You are correct. Why would anyone be in a kids mind? Look at the school teachers with remote neural monitoring. What do you think they are doing?

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Thank you , Dr. Ber. I hope tour feeling a bit better.

V2K - Voice is Skull communications can be recorded. My efforts to record V2K communications resulted to such communications being immediately halted by "the programs" administrators of this cruel torture element.

I used a professional micro-cassette recorder. I followed my jawbone up to the back of my ear - with recorder on and record speaker pressed tightly into my bone directly behind my ear - started to record V2K communications.

All V2K was immediately- in real time, halted.

Although i have incessant "subliminal messaging" and consistent "microwave auditory hearing effects". At least, the V2K was eliminated.

Its my belief - the last thing - the administrators of V2K torture want is evidence of their crimes against an individual that is classified as a torture technique - and used as a mechanism of the "command and control" of a human being. This weapon system was initially deployed in the "theater of war" against "enemy combatants."

A heinous - weapon of war communication system - now being repurposed for and used directly in creating vast human rights violations and crimes against children,- who are also protected by the Nuremberg codes sections on medical experiments conducted on and against children for the benefit of scientific research.

"Operation Paperclip", experiments and the torture derived and then deployed; as outcomes of these experiments on US soil against American citizens - including our precious children must be immediately halted by those who swore an oath to serve and protect us and our children PERIOD!


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Thank you Dr. Ber for taking time to be interviewed regarding this V2K technology, being so articulate in your conversation, inspite of what you are experiencing with your day to day endurance of it. We love you and our prayers are for you, to have the strength and perseverance to carry on.

Our hearts go out to the children who are experiencing this horrific phenomenon, because of what they're going through when it happens to them. If they can even verbalize it to their parents, if their parents even know that this technology exists, to me is a huge problem. It would only help if the parents and a child psychiatrist were 'in the know' of this technology, and collaborate together in order to be able to differentiate whether, like you said, if the child is just playing make believe with a friend, or communicating with the voices in their head. This is such a deep subject matter, and pretty scarry if parents are not on board with this. Unfortunately most aren't, because they don't even know it exists. With the children at school, the teachers aren't equipped to handle any situation that arises in targeted children. Anyway, this is way beyond horrific if this gets out of hand. As an adult we can work through this if we educate ourselves about it, and as you stated, learn to ignore it the best you can. Discipline our minds.Take our thoughts captive, as it states in 2 Corinthians 10: 5. Children however are not mentally developed enough to do that. They're so innocent.Through the years one can learn to adapt and endure. Let's just say I know what you're talking about and I applaud you for speaking out and bringing awareness to the public, knowing what the consequences are in so doing. Again I want to say you're in our prayers, and we are here for you. Shalom.

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Memory Jog ... around time I was recording V2K .... i was also using a TEMS unit for back injuries. I used the TEMS unit on my face, and near ears and my jawline bones .... it was painful because of nerve endings in teeth ... but, i did it anyway. Might have something to do with my V2K turning into subliminal messaging.

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Second try..I found gallon containers of ice helped cool the frequency down best in summer but used all year . Different shapes.im going to try tall bottles of frozen water to block on my scalded chest gonna try again or just quart bottles of water.

One woman tried fine wet sand in plastic.i used a baggie moldable in my crotch

Hope this gets through.and can help.


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So, yeah if brain damage is the agenda then yes, hitting a 3 year old will make a huge populace of us so dumbed down and maybe bed ridden idiots, that no one will care since they wont be able to say what is going on. We need this torments stopped and NOW! For us for them for all!

5g and all this needs destroyed. Go back to a lan line.

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yeah if your hitting anyone but a 3 year old my god your a child molester. not hitting like a spank but hitting with v2k your a child molester and worse than the other kind. For you rape them that way too if you kidnap them and fore them into doing sex acts on like military bases...

Even if not your still sex trafficking them to watch on the dark web...

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My sister is targeted she is in the hospital right now

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In the Ear of the Beholder: Ghost Voices as Echoes in the Minds of the Youngest: ​

A profound look at non-kinetic brain injuries​

In the mysterious shadows of advancing technologies and shocking revelations about Havana Syndrome and non-kinetic brain injuries (NKBI), lies another, profound challenge that has been holding both society and the medical world breathless for decades: childhood and adolescent schizophrenia. It's a phenomenon that not only tests the boundaries of our understanding of health and technology but also poses a direct threat to the integrity of our youngest.

Especially alarming are reports of non-kinetic brain injuries (NKBI). Known under the term "Havana Syndrome" (which is recently considered a counterintelligence case in the USA), non-kinetic brain injury (NKBI) goes far beyond what was traditionally understood as neurological damage. It also affects numerous young people (some attacks occur in children as young as three years old by operators of mind-control weapon systems) - including the children of US diplomats, leading some secret agents to behave like ordinary child molesters.

A phenomenon that has gained notoriety in recent years is the "voices in the heads" of children, a disturbing experience that raises profound questions about the causes and long-term effects of such conditions. "Those who are 10 to 12 years old realize they have been hearing voices since they can remember. They sometimes behave inappropriately for their age and say that the voices told them to do so." Children report voices in their heads, a worrying manifestation of an invisible danger. The disturbing reports about children hearing voices cast an intense light on the thin lines between novel phenomena and well-known psychiatric classifications.

In a comprehensive consideration, inspired by insights from the video "Episode 54. 'Voices in Young Heads'" by Len Ber MD, we navigate through the shadowy areas between science and speculation to shed light on this disturbing topic, URL:📷

Ep. 54: "Voices in Young Heads"

V2K in Kids Should be a High Priority of the FDA, and the CDC.📷 lenbermd.substack.comand Youtube URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2faQsl3iNo&list=PLfSWdyHNH76XSvnlkZ52Wo_4Hnqrn6ZJE&index=98

What are non-kinetic brain injuries?​

NKBI describes brain damage not caused by direct physical impact but by energy, such as directed pulsed microwave energy. Unlike a concussion, where a direct hit or impact leads to damage, NKBI is caused by energy harming the brain. An expert explained: "Non-kinetic brain injury is a relatively new term and a relatively new diagnosis. 'Kinetic' means moving, so in a concussion, there's a moving object, something hits the head or the head hits concrete. In the case of NKBI, there are no moving objects damaging the brain upon impact. What moves is the energy injuring the brain." This type of brain injury is relatively new in medical research and expands the understanding of neurological damage beyond traditional causes like trauma.

Microwave energy and microwave auditory effect (V2K) as causes of childhood and adolescent schizophrenia​

The most plausible hypothesis for the cause of NKBI is exposure to directed pulsed microwave energy. "The most plausible hypothesis for what causes NKBI is directed pulsed microwave energy," says Len Ber as a leading researcher in this field.

A particular form of NKBI is the microwave auditory effect, also known as V2K (Voice to Skull), where individuals hear voices or sounds not caused by external sound sources. "The microwave auditory effect, also known as Voice to Skull, is a patented torture method that the United States armed forces have admitted to using in armed conflicts." These phenomena are generated by microwaves that are modulated or pulsed in such a way that they are directly perceived by the auditory nerve without going through the inner ear. "The microwave auditory effect, also known as V2K, is also generated by microwaves, but the microwaves are modulated or pulsed in a specific way that is recognized by the auditory nerve. It skips the normal path of sound; it doesn't go through the inner ear but directly to the auditory nerve."

Especially disturbing is the report about young children reporting voices in their heads, a condition that can significantly affect their development and well-being. Children as young as three years report "bad people talking to them in their heads," and older children realize they "have been hearing voices since they can remember." Children and adolescents reporting invisible voices often stand at a puzzling crossroads: On one hand, they could be potential victims of the microwave auditory effect, caused by invisibly delivered pulsed microwave energy; on the other hand, they could be showing signs of schizophrenia. Distinguishing whether these symptoms are due to NKBI or traditional mental illnesses poses a significant challenge.

Between Science and Stigma: The Echoes of the "Invisible"

Currently, not all children, parents, teachers, and psychologists as well as psychiatrists are aware of the technical causation of these psychiatric symptoms, so that prepubertal children receive strong tranquilizers (neuroleptics) which significantly reduce drive/motivation/intelligence/empathy/joy of life and usually lead to severe obesity (because the neurotransmitter system is disrupted [dopamine is reduced so much that the body goes into alarm mode and continuously has an insatiable craving for sugar/carbohydrates to increase the dopamine level by eating]).

These reports raise serious questions about the ethics and potential long-term damages of such measures. Additionally, the suicide of children and adolescents is a consequence of these radiation attacks and incorrect treatment, and the pedophilic mind-controllers receive snuff videos of child abuse with fatal outcomes for exchange in the child pornography darknet. They are the most despicable perverts of our time in the mind-control facilities and not just a few "bad apples" in the intelligence agency apparatus - the fish stinks from the head.

It is clear: The diagnostics in young people resemble a highly complex puzzle, where the symptoms of NKBI / Havana Syndrome / Synthetic Telepathy and schizophrenia devilishly overlap.

The Stigma and the Quest for Understanding

Children and adolescents with schizophrenia fight on two fronts: against the symptoms of their condition and against the associated societal stigma. Mixing their symptoms with those that could be caused by NKBI exacerbates the situation. An empathetic and well-informed approach is essential to do justice to these young people and to provide them with the support they urgently need.

Source (german): https://www.weltverschwoerung.de/threads/💯-paranoide-schizophrenie-⇔-synthetische-telepathie.28869/page-3#post-795004

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Good luck served bad luck for good luck's purpose.


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More Info.: URL (german, please feel free to use AI/KI for Translation if necessary): https://www.weltverschwoerung.de/threads/dokus-vorträge-und-interviews-auf-youtube-co.28145/page-17

There You also find an Analysis of the Interview "Conversations with Experts: Dr Armin Krishnan - July 7, 2022" von Len Ber MD mit Armin Krishnan" (auf Deutsch)


The video "MOJO Stories: Sabrina's Perspective After Being Diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia" is about Sabrina's experiences with paranoid schizophrenia. She reports how, after 8 years, she was able to gradually stop taking her medication (atypical antipsychotics) with medical supervision. Sabrina came to the MOJO Institute with the diagnosis of "Paranoid Schizophrenia" and has been suffering from it since she was 13 years old. Her life consisted of continuous cycles of hospital stays. Sometimes they lasted three weeks, sometimes four weeks, sometimes six weeks. She was rarely at home for more than a week at a time.

"Psychoses are both auditory and visual hallucinations that feel like deceptively real reality." [Mojo; of course, because they are real assaults and persecutions, like witch hunts]

The voices [Note: the unofficial/free intelligence liaisons of the German secret services, briefly: informants and undercover agents in the riot squads and assassination squads] have constantly fed her [Note: with microwave voice transmission and technical mind control] with content of an imperative nature:

The voices always told her: "Kill yourself, or we will kill you!" ... "Go on, take an overdose of those pills, or we will kill your father!" ... "You have to jump in front of a train, or something will happen to you!" ... and she always listened to them, because when you are in a psychosis, you don't know if it's reality at the moment or if it's not reality - for you, it is reality at that moment." [Quotes from the following interview, 03:15-03:40]

"To combat these psychoses, Sabrina must take strong medications from the category of Atypical Antipsychotics. However, they have not helped Sabrina - the psychoses still occur." [Mojo]

Therefore, her doctors prescribe her additional medications. At times, she takes up to four different kinds at once. Her condition continues to worsen. Common side effects include overwhelming lack of motivation and significant weight gain.

[Note: Enormous and uncontrollable appetite is naturally a consequence of the disruption of the neurotransmitter system by antipsychotics: When dopamine is drastically reduced by antipsychotics as dopamine blockers, this naturally manifests instinctively and intuitively as appetite, because "the body and mind" try to increase dopamine through eating (sugary foods) in order to normalize brain metabolism. This explanation is nowhere to be found in psychiatric literature, yet it is logical (and I have been involved in brain research for well over twenty years). This is one reason why people on antipsychotics gain so much weight (Sabrina gained about 60 kg) and suffer from diabetes, and many also die not only from suicide but also from the consequences of obesity and diabetes; in addition, there are depressions and the desolation of constant brutal assaults even in psychiatry and the hopelessness that can lead to binge eating.

The fact that the medications do not work for Sabrina is a clear indication that there is no causal link between dopamine and hearing voices/experiencing thought control; otherwise, the symptoms would have a causal effect. For example, while the effect of antipsychotics to lower dopamine occurs within 30 minutes of intake, the symptoms of schizophrenia only reduce after several hours or a few days in successful cases: because there is no causality (but so-called "pseudo-correlation") between the influencing factors "dopamine" and "hearing voices/experiencing thought control," and this is mistakenly assumed by the current psychiatric dogma, just because in some cases symptoms have decreased after taking dopamine blockers: This is a deliberate staging by the secret services."

URL Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOy-_qCYoBk&list=PLfSWdyHNH76VuRcbq55u2uUI7dp9HounG&t=811s

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omgoodness ,ty for addressing this! myself as well as my 3 children are victims of v2k

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Read newest comment below please len might help

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I was just listening to Maureen link below comment and I wonder if this is being stored within her and others as well.Sabrina Wallace stated we are being used to store information. I wonder if this is it and how.

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I have found it is harder to get evidence against the creeps for any device they have been using and they shut down immediate. They are afraid to solidify evidence for their crimes.

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I changed my phone # will send via messages or email, do not forward.

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