doc, they keep trying to feed a hose into my house there very persistent , they’ve been doing it for two years and i’ve been chaseing them off my roof out my trees every where i catch them at first i thought they were trying to gas me but it nano technology im sure i can feel it it’s different kind of hurt in my head what are they going to do to me ?

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i did not have the vaccine however have had a lot of dental anesthesia and mine def became worse or more distinct in a different more pronounced way after the last dental anesthesia.

are they putting this in just by nature of how the material is made and the actual dentist has no clue? bc my dentist happens to be a relative. I already felt something had been done to me not normal that kicked up my “already” issues and then a few days later read from the TJ site that the technology is now in dental anesthesia. also everywhere i go if try to talk about my abusive past situation rt spouse no matter where i get the same issues of people at the business as in a tech store or a hotel (bc i have had to stay in hotels) tryinng to find where can live and i get the same run around and basic treatment as if people afraid to have anything to do with me or situation as in if i report unsual things they become scared do not want associated. i also do not know which LE would be trustworthy to even report i guess will have to live with this rest of my life as i do not see an end to it for me. i can hear the signals or “electric” noise even on hikes in the woods without my phone.. I have an iphone but did have the android I also at one point per my spouse telling me (bc I gave him my new iphone for work when his blackberry became not usable) i had an old android and could not find password to open it so he told me to take it to so and so at a certain store and I (naively) allowed this person to jail break into my phone. I used to trust now i do not. the reason i have had so many phones is did have a what seems havana type attack or at the least become suddenly sensitive to 5 g and have the “noise” issues and other things and so I got rid of all my phones and stayed off devices then it went away mostly (bc was on property with spouse) and we turned off the smart meter and he may have done special things however it calmed down so i had my phones back and gave one to my spouse and then the older android i was trying to use. he also took out the sims and switched. either way something goes on with me and mine seems related to “one specific tooth area” have had a lot of jaw surgery and dental and orthodontic work through the years and a very connected in spouse and most def in my opinon something has been done to me. he also has very directly told me as well as a court (evidently he knows) that I am a “human antenna” (he wants to help me (if i come back) bc i had to leave rt abuse. and he told the judge and a legal person I consulted with told me to use that in the court (seemed to already know this about me) in the town if I so much as went to a certain store the same man would come down the aisle over and over where I was and pass me with his cart and say things to me. I have had the definite wierd things that goes on rt TI however they cant or used to not be able to always find me however is def through the phones and or if you send a text or photo or take a photo. they also seem able to turn it off or change the way it is done. my spouse also told/texted me something related to “my hot little body” when i did leave the last time... as in to help me if I come back and he

meant hot as in temperature wise. i get burning on my face and eyes and all inside my mouth in a 3 dimentional way and have metal rt some surgery..spouse told me that “we” think its your genome…whoever “we” are. i write specific things bc it doesnt matter..might as well spell it out in detail in case someone can help shut this garbage down. mine comes and goes as far as some things. I can not so much as go to church now bc all the survelliance they now use causes me extreme issues. if I turn on my new computer to watch a church or whatever i will have the extreme pain (facial burning all in eyes and inside mouth ) like a trigeminal neuraliga as well as become hot (and im thin and small for age) I will become vv irritable and physically uncomfortable. it also sometimes wakes me in the morning with the ringing tinnitus type electrical noise seems directed and coming from one side and related to a “tooth” area that may have been injected with something (not sure)

i guess they like to experiment with people like hitler did to the jews during the holocaust. I think all of this is def real and yes def LE and others seem involved.. I also do not believe either side cares to solve it for everyone and believe both sides of the political realm will use it on any one that they see as a threat to progress or “agenda’ and it has more to do with our speech or beliefs or else someone who is easy to use and “study” or experiment with.

i have noticed if i take supplements and vitamins and things to help rid the body of toxins like heavy metals it does clear but also causes pain and also seems to attack the one tooth area of my body as if that area has some sort of metal in it (unless its a nerve or anomaly) just affected.

but when the thing happens that feel specifically targeted it (since having teeth done last) affects all my teeth and it feels like a low level of electric current. my issues started in may of 2021 in texas. went away some…comes back stronger since leaving spouse. it also happened on our property different levels at times. there are very nefarious evil people in this world in positions of power. I only trust God and a few mere humans.

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don’t know how to do the above, however i feel for certain i have something like this going on.

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I just wanted you to know that the brand of phone you used is controlled completely by them. Did you consider that Motorola might be a brand of law enforcement since, you know, they use those microphones on their shoulders, put out by Motorola?

I've been all over my phones and believe me when I tell you that there have been Many to this point. These phones always run on their network no matter what. Android phones have codes you can use if you google codes for you specific phone and look for something that says CDMA or MAC address, or service menu. That should give you a pretty clear pic. Also used port droid because I could use the coordinates it came up with to do a google ,map location from the app to map.

It's been a nightmare for me and they HATE me. They listen, talk, steal, hurt, stalk and believe this is the way of dealing with everyone in the future. Let me say here that I am like you but not. I have followed the research too. I have found some of the same conclusion you have with nano tech. I am not like you because I have been in trouble in the past. It appears there are 3 categories to this in the nature of Official (of some kind) are being attacked here and abroad. Those that are civilian that do not appear to have been in trouble and those that are civilian that have. I would guess the hope would be to use the latter to introduce it as necessary for everyone else in the country.

Also wanted to say I was disappointed at those who have some trouble in the psst needing to be excluded from the letters to the Supreme Court for a rehearing. There is no grey area here, it is either wrong or it is not!

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its wrong period. no reason to do things like this to a human much less animal

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What does it mean if a name shows up I just saw one come up that I did not recognize and it had an option to forget it so I forgot it

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Cemetery blue tooth hunters use faraday cages that are open on one end, towards the ground. I have a small square one that fits over my chest. I put the cell into the cage and start pairing and press the cage firmly to your chest. This seems to work and don't get any mac addresses until I remove the phone from cage. I also use a nicotine patch for protection.

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🔥💞💞Jedi we need military or cellular radio engineers to wake up the sleeping masses we have the 5G zombie control signal need to reverse engineer it to save the world 🌎 🛰 📡 🛰 📡 🛰 📡 🛰 💞💞🔥

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Although when I did have an android and was first being hit hard with V2K when my assailants were in arms reach proximity, prior to me knowing what was happening this explains a lot!

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Can this be done on an iPhone since I have no android ? Can’t afford another phone right now.

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I have noticed that the popular Iphones are emitting up to 3 macs.

My mRNA free sons Iphone 13 has 3 in fact.

He turns them off and they restart the moment he opens an app that requires GPS or Bluetooth.

My son doesn't give off BLE. His phone however is transmitting a lot of data.

Taking IR shots front and back camera and scanning objects according to his study on Iphone technology.

These phones can even judge distances very accurately. He gave me a live demo on all kinds of features found inside these iPhones.

So for instance you have 3 people in a room with 3 iphones you may pick up 9 mac's.

If you are concerned with privacy.

We decided the 2G cells are probably your best option for making calls.

Another member of the study group is going with a Brax degoogled phone that is about $300 and designed to not be tracked and maintain security.

I personally don't care if they are reading my keystrokes and know my GPS location.

I will repeat again i personally have not found one human transmission of BLE from under the skin.

This is a mesh network on people's smart devices.

As for nanotechnology in the blood stream we think that elevated salt levels in blood can produce these motherboard structure.

David Hunt here on substack has a video of this salt under the microscope.

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Thank you for this critical guidance on how to conduct the MAC address test. I haven't been able to do this test yet, but I've found more than 5 areas on my body which are consistently emitting frequency, ever time I do the megaphone test. A MAC address is something so specific for the body to be emitting that people will surely recognize it as next-level undeniable, prima facie evidence.

This can't be ignored forever. Truth wins in the end!

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What's a megaphone test?

Which areas of your body?

So no death jab, but you hang around a lot of zombies, right?

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No, would never have taken something like that. I go to the gym and now church but am actually not around people very often at all. Apparently, this nanotech sheds and spreads like a gas.

A $13 megaphone (batteries not included) acts as a simple scientific instrument to detect frequency. You just run it right over your skin and it will shriek where there is frequency being emitted. Here are the instructions for the megaphone test:


This stuff is definitely growing, so the places on your body where frequency is detected by this test may increase over time. But once you detect frequency coming out of an area on your body, you should detect it in that same place every time. There was only one occasion where I detected it on my palms and the next time it wasn't there.

If you're curious, I have a diagram and description here of the places on my body where the megaphone consistently detected frequency (however because the nanotech is "very self-assembling" there are likely even more places on my body now since the last time I ran this test): https://patrickkim.substack.com/p/personal-evidence?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Ok, I thought you meant that type of megaphone, but I wasn't sure b/c that's a megaphone for talking to people, so HOW does it detect frequency?

So I'm going to assume it's morgellons. Do you know what that is?

I really need to get a video on this uploaded to my channel.

So much work & so little time.


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Per Targeted Justice: "The megaphone has a small metal diaphragm (blue) which vibrates by talking at the end. A coil of wire (red) is between the poles of a cylindrical magnet (green), which creates an electromagnetic field. What we are doing is using the sensitivity of the EM field to pinpoint where chips or implants can be found in the body. The megaphone will not react to an ordinary piece of metal - it must be energized."

See the original article and a diagram of megaphone as a simple scientific instrument: https://targetedjustice.substack.com/p/attn-fbi-agents-police-and-law-enforcement?utm_source=%2Fsearch%2Fmegaphone%2520test&utm_medium=reader2

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You can use a software defined radio or a spectrum analyzer to detect any radio frequencies going to or from you.

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Do you have links to a good one that isn't expensive?

Thanks Victor

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A spectrum analyzer or a software defined radio will show if there are any radio frequencies that go to or from you

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I have completed a few scans!

No one in our household emits any BT signals! All clear from any chemical injections.

However, I put it to the test when a couple visited just before Christmas. I knew they were injected up a few times each. Sitting down at the table I picked up 8 unique unknown BT signals.

Crazy! I felt sick to my stomach. It's a topic that many have dropped.

Is it likely that each injection will give an additional signal?

I'll keep testing and keeping logs and determine if the MAC addresses they emit change with time?

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And have you ever detected an address from someone who has NOT received the injection?

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well i did not receive one and I already suspected some type technology as this, just am not tech savvy enough to comprehend. I believe it is and can be done by other methods. has to be. what would make them stop at a vaccine if it all is true.

i can say something is being done to people and it is pure evil. “in this world you will have trouble, be of GOOD CHEER! I (being CHRIST) tells us, I HAVE overcome the world” in my mind it is just a matter of time and I can say for certain HE WILL take care of the problem and the problem people. When Christ comes (and he WILL come and it will be in the clouds, not walking around on this earth. the problem will be taken care of in finality. the whole planet will be disrupted as well as the solar system. he will utterly destroy evil and wickedness in high places and re deem his people. and remake everything NEW. anyone who is not a believer should become a believer in Christ because he is the only being who has the rightful means to restore peace and return the world to what it should have been and will one day be. he also transforms life and character and gives us ability to deal with persecution. the bible promises us ‘thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee”. isaiah 26:3.

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Not yet.

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I've been testing myself over time, mostly in urban areas and have tried to make comparisons to the addresses pulled. My understanding now is that the MAC addresses displayed may be dynamic and change during a set interval, which is a now-common security feature.

Today I am very rural and ran 3 apps while my android is set to detect unknown MAC addresses. I am so thankful to Jesus and His mercy that no address has appeared. I was too close a few times to a 2x injected woman at the end of 2021. She had received her last injection about 6-8 months prior to our interactions. I strongly advise against having any physical contact that could exchange fluids with a participant of the injections or "tests".

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I'll have the opportunity to retest a few people to see if their MAC addresses have changed in a few months.

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How is your testing going? Did you figure out if every address is a different jab?

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I haven't tested enough to determine this. Although, it seems to be the case. In two individuals that had 4 shots they each emitted 4 unique MAC addresses. Crazy and freaky stuff.

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Any update?

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Thank you Len.

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