3 days the left side of my heart tried to beat its way out of my chest, resulting in me getting almost no sleep for 72 hours. I've never experienced anything similar to that even again, now 19 years later. I think this protocol solved that problem too.
Finally, Roger has made his living evaluating EMF emissions in people's homes and businesses, probably since the 1970's. I talked to him about doing my home. He's in California. I don't remember his price, but I didn't consider it being terribly expensive 7 or 8 years ago. I decided to not do that because of the likelihood the stalkers would become aware of my plan, then turn off their sources of EMF emissions and that might just result in a big waste of money for me."
Thanks Dr Ber. i was loudly listening to your podcast in the laundromat, hoping someone would over hear your TI conversation. A lady came over to me today and said it sounded very interesting and asked me what it was about. I took the opportunity and ran with it and showed her the Targeted Justice web site and suggested she tell her family. I made sure everyone there could over hear our conversation. I frequently go to public places and listen to TI videos and Dr, Steven Greer talking about the deep national security state.with the hope that someone will take interest. Today I also drove around and took pictures of the weaponized cell towers, and will send out a cease and desist order to all of them. I have to go to the library to put the letter together because my laptop died. One was in the Half-moon Bay Airport. One was by some poor looking homes and one was camouflaged right next to a church. and one had a sign on the fence saying do not enter. The most dangerous looking ones were behind lock and key with signs that said private property do not enter or you will be prosecuted. That sounded oddly funny since they clearly understand the rule of law but don’t mind breaking it and invading other people’s property and personal space with their DEW.
Aliens have nothing to do with our harassment. That is what the covert secret military industrial sites want you to believe when they bring out all their area 51 advanced UAPs and start attacking people around the world. The bought out news agencies will play it up. If you watched the emergency room doctor and ufologist, Dr. Steven Greer, you would know about the unacknowledged groups which are out of control and need to be put in check.
I watched most of this interview. I was struck by your comments about waking people up, and I guess getting them to do something useful and legal. I've been dealing with that for about 2 decades. I don't know if you are a Christian or not, but Derek spoke of iniquity, and his explanation is the best I've come across for understand people's unwillingness to act to save themselves.
Derek said there was a second part of iniquity he defined as "the ongoing punishment and judgment for iniquity", iniquity generally meaning going our own way without God.
I started some strategic solutions things in the early 2002's in the oil industry. I held a seminar for about 30 of my clients in 2007 in Lafayette. Their response was very positive. I didn't have the time to pursue what I was recommending, and I later found out its exactly what AIPAC and other have been doing for 30 years with the US Congress as their target.
I understood in '07 the target demographic I wanted to reach, people with children and grandchidren. That's the target demographic who will probably react first, most quickly. They have kids and grandkids they love, and there's nothing like the love of a good pair of grandparents.
You are also dealing with people who almost universally behave and think uni-dimensionally, one thing at a time, which is one of the worst ways to think. I posted about Legal Strategic Boycotts on TJ's site a month or two ago and the post was removed. I started my first boycott in the 3rd week of August in 1975 at a stop sign in Robstown, TX. I'm still boycotting Levis Strauss and Co a month shy of 48 years. I will never buy anything from Levis again. I now boycott more than 200 public companies, at least. Some we can't boycott, like Microsoft and almost all defense contractors.
TI's have nothing to complain about if they will not engage in every legal thing out there to stop this, including boycotts. I spent my own money a little over 2 years ago to develop a boycott petition website. I describe boycotting now as spending 30 seconds of the 86,400 seconds in a 24-hour day to sign a boycott petition.
My assessment about boycotts for 30 years or more has been, boycotts always work when enough people participate. Look at Budweiser, Target, Disney and Bed Bath and Beyond right now, as examples. Boycotts work. What they need is all of the 79 Million adult Americans who reelected Donald Trump in 2020 to actively participate in Legal Strategic Boycotts every single day, like the grown adults they are.
I did not vote for Trump in '16 or '20. I concluded by 2004 and stated it online, that the American people would never get from the Federal government what they want legally, by "Voting Alone". I also stated concurrently at the time, "That if the American people ever elected their perfect candidate to the presidency, on inauguration day they and he would find him on the inauguration podium surrounded by the most powerful crime syndicate on Earth.". Donald Trump's presidency proved my assessment almost perfectly.
Strategic Boycotts are making excellent progress right now. It's time for all adult Americans who love our Republic to start behaving like they love it.
My personal hope is the 79 Million grown adults will put 10 or 20 woke corporations in bankruptcy in the very near future so we can dry up the funding for politicians and political parties who don't do everything in their power to protect our Republic and folks like you and me.
Spending 30 seconds cannot possibly be mutually exclusive with anything else we TIs are legally doing right now.
We vote every 2 years in elections. We all vote multiple times a day with every dollar we spend.
I first said it more than 20 years ago about the Power That Be, a/k/a now the Globalists, we are far smarter than they are, we all need to start behaving like it.
Here's an example of 1 of a handful of petitions I've posted to my site. I haven't tried to get much attention to them. I posted this one on 10/28/2021 to a locals channel I frequent. 30 seconds:
Too bad 79 Million grown adults did not sign it by the end of November, 2021.
Sometime we should communicate about medicine. I'm not an MD, but I know the smartest one in the world and been a student of his for 18 years at least.
In reading your story I felt your passion and your concern. The problem that we encounter as TIs is that when we turn to our elected officials and/or the police officers for some type of help, we’re either ignored or they want to put us away. The latter is a real fear with most of the TIs. In some families, the children have been removed from the home. I’m not saying we shouldn’t fight for our freedom. We just need to be careful. God Bless
There's no legitimate excuse for not boycotting. I've boycotted HollyRot since 1986, Disney since 1995, Levi Strauss & Co since 08/1975. I started my boycott of Ford Motor Company in 2005 when I was a "Ford Guy" and loved Ford trucks. Since then I've bought 19 new trucks and not a one of them was a Ford!!!! That's $1 million in sales Ford lost because it was Woke 18 years ago before anybody used the word "woke".
I hope Ford and Disney and several others simply go out of business, doors closed and Chapter 7.
We get 79 Million adults all boycotting on date certain and what is happening to us is going to disappear or maybe not. Its worth trying considering how little effort it takes and almost not money it costs.
Are Larry Fink and Blackrock helping us TIs? How about Bob Iger and Disney?
What are you talking about? Confusion, boycotts? How does not spending your money with those who hate your Savior constitute confusion? Go ahead, spend all of your money with the likes of Disney, Target, ESPN, NFL, MLB, NBA, the purveyors of homosexuality and allowing little boys to have the right to decide if they can castrate themselves.
I repented of spending my money with as many of those companies as was feasible in the last 40 years! The Disney boycott cost it $128 billion in stock value in 2022. I started my personal boycott of Everything Disney in 1995.
I repented of Disney.
Confusion in that? How about Christian common sense.
I would also resist citing Bible verses that do not apply in any way because it makes you look like you are not a very knowledgeable Christian?
And more and more Americans are learning that boycotts are a great way to repent of what we've been doing and allowing in the USA for a very long time.
Hi Len. Thank you for sharing your time with John and with the rest of us. So, I guess I’m conflicted on the subject of mind control. Most people (those who are not victims of this heinous program) think that it’s a conspiracy theory to believe that the chemtrails behind airplanes and/or drones are not spraying harmful chemicals on the masses. Like other TIs, I believe this is exactly the case. I believe, also, that the chemicals are altering one’s behavior I.e. manipulating the mind under a type of mind control. Every week on my job I will encounter someone (maybe 3) who are dressed EXACTLY the way I am - from top to bottom - color of shoes included. In my case of being a targeted individual, this started happening only in the last two years. There are other things, too, but I won’t mention those cause I don’t want them to increase. So what is this? Is it mind control or hypnosis OR is it the effects of the chemtrails? I’m asking because you mentioned in your show that you can’t mind control someone to jump off a building. If you could elaborate further on these things, I’d really appreciate it. God bless you, Ana Toledo and Targeted Justice.
I can totally empathise with you all 💗 I know that it doesn't matter where you go in the UK and maybe most of Europe too, sadly and unfortunately it seems that there is no escaping this horrific, diabolical, torturous and complete abuse of our Human Rights and maybe Animal Rights too? I pray every day 🙏 that people wake up and acknowledge the truth to what is really going on! and they start to do their own research on V2K and DEW weapons and more and more people and governments come on board and bring this horrific crime against humanity to a complete halt! and all of these disgusting evil weapons are destroyed for ever! It seems to me quite clearly, that by using this technology, the human race (who are intelligent beings) are going backwards and underevolving rather than going forwards and evolving to become better and more peaceful human beings. 🌍🕊
John, hello. Where have you gone in trying to escape? I traveled to Mexico and even initiated the process of seeking asylum, but I realized the harassment wouldn’t stop. I’ve considered giving up my citizenship but I don’t know where to go. What has it been like for you while traveling? Thanks.
It is global so the satellites can track you anywhere you go and use the weaponized 5G towers. Does Chile have weaponized towers? i heard they outlawed neurowespons but don’t count on it..
I went to Brazil. I had some relief on the flight, but when I got to my hostel, I was irradiated by the Brazilians! I had no idea that would happen. I didn't know it was global.
I had originally intended to stay for 6 months, and try to stay indefinitely. After I accepted that the attacks were continuing in Brazil, I changed my return flight and left 10 days later. I was searched upon entering the U.S., the only one on my flight who was searched.
I could have saved you the trouble. When Google Plus was active, i belonged to a large group of targets from Brazil. I was in contact with a lady from the US who was being targeted in Brazil. She was expressing suicidal thoughts. I tried to help her as much as I could but eventually, she quit writing altogether.
About extraterrestrials; no subject facing humanity is more important than exposing this covert genocidal program & bringing it's perpetrators to justice. We already face enough disbelief without inviting more ourselves. If extraterrestrials are forcing our tormentors to do this to us, let them prove it in a court of law.
Yes. This was during late September through mid October of last year. Back then, the V2K harassment had started months prior, although I had been hearing voices for a year and a half. I just didn’t know what it was. I thought they were neighbors. Once I realized it was this horrible human experiment I tried to flee the country. I would wake up shaking in the mornings while in Mexico. My attacks have changed over time. I live in Texas, and currently what I’m experiencing is body overheating, pain in my hands and joints, sexual assaults, and the list goes on. But I’ve never felt the pain that Dr. Ber describes. I was the one who asked him if his pain was physical in the last TJ update podcast. Thanks for responding. Thanks to both of you.
What would we do without you guys. They got me so tired today, neither me nor my son have been able to fully wake up. I know they have to be drugging me with something. I wake up too groggy last few days. I hate it.
I hope one day to be able to converse with someone I don’t have to explain anything to.
It my not be drugging. It may be EMF. They've been doing the same thing to me for about week now. I can't sleep in my residence any longer because EMF has increased in frequency and power at night and whenever I take a nap in the daytime. In listening to Barrie Trower for a long time I'm convinced they can do a whole lot of things with EMF to the brain, like causing drowsiness, sleeplessness, a lot of things including a lot of things worse than those two.
For instance, 5-6 years ago they were hitting me with EMF enough to cause rectal bleeding. I documented the events, 3 or 4 times it happened, and they seemed to stop, but 3 days ago they started again, and the last 2 days I've experienced it again. You also have to understand I'm regular like a goose eating grass, and my diet consists of things like Cajun red beans and rice without the rice, I eat guacamole, 5 times a week, and I eat high-fiber cereals and nuts and seeds daily.
I concluded they can desiccate the colon causing constipation and rectal bleeding. Which probably means they can desiccate focal areas in the body besides just in the colon.
We need to ask Richard about this. He posted his water shielding solution to TJ's website some time ago. I've worked with my own countermeasures too, a couple with water, and some smart folks need to brainstorm countermeasures (CM) out.
I had a CM that worked wonderfully, but its hugely impractical. I happened to own a solar trailer that had a 3,000 lead-acid battery. I slept in it at night experimenting with the battery as a shield. I would never get bombarded at night with EMF from the direction of the battery. It convinced me that lead probably works, but then, its hugely toxic and weighs too much.
Richard's water solution, I'd like to know what kind of success he's had with it. This link is to Richard's Water Shielding page where he describes the design of the device to protect your head. I've used water in the past and had some success with it, but concluded that unless I could get it to cover most of my body that I could still be bombarded:
I also concluded that the device I was being bombarded with could overcome some of my water shielding. I was using different containers of water. The best I found was an Igloo 6-gallon container.
So, maybe we can get Richard to chime in on this one.
I had enough success that I think it warranted further effort. Also, I found 40 lb propane tanks pretty useful too. I really like the idea of maybe 1/2" of steel.
I decided it would take more money and effort than I was willing to expend at the time. I think the best thing to do is live on the road, but I may change my mind when it gets a little cooler than 99 degrees today!
Could you get two large strong pieces of plywood leaning against each other with a beam on top for support and triangle cut wood behind your head area. Beams to support the structure then put rows of water bottles covering every inch or water pillows covering the whole structure and water pillow under and over your head. Maybe two thick water mattresses leaning on each side of the triangle shape like structure with water bottles going across too of beam. I use iron and very thick aluminum siding. I plan to get water pillows as well..
I've considered things like that. That's why I corresponded with Richard about using saltwater. I developed my own system similar to Richards using 6 gallon Igloo water jugs. I got mine for $19 each:
It worked to a degree but did not cover my entire body.
I've considered a lot of alternatives including sheet steel, lead, water, saltwater, even 40-lbs propane tanks/bottles. I've had some success with all of them. The stalkers overcame all of them for the simple reason my system didn't cover 100% of my body. They don't seem to mind bombarding my body if they can't reach my head.
I've even considered much more intricate systems than what Richard and I have done; more money with no guarantee.
I've also concluded after suffering EMF bombardments since 2015, they've really overcome every countermeasure I've used. My countermeasures over the last 8 years have routinely worked, only to be overcome by the stalkers within days, weeks, even a year or two later. They have big resources, technologies, and the goal for overcoming countermeasures. I still think something can be developed that will work.
What you describe sounds like a big thing! The one thing I wish I'd finished is an underground room to sleep in at night. I was building the foundation to my log cab at one time with a 10' by 15' room for that purpose. I later abandoned that foundation. Sleeping underground is not a very practical solution, potential solution. for folks who live in urban areas. I live in a very rural area. One problem with a room like this is it needs heating and cooling; more expense involved with a typical experiment and countermeasure, and then, even if it worked against cell towers its unlikely to work against satellites. On the flip side of that, there's only so many human beings a satellite can deal with at one time and satellite time must be hugely expensive.
I think your idea is a good one. I haven't built anything bigger yet because my interest waned about the type of structure you mentioned. I can also envision your plan with your framework covered in 1/4" or 1/2" steel with water bottles on top of that. Its like all counter measures, they are experiments, cost money and may not work. I've spent a lot of money on countermeasures.
I like brainstorming them with Richard, you and other TIs to see what they may have tried.
I also think avoiding nightly bombardment is easier in rural areas. I've driven to the rest area on I-45 just north of Huntsville, TX and spent the night, maybe 35 miles from my home. I achieved considerable relief that night. As I recall, that is a location pretty far from the nearest cell tower. That's a key, getting as far away from a cell tower as possible at night. For a Houstonian getting far enough away from a cell tower or 5G device may require a 90 minute drive?
Not too practical. A 35 minute drive is not too practical for me. I slept in my diesel pickup that night and let it run for 6 or 7 hours while I slept. It was an experiment that worked, its just a little inconvenient. A 70 mile roundtrip is 80 minutes driving time and maybe 5 gallons of diesel at $3.20/gallon or $16/day or $480 a month. Pretty expensive and inconvenient.
The lady that married Bill Binney had some stuff on her website but they disappeared right after they announced they got married. Haven’t been heard of since. Kind of like Ella Free. She disappeared too. I’ve been researching and can’t get a hold of any of them. This is why I don’t trust everyone is a true target. There’s no way their disappearances after so long online is something to ignore. I trust no one
Katherine had/has a website. This video shows it was 2 years ago, the last I've seen from either of them. They are still around. I don't think Bill's that active now that both of his legs have been amputated below the knee, I understand from 3 or 4 cases of necrotizing fasciitis - what are the odds of that?
There was a time when the heat became too much, one could head for the border. There is no border on a Prison Planet. Brian Tew went everywhere except the Poles, he could not escape the electronic harassment. This is my 18th year of being aware of being targeted. I learned in the first year there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. One cannot out run the microwaves.
I also learned there is not one entity, institution or public person who is able or willing to address the targeting issue. I've been required to be subjected to a psych exam by VA, because for the last two years I've been telling providers that ALL of my medical problems are caused by electronic weapons.
As far as the populations of the planet awakening, I'm not being pessimistic by saying it's not likely to happen. The electronic MK has sedated everyone I know to the point that, no matter how much evidence and information is presented, it's not enough to even stimulate the possibilty, in their minds, that this is the reality of this world.
The success of the government Propaganda which is the MSM, has emboldened the DOD to proceed with the deployment of the bioweapon, and, again, my acquaintances are even unwilling to look at any info at variance with the Proganda.
The "world' will ignore us until it's too late to matter, for them, and for me, a spiritual solution is the only solution I see.
I have a bi plane circling the area over an over like ten times already
You know what I left out? Magnesium levels. According to Russell Blaylock they are essential to minimizing brain injury resulting from strokes at least, and possibly other causes. Russell Blaylock can tell you if you can find him. Proper magnesium levels reduce and minimize brain injuries.
Russell told the story long ago how in brain surgery surgeons experienced a spasm to the surface of the brain of some patients, and when that happened the patients did not survive; as I recall the story. He went on to explain how he ran across the idea to irrigate the surface of his patients' brains with a magnesium solution during surgery. He stated when he did that none of his patients ever died from the spasm. He also stated thereafter and before surgery he would put all of his patients on a magnesium IV and it worked.
In a video Russell also described and depicted how patients who suffer strokes and heart attacks have significantly less brain and heart damage when their magnesium levels are optimized.
I'm a researcher. Accordingly, I don't give advice. Rather, I offer the results of my personal research, so this is not medical advice, its the product of my wanting to stay healthy and alive for at least the past 18 years and me being willing to tell my story.
Here's Thomas Levy's e-mail address. He's not very warm and fuzzy, but he's very kind to respond to e-mail inquiries. That's been my experience. He's also the first medical doctor I found who identified and discussed "Long Covid", which is probably now called "Long Spike Protein":
Have you ever run across Dr Russell Blaylock? He has to be more knowledgeable about human health than any medical doctor I've ever run across. I started adopting his general protocols about 18 years ago. They work, without question.
Russell retired from neurosurgery shortly after both of his parents died from Parkinson's within 6 months of each other in about 2000. That was 23 years ago. He's published a monthly wellness letter for about 20 years where he shares his research. The reason I right this to you is because he is the #1 expert in brain health in the world, and anybody with brain trouble should probably want to become familiar with Russell's work. He performs continuing research that no other medical doctors even have the time to perform.
His May, 2023 report is titled, "Why Is the Incidence of Brain Degeneration Increasing?". I'll send a copy to you if you like it. I've been a subscriber for most of the past 18 years. His reports are published thru Newsmax, who maintains an archive of all of his well reports on its website.
Here's the Key Points from his May issue:
• Impaired development increases the risk of neurodegeneration
• Inside cells, glutamate is harmless; outside, it is deadly
• “Priming” leads to neurological problems
• Riboflavin is critical for protecting the brain
• Thiamine can reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases
In 2004 I had pretty serious heart disease, including atherosclerosis, extreme high blood pressure and and a pretty significant arrhythmia. I never went to a medical doctor to address my heart disease. My father suffered 3 massive heart attacks during a 10 year period. My younger brother had his first heart attack at 37 and his second at 41. So, it runs in my family.
By the grace of Jesus Christ is His father I'm in very good physical health and managed my heart disease better for 18 years than had I listened to a busload of cardiologists. They'd have me on 10-20 prescription medications by now and I would not be healthy. I'd probably have suffered at least 1 or 2 heart attacks. They'd have had me on a statin drug for the past 18 years that Russell described as a "Fraud". Actually, he called the cholesterol theory of heart disease a fraud.
The only cardiologist I listen to is Dr Thomas Levy. He's a global expert in Vitamin C, and probably the only medical doctor who has ever identified the genesis of atherosclerosis. He describes the initial cause as focal scurvy. Buy his book "Primal Panacea" to learn what you don't know about the healing benefits of Vitamin C, including extremely high-does Vitamin C up to 300+ grams. Vitamin C is so essential to the healing process, I would think somebody with Havana Syndrome and who may be continuously bombarded with EMF might want to supplement with Vitamin C. I have Dr Levy's e-mail address and I have no doubt he will correspond with you if you wish. Again, he's a cardiologist, an expert in Vitamin C, and a lawyer.
But I write this because as one of the very few people with Havana Syndrome, you should familiarize yourself with Russell's 20 years of research. I bet he would even take your call since you are a medical doctor, if you can find his phone #.
If you have an e-mail address and want a copy of his May report, send it to me. I have a protocol of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other helpful substances I regularly supplement with, and as a result of his May edition I added 4 or 5 high quality B vitamins to my list. I already took them but decided to take them in slightly higher concentrations.
Here's a test for you? Have you ever heard of the term "immunoexcitotoxicity"? It is a central mechanism in brain deterioration. I suspect you may suffer from it based on my familiarity with Russell's research; maybe not but I but its yes.
With every wellness letter Russell publishes he makes recommendations about vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other helpful supplement like curcumin. He's been writing about curcumin and other bioflavonoids for at least the last 10 years and I've been taking it that long.
Another of your, everybody's actually, likely problems resulting from EMF bombardment is an increased level of chronic inflammation. Its a silent brain killer. Look at the photos of the lady with EMF burns all over her face on TJ's website. She almost certainly has acute inflammation from EMF bombardment, in her case the visible inflammation to her skin. According to Thomas Levy she probably needs to be taking high-dose Vitamin C. Everybody needs to be taking high doses of Vitamin C.
According to Dr Joel Wallach 21 years ago, the human body needs something like 96 vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Blaylock probably adds another 40% to that number with very beneficial substances like curcumin, quercetin, hesperidin, ACGC I think it is, ellagic acid, and 6 other anti-inflammatories in his product Advancin, just to name a few.
I would guess, and I'm rather an expert at assessments like this, you could not hire 50 brain surgeons and/or neurologists who can help your brain health like Russell Blaylock can. He rather threw the PDR away 23 years ago concerning health.
So, there's my test!
Now I'm going to find out, not how intelligent you are but how smart you are.
This was Richard's response to my question about using salt water in his water counter measure system, and it elicited my longer e-mail. I'd asked Richard if he's tried salt water:
"I have not tried salt water. Might be worth trying.
Gel packs/pads seem to help as well.
Look up migraine gel packs on amazon."
I'm big into countermeasures, since 2015. My interest ebbs and flows, and Richard answered another of my e-mails earlier this week about the EMFs being used in beam forming. To my surprise, Richard replied with a link to a page selling beam forming micro chips and almost all of the chips were rated for frequencies higher than the 10Ghz, which is the upper limit my current EMF meter registers.
So, my very broad spectrum EMF meter does not cover any frequencies used in beam forming chips. That necessitates another meter.
My interest was created by the fact I'm regularly experiencing EMF burning and tingling where my 10Ghz meter would register NOTHING AT ALL!
Safe Living Technology came out with a 20Ghz to 40Gz 5G EMF meter a week or two ago I'm reluctantly considering buying! Another $1200 experiment, but it may be worth it.
I think people should talk more about EMF and stalking countermeasures, what they've tried and what they envision, over on TargetedJustice's website. Richard's done some good work, work I personally think needs further research on, especially the EM frequencies being used and meters to detect them (evidence folks), and the technique for canceling EM frequencies using a jammer. He has that video on his or TJ's website.
I suggest that “alien abductees” are in reality merely one sub-group of a larger population of targeted individuals. Their experiences constitute the little-known symptoms of a covert long-term military campaign whose goal, global in scope, is to redefine the nature of government on Earth and to utilize extremely advanced technologies to control the human population in ways not even considered possible by the general public.
Silenced People Dr karla Turner (Murdered)
By Jeff Polachek
I wonder if Richard would have an idea about Elon's Starlink satellites being capable of EMF tracking and torture.
Here you are folks. I was communicating with Richard this morning and responded with this....certainly more than he wanted or expected. I'm into solving problems...
I'm giving consideration to this contraption developed by Roger Tolces. Roger is the guy with the $70,000 device that identifies and proves (satellite) EMF bombardments, like 10 years ago he produced this video very strongly suggesting it. He demonstrates it in the first 5 minutes of the video at this link if you are interested. Really neat tool to have......for $70,000. Be nice to pick up a working model at a garage sale:
Here's Roger's device I'm considering on his website. Its near the bottom of the page. I am wondering what type of biologically negative effects it might have on a human being. $1,500 is another pretty expensive experiment - his Active Shield System:
I'm also thinking about Safe & Sound's new 5G 20Ghz to 40 Ghz meter, another $1,200 I don't relish spending. I've yet to find a meter that covers 10G to 20 Ghz, and I feel like spending $1,200 may be a partial waste without that 10 Ghz gap. You'd be more knowledgeable about this than me:
I simply haven't run across any meters that measure above 10Ghz, that aren't hugely expensive.
But with your revelation earlier in the week about beam forming systems using 10Ghz+ microchips, that can explain a whole lot about the EMF I'm experiencing and the fact it is not registering on the up to 10Ghz meter I'm using right now. If I buy this meter I'll have up to 10Ghz and then 20Ghz to 40Ghz, leaving that 10Ghz gap.
BTW, you and your board should consider engaging in discussions about all natural solutions for the problems EMFs almost certainly create in the human body, and its the same problem the mRNA vaccines (all vaccines cause it) are causing in people, chronic inflammation, i.e. myocarditis and other related inflammatory problems. I can't imagine TI's not wanting to become familiar with preventing chronic inflammation as a normal part of their health regimen (your doctor won't talk to you about this because its not in his PDR). Its even more important for older people like us. EMFs have to create chronic inflammation in the human body, and as my medical expert and go-to guy stated about chronic inflammation more than 10 years ago, it is a primary cause of heart disease (especially atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis), cancer and neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's, ALS and Alzheimer's.
The nano-tech in me has created burning since 11/2017, meaning it is creating an inflammatory response almost certainly. I've been building and taking an anti-inflammatory protocol since 2005. I was motivated to get on one when I suffered a significant heart event in 2004 in Midland when for 3 days the left side of my heart tried to beat its way out of my chest, resulting in me getting almost no sleep for 72 hours. I've never experienced anything similar to that even again, now 19 years later. I think this protocol solved that problem too.
Finally, Roger has made his living evaluating EMF emissions in people's homes and businesses, probably since the 1970's. I talked to him about doing my home. He's in California. I don't remember his price, but I didn't consider it being terribly expensive 7 or 8 years ago. I decided to not do that because of the likelihood the stalkers would become aware of my plan, then turn off their sources of EMF emissions and that might just result in a big waste of money for me."
Thanks Dr Ber. i was loudly listening to your podcast in the laundromat, hoping someone would over hear your TI conversation. A lady came over to me today and said it sounded very interesting and asked me what it was about. I took the opportunity and ran with it and showed her the Targeted Justice web site and suggested she tell her family. I made sure everyone there could over hear our conversation. I frequently go to public places and listen to TI videos and Dr, Steven Greer talking about the deep national security state.with the hope that someone will take interest. Today I also drove around and took pictures of the weaponized cell towers, and will send out a cease and desist order to all of them. I have to go to the library to put the letter together because my laptop died. One was in the Half-moon Bay Airport. One was by some poor looking homes and one was camouflaged right next to a church. and one had a sign on the fence saying do not enter. The most dangerous looking ones were behind lock and key with signs that said private property do not enter or you will be prosecuted. That sounded oddly funny since they clearly understand the rule of law but don’t mind breaking it and invading other people’s property and personal space with their DEW.
Aliens have nothing to do with our harassment. That is what the covert secret military industrial sites want you to believe when they bring out all their area 51 advanced UAPs and start attacking people around the world. The bought out news agencies will play it up. If you watched the emergency room doctor and ufologist, Dr. Steven Greer, you would know about the unacknowledged groups which are out of control and need to be put in check.
I watched most of this interview. I was struck by your comments about waking people up, and I guess getting them to do something useful and legal. I've been dealing with that for about 2 decades. I don't know if you are a Christian or not, but Derek spoke of iniquity, and his explanation is the best I've come across for understand people's unwillingness to act to save themselves.
Derek said there was a second part of iniquity he defined as "the ongoing punishment and judgment for iniquity", iniquity generally meaning going our own way without God.
I started some strategic solutions things in the early 2002's in the oil industry. I held a seminar for about 30 of my clients in 2007 in Lafayette. Their response was very positive. I didn't have the time to pursue what I was recommending, and I later found out its exactly what AIPAC and other have been doing for 30 years with the US Congress as their target.
I understood in '07 the target demographic I wanted to reach, people with children and grandchidren. That's the target demographic who will probably react first, most quickly. They have kids and grandkids they love, and there's nothing like the love of a good pair of grandparents.
You are also dealing with people who almost universally behave and think uni-dimensionally, one thing at a time, which is one of the worst ways to think. I posted about Legal Strategic Boycotts on TJ's site a month or two ago and the post was removed. I started my first boycott in the 3rd week of August in 1975 at a stop sign in Robstown, TX. I'm still boycotting Levis Strauss and Co a month shy of 48 years. I will never buy anything from Levis again. I now boycott more than 200 public companies, at least. Some we can't boycott, like Microsoft and almost all defense contractors.
TI's have nothing to complain about if they will not engage in every legal thing out there to stop this, including boycotts. I spent my own money a little over 2 years ago to develop a boycott petition website. I describe boycotting now as spending 30 seconds of the 86,400 seconds in a 24-hour day to sign a boycott petition.
My assessment about boycotts for 30 years or more has been, boycotts always work when enough people participate. Look at Budweiser, Target, Disney and Bed Bath and Beyond right now, as examples. Boycotts work. What they need is all of the 79 Million adult Americans who reelected Donald Trump in 2020 to actively participate in Legal Strategic Boycotts every single day, like the grown adults they are.
I did not vote for Trump in '16 or '20. I concluded by 2004 and stated it online, that the American people would never get from the Federal government what they want legally, by "Voting Alone". I also stated concurrently at the time, "That if the American people ever elected their perfect candidate to the presidency, on inauguration day they and he would find him on the inauguration podium surrounded by the most powerful crime syndicate on Earth.". Donald Trump's presidency proved my assessment almost perfectly.
Strategic Boycotts are making excellent progress right now. It's time for all adult Americans who love our Republic to start behaving like they love it.
My personal hope is the 79 Million grown adults will put 10 or 20 woke corporations in bankruptcy in the very near future so we can dry up the funding for politicians and political parties who don't do everything in their power to protect our Republic and folks like you and me.
Spending 30 seconds cannot possibly be mutually exclusive with anything else we TIs are legally doing right now.
We vote every 2 years in elections. We all vote multiple times a day with every dollar we spend.
I first said it more than 20 years ago about the Power That Be, a/k/a now the Globalists, we are far smarter than they are, we all need to start behaving like it.
Here's an example of 1 of a handful of petitions I've posted to my site. I haven't tried to get much attention to them. I posted this one on 10/28/2021 to a locals channel I frequent. 30 seconds:
Too bad 79 Million grown adults did not sign it by the end of November, 2021.
Sometime we should communicate about medicine. I'm not an MD, but I know the smartest one in the world and been a student of his for 18 years at least.
In reading your story I felt your passion and your concern. The problem that we encounter as TIs is that when we turn to our elected officials and/or the police officers for some type of help, we’re either ignored or they want to put us away. The latter is a real fear with most of the TIs. In some families, the children have been removed from the home. I’m not saying we shouldn’t fight for our freedom. We just need to be careful. God Bless
We also need a well trained mind, and a connection to the LORD of All.
There's no legitimate excuse for not boycotting. I've boycotted HollyRot since 1986, Disney since 1995, Levi Strauss & Co since 08/1975. I started my boycott of Ford Motor Company in 2005 when I was a "Ford Guy" and loved Ford trucks. Since then I've bought 19 new trucks and not a one of them was a Ford!!!! That's $1 million in sales Ford lost because it was Woke 18 years ago before anybody used the word "woke".
I hope Ford and Disney and several others simply go out of business, doors closed and Chapter 7.
We get 79 Million adults all boycotting on date certain and what is happening to us is going to disappear or maybe not. Its worth trying considering how little effort it takes and almost not money it costs.
Are Larry Fink and Blackrock helping us TIs? How about Bob Iger and Disney?
For God is not the author of confusion but of peace." — 1 Corinthians 14:33
What are you talking about? Confusion, boycotts? How does not spending your money with those who hate your Savior constitute confusion? Go ahead, spend all of your money with the likes of Disney, Target, ESPN, NFL, MLB, NBA, the purveyors of homosexuality and allowing little boys to have the right to decide if they can castrate themselves.
I repented of spending my money with as many of those companies as was feasible in the last 40 years! The Disney boycott cost it $128 billion in stock value in 2022. I started my personal boycott of Everything Disney in 1995.
I repented of Disney.
Confusion in that? How about Christian common sense.
I would also resist citing Bible verses that do not apply in any way because it makes you look like you are not a very knowledgeable Christian?
And more and more Americans are learning that boycotts are a great way to repent of what we've been doing and allowing in the USA for a very long time.
Hi Len. Thank you for sharing your time with John and with the rest of us. So, I guess I’m conflicted on the subject of mind control. Most people (those who are not victims of this heinous program) think that it’s a conspiracy theory to believe that the chemtrails behind airplanes and/or drones are not spraying harmful chemicals on the masses. Like other TIs, I believe this is exactly the case. I believe, also, that the chemicals are altering one’s behavior I.e. manipulating the mind under a type of mind control. Every week on my job I will encounter someone (maybe 3) who are dressed EXACTLY the way I am - from top to bottom - color of shoes included. In my case of being a targeted individual, this started happening only in the last two years. There are other things, too, but I won’t mention those cause I don’t want them to increase. So what is this? Is it mind control or hypnosis OR is it the effects of the chemtrails? I’m asking because you mentioned in your show that you can’t mind control someone to jump off a building. If you could elaborate further on these things, I’d really appreciate it. God bless you, Ana Toledo and Targeted Justice.
I can totally empathise with you all 💗 I know that it doesn't matter where you go in the UK and maybe most of Europe too, sadly and unfortunately it seems that there is no escaping this horrific, diabolical, torturous and complete abuse of our Human Rights and maybe Animal Rights too? I pray every day 🙏 that people wake up and acknowledge the truth to what is really going on! and they start to do their own research on V2K and DEW weapons and more and more people and governments come on board and bring this horrific crime against humanity to a complete halt! and all of these disgusting evil weapons are destroyed for ever! It seems to me quite clearly, that by using this technology, the human race (who are intelligent beings) are going backwards and underevolving rather than going forwards and evolving to become better and more peaceful human beings. 🌍🕊
John, hello. Where have you gone in trying to escape? I traveled to Mexico and even initiated the process of seeking asylum, but I realized the harassment wouldn’t stop. I’ve considered giving up my citizenship but I don’t know where to go. What has it been like for you while traveling? Thanks.
It is global so the satellites can track you anywhere you go and use the weaponized 5G towers. Does Chile have weaponized towers? i heard they outlawed neurowespons but don’t count on it..
Hi Mayra,
I went to Brazil. I had some relief on the flight, but when I got to my hostel, I was irradiated by the Brazilians! I had no idea that would happen. I didn't know it was global.
I had originally intended to stay for 6 months, and try to stay indefinitely. After I accepted that the attacks were continuing in Brazil, I changed my return flight and left 10 days later. I was searched upon entering the U.S., the only one on my flight who was searched.
I take it that you were attacked in Mexico?
You may be old enough to remember this from elementary school. Humor is one of the best medicines, so I went and listened to this:
I remember it, but at the moment nothing is very amusing.
I can understand why. I'm under very acute attack right now, all afternoon long with powerful EMF.
I remember hearing that when I was little. Performed by Jerry Samuels
Sorta of graveyard humor to TIs! HaHaHaHa! But I'm save by Jesus and can appreciate this type of humor.
I could have saved you the trouble. When Google Plus was active, i belonged to a large group of targets from Brazil. I was in contact with a lady from the US who was being targeted in Brazil. She was expressing suicidal thoughts. I tried to help her as much as I could but eventually, she quit writing altogether.
About extraterrestrials; no subject facing humanity is more important than exposing this covert genocidal program & bringing it's perpetrators to justice. We already face enough disbelief without inviting more ourselves. If extraterrestrials are forcing our tormentors to do this to us, let them prove it in a court of law.
Yes. This was during late September through mid October of last year. Back then, the V2K harassment had started months prior, although I had been hearing voices for a year and a half. I just didn’t know what it was. I thought they were neighbors. Once I realized it was this horrible human experiment I tried to flee the country. I would wake up shaking in the mornings while in Mexico. My attacks have changed over time. I live in Texas, and currently what I’m experiencing is body overheating, pain in my hands and joints, sexual assaults, and the list goes on. But I’ve never felt the pain that Dr. Ber describes. I was the one who asked him if his pain was physical in the last TJ update podcast. Thanks for responding. Thanks to both of you.
What would we do without you guys. They got me so tired today, neither me nor my son have been able to fully wake up. I know they have to be drugging me with something. I wake up too groggy last few days. I hate it.
I hope one day to be able to converse with someone I don’t have to explain anything to.
I am so grateful for this conversation.
It really did help me.
Thank you.
Was listening yesterday trying to pay better attention through these massive headaches and decided to try podcasting.
Remind everyone it is a fight of our will against theirs.
I really brought home the reality of getting ahold of myself and finding a way to calm down when they magnify my rage. Thank you THANK YOU THANK YOU
It my not be drugging. It may be EMF. They've been doing the same thing to me for about week now. I can't sleep in my residence any longer because EMF has increased in frequency and power at night and whenever I take a nap in the daytime. In listening to Barrie Trower for a long time I'm convinced they can do a whole lot of things with EMF to the brain, like causing drowsiness, sleeplessness, a lot of things including a lot of things worse than those two.
For instance, 5-6 years ago they were hitting me with EMF enough to cause rectal bleeding. I documented the events, 3 or 4 times it happened, and they seemed to stop, but 3 days ago they started again, and the last 2 days I've experienced it again. You also have to understand I'm regular like a goose eating grass, and my diet consists of things like Cajun red beans and rice without the rice, I eat guacamole, 5 times a week, and I eat high-fiber cereals and nuts and seeds daily.
I concluded they can desiccate the colon causing constipation and rectal bleeding. Which probably means they can desiccate focal areas in the body besides just in the colon.
We need to ask Richard about this. He posted his water shielding solution to TJ's website some time ago. I've worked with my own countermeasures too, a couple with water, and some smart folks need to brainstorm countermeasures (CM) out.
I had a CM that worked wonderfully, but its hugely impractical. I happened to own a solar trailer that had a 3,000 lead-acid battery. I slept in it at night experimenting with the battery as a shield. I would never get bombarded at night with EMF from the direction of the battery. It convinced me that lead probably works, but then, its hugely toxic and weighs too much.
Richard's water solution, I'd like to know what kind of success he's had with it. This link is to Richard's Water Shielding page where he describes the design of the device to protect your head. I've used water in the past and had some success with it, but concluded that unless I could get it to cover most of my body that I could still be bombarded:
I also concluded that the device I was being bombarded with could overcome some of my water shielding. I was using different containers of water. The best I found was an Igloo 6-gallon container.
So, maybe we can get Richard to chime in on this one.
I did try the water. Sort of. Didn’t really work.
I had enough success that I think it warranted further effort. Also, I found 40 lb propane tanks pretty useful too. I really like the idea of maybe 1/2" of steel.
I decided it would take more money and effort than I was willing to expend at the time. I think the best thing to do is live on the road, but I may change my mind when it gets a little cooler than 99 degrees today!
Could you get two large strong pieces of plywood leaning against each other with a beam on top for support and triangle cut wood behind your head area. Beams to support the structure then put rows of water bottles covering every inch or water pillows covering the whole structure and water pillow under and over your head. Maybe two thick water mattresses leaning on each side of the triangle shape like structure with water bottles going across too of beam. I use iron and very thick aluminum siding. I plan to get water pillows as well..
I've considered things like that. That's why I corresponded with Richard about using saltwater. I developed my own system similar to Richards using 6 gallon Igloo water jugs. I got mine for $19 each:
It worked to a degree but did not cover my entire body.
I've considered a lot of alternatives including sheet steel, lead, water, saltwater, even 40-lbs propane tanks/bottles. I've had some success with all of them. The stalkers overcame all of them for the simple reason my system didn't cover 100% of my body. They don't seem to mind bombarding my body if they can't reach my head.
I've even considered much more intricate systems than what Richard and I have done; more money with no guarantee.
I've also concluded after suffering EMF bombardments since 2015, they've really overcome every countermeasure I've used. My countermeasures over the last 8 years have routinely worked, only to be overcome by the stalkers within days, weeks, even a year or two later. They have big resources, technologies, and the goal for overcoming countermeasures. I still think something can be developed that will work.
What you describe sounds like a big thing! The one thing I wish I'd finished is an underground room to sleep in at night. I was building the foundation to my log cab at one time with a 10' by 15' room for that purpose. I later abandoned that foundation. Sleeping underground is not a very practical solution, potential solution. for folks who live in urban areas. I live in a very rural area. One problem with a room like this is it needs heating and cooling; more expense involved with a typical experiment and countermeasure, and then, even if it worked against cell towers its unlikely to work against satellites. On the flip side of that, there's only so many human beings a satellite can deal with at one time and satellite time must be hugely expensive.
I think your idea is a good one. I haven't built anything bigger yet because my interest waned about the type of structure you mentioned. I can also envision your plan with your framework covered in 1/4" or 1/2" steel with water bottles on top of that. Its like all counter measures, they are experiments, cost money and may not work. I've spent a lot of money on countermeasures.
I like brainstorming them with Richard, you and other TIs to see what they may have tried.
I also think avoiding nightly bombardment is easier in rural areas. I've driven to the rest area on I-45 just north of Huntsville, TX and spent the night, maybe 35 miles from my home. I achieved considerable relief that night. As I recall, that is a location pretty far from the nearest cell tower. That's a key, getting as far away from a cell tower as possible at night. For a Houstonian getting far enough away from a cell tower or 5G device may require a 90 minute drive?
Not too practical. A 35 minute drive is not too practical for me. I slept in my diesel pickup that night and let it run for 6 or 7 hours while I slept. It was an experiment that worked, its just a little inconvenient. A 70 mile roundtrip is 80 minutes driving time and maybe 5 gallons of diesel at $3.20/gallon or $16/day or $480 a month. Pretty expensive and inconvenient.
The lady that married Bill Binney had some stuff on her website but they disappeared right after they announced they got married. Haven’t been heard of since. Kind of like Ella Free. She disappeared too. I’ve been researching and can’t get a hold of any of them. This is why I don’t trust everyone is a true target. There’s no way their disappearances after so long online is something to ignore. I trust no one
Go look at John B Phillips substack. He has some 2023 links about William Binney:
I will look at some of the stuff you sent me. Thanks. I knew about most of it except the new post. Thanks.
Katherine had/has a website. This video shows it was 2 years ago, the last I've seen from either of them. They are still around. I don't think Bill's that active now that both of his legs have been amputated below the knee, I understand from 3 or 4 cases of necrotizing fasciitis - what are the odds of that?
This video with Bill was uploaded 03/11/2022:
The last video she posted to her site appears to be 2 years old:
I think they are just less active. Bill is getting pretty old too.
Dr John Hall said he was getting out of his activity in the subject because is was a condition of his bride.
Katherine & Bill's Patreon page 08/04/2022 stating they "are BACK":
Bill & Katherine at Rumble dated June 7, 2023 - Looks like they are back and I'm going to watch this one a little more than a month ago!:
They must have their own Rumble channel?