I have been listening to an engineer on Odysee name Sabrinia Wallace, she talks about neurowarfare neurotechnology, I would like to ask you some questions about both to see your take on it would that be OK with you.interested?

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We live in the third millennium - there are many game changers possible (especially "Mind Control" / "Electronic or Synthetic or Artificial Telepathy") - because what began as a science fiction novel today may be a report tomorrow . By the way: "Electromagnetic (direct) Mind-Control" will finally be released - after decades of secret use of these "neuro weapons". Neuro weapons are modified (anti-person) energy weapons that have direct psychological effects and psychiatric symptoms cause, especially mind controller learning (through remote neural monitoring) and voice hearing (through voice-to-skull technology).

SOURCE, URL: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kopiernudeln/comments/qnlon5/paranoide_schizophrenie_elektromagnetische/ (26.03.2024).

Secret services cause paranoid-hallucinatory psychosis with electromagnetic mind-control weapon systems. Secret services cause all cases of paranoid schizophrenia.

Paranoid schizophrenia is artificially caused by the German domestic secret service using energy and neuro weapons. Anyone can suddenly suffer from paranoid schizophrenia.

Everyone can suddenly hear voices coming from secret agents. The basis for this “mind control technology” are neurophysical energy and neuro weapons.

Paranoid schizophrenia is artificially caused by the German domestic secret service using Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs) and (electromagnetic) "neuro weapons".

The beam from the microwave weapon heats the liquid in a person's body to 45-80 degrees. Variant: "Voice to Skull" with it, voices are played into the brain via electromagnetic frequencies.

This voice-to-skull technique for suddenly sending voices to people has been used by the German secret service for decades and drives those affected insane through systematic torture and decomposition.

Everyone can suddenly hear voices that come from secret agents on radios with 41 new cases and about 8 deaths every day - that is hushed up like the suicide rate in the GDR.

"High-tech" new weapons have been used secretly in the FRG for many years for the secret service purposes of reconnaissance, information acquisition and the decomposition of target persons.

Tens of thousands of people worldwide are unanimously reporting exactly the same thing: namely, being followed by the secret service with radiation weapons - does nobody check that?

Because people with schizophrenia are right - they are really being pursued - by the secret service and, in rare cases, by research laboratories for human experiments (brain-computer interfaces).

With electromagnetic weapon systems (modified "anti-personal energy weapons" or "neuro weapons") schizophrenic symptoms are caused.

Secret services cause psychosis with energy and neuro weapons. This is a pre-form of a thought police. But thoughts are neither actions nor omissions and are therefore not punishable.

Paranoid schizophrenia is artificially caused by the German domestic secret service using energy and neuro weapons. Without regulation there is a threat of “a global arms race”.

It is a top secret commando operation for the seizure of power, committed by the German secret service: secret services cause tens of thousands of psychoses with energy and neuro weapons to decompose.

The so-called "mind controllers" (m / f / d) are a so-called "paramilitary". Such an underground army with energy and neuro weapons is by no means legitimate in Germany. We don't need a secret police.

Secret services cause all cases of paranoid schizophrenia. The basis for this so-called “mind control technology” are neurophysical weapon systems of paramilitary cadres of the secret service.

The core topic should be the disarming of the paramilitary, which is equipped with radiation weapons, because: Schizophrenia is artificially caused by the German secret service with radiation weapons

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DELUSIONAL to believe himself God...A True Sociopath. Would LOVE to give this murderer a Polygraph to ascertain what he really believes; if he believes 'Mind Control' and Electronic Slavery is really acceptable.

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Spoken just like the devil himself.

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This pos is dangerous to humans, May God either kill him or turn him.

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Dear Len, Keep up the strong fight with all other TIs. You are such a wonderment which our Creator has made. I am on a cruise ship between Cairns in Queensland and Darwin in the Northern Territory of Australia and being tortured with V2K and microwave burning. COWARDS< ACTORS and TRAITORS (CATs) of their countries.

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Hey Craig at what point is the ICATOR Lawsuit at? Have they actually filed it?

Sorry to hear that too...

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I had first communicated with Pro. Giordano years ago calling his university, I was not prepared at that time and was frightened he would d ignore me or worse think I was a conspiracy theorist. I passed his info and videos on to other targets, as I do all my discoveries. Free of charge.

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Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of My Knowledge: https://christs.net

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For better insight into who Giordano truly is (& other ti & transhumanist related topics), see the publishings of Ramola D.

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Don't let Giordano fool ya... the Institutional Posterboy representing the Transhumanist Agenda > aka Musk lite

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yeah he needs dead... I pray God kills him! Seriously the guys a POS liar.

From what I know from Dr Len, he knows how bad Dr Len is and has the proof but wont forward it as he's promised him he would. Yeah I've known for years that they were forcing Evolution which is a false narrative. God created us we didn't evolve from lower primates.

Fallen angels not aliens mated with women and gave birth to Giants in pre-flood times.

They taught us technology that we weren't ready for and abused it much like we are doing now.

So yeah this fuck needs put down.. He's a sick dog.

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I found a link to the DARPA program I think he is referencing, although it is not called N3 Next Generation Non-invasive Neuromodulation but is instead called N3 Next Generation Non-Surgical Neurotechnology. I doubt there are two N3 (N cubed) DARPA programs. I wonder why he misquoted its name. https://www.darpa.mil/program/next-generation-nonsurgical-neurotechnology

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Thank you . Because my forte is more psychosocial than science oriented; I’m interested in knowing if everyone’s brains are equally accessible? I wonder if certain wiring or temperaments provide something like a firewall; perhaps the constant trauma induced over the long barrage of psy-ops tactics are meant to wear down our defenses making our brains more vulnerable .

Hard to understand why they spend so much money on all the gangstalkng if they can just control us outright . Seems like maybe they know there is a resilience they have to work around.

I’m sure repeated neurostrikes weaken that neuro plasticity …

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Hi mate, please read my post below. Its technology abuse on innocent people. Evil is rampant on this God-given planet.

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Evil has always been rampant.

Just a fact of it becoming so strong and prevailing at this time; it's become arrogant and no longer hides. It's using PROPAGANDA to create TERROR which changes the vibrations ot the brain allowing for easier invasion. MUST NOT FEAR REGARDLESS OF THE THREAT.

Read the Book: 'The Indoctrinated Brain' by Michael Nehls, MD, PhD.


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It was not for the good. Criminals are hired for organized crimes like gangstalking. Brains are hacked, they insert thoughts, manipulate your emotions, behavior and movements, forced speech. It's demonic. They have no rights to do this on humans without consent. Constant provokation on targets, manipulating the environment to torture. It's crimes against humanity. And all the people who do this do not want neuro rights to expose their own brains? Why? If it's good all along. Obama's brain initiative did not improve the brains of the perpetrators, just gave them evil weapons to violate human rights and civil rights covertly. Evil people. And many among the public are ignorant on what they support. China threatens neurostrike and what does this "good people" propose to thr vulnerable ignorant? Nothing. How do they report? What do they report? And where do they report? Corruption at its highest. Gangstalkers hired among the civilians are hidden and paid to commit crimes every day.

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For the good, as he drops his drawers and commands, suk it up buttercup!

All good, thanks for the hummer goyum…

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