That’s right, doc, he, your doctor, could have asked for more info, made several referrals, picked up the phone and immediately gathered his most trusted colleagues, called the goddam local sheriff and filed a report of a “probable WMD bioweapon”…

I could go on and on and on and on, and I do, and it’s been frustrating, not just for the past three year, but the past 30 years, especially as a nurse and self-taught scientist to have always been at odds with “most” medical doctor-scientists, which is what they should always remain; students of science asking bloody questions, not compartmentalized protocol tools of the Rockefeller’s 1800’s health care industry.

I apologize for being so bloody short, but the clock is not just running, but RACING, especially on those with turbo cancers and all the blind-faith, false-pride, Vaxxed synthetic-soldiers about to be fed into the bloody world war meat grinder, again. Love you, doc.

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

jeffrey, Your prose reads better than a lot of poetry!

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What are the chances for duplication of MAC addresses between 8 billion people? Quick glance at mathematics has me guessing that nefarious entities wish to thin the crowd until they're unique identifiers (zero dupes). Thanks for being "real people" Doc.

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The recent engineered coronavirus release and subsequent vaccines are absolutely an exercise in eugenics and have been from the outset. Using these abominations to select out the most genetically resilient humans to be the servant class (responsible for burying the other 93%) 499 million strong for the elite class, 1 million strong, was the WEF goal all along. The perversity and premeditation of these events is abhorrent.

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yeah give me a shovel hit them over the head then I will bury them bastards.

We are in need of a basteel day like the French Revolution...

it's coming to that I think no matter what we say about peace.

Scripture says they say peace peace but there is no peace nor can there be with this crap...

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The address space is 48 bits so there are around 240 trillion possible addresses. Selected at random there definitely would be collisions in 8 b people. But I don't think it's a major problem. Thus far I have not personally observed this phenomenon, despite trying.

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Very bothersom and unhealthy, what any doctor might take on.....the opposite should be an exception. But sadly, doctors in my country Sweden are also known to refuse to look outside the box, i.e. a ruling list of OK drugs. Vitamines and other supplements are not considered their business and thus not prescribed, even in Covid times when asked. Ivermectin and Hydroxicloroquin - did I get that right? -were totally forbidden, not even talked about.

This contaminated blood situation must be considered with highest priority -human blood being the only blood we have - and cause for legal actions en masse. I agree with Ana, why doesn´t everyone just yell and shout?

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Thank you so much Dr. Ber for continouly teaching us to be our own activists in this daily dog fight of what is trying to destroy and break down our DNA and nervous system.

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Well forgive me but I hope he is shitting bricks looking at strange things he can't describe in his own blood.

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Doctors jabbers[pharmacists] and dentists should be and are the only avenue to address. THEY ARE GUILTY. Nano tech quantum dots carbon nano tubes graphene are detailed on the intenet in health care and its a big industry. Its only we who are shocked. I say make them VERY DISTURBED.

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I’m a doc with 20+yrs experience, broad skill sets, open-minded and very well read but I had no inkling of this stuff (the nanobots) going on until three months ago. We knew even before the vaccines were released that they would be a health disaster based on original antigenic sin, reverse transcriptase driven oncogenic DNA mutations, rapidly mutating RNA virus immune escape, high potentiating antibody production, and perpetual induction of a very toxic viral “endotoxin”, spike protein. The use of graphene in numerous manufacturing industry processes was new information to me in early 2021 (pretty recent) and just today I read that they now use it in the water “purification” process in municipalities 🤢🤮 Now we are seeing lots of synthetic materials in blood and other body fluids?!!!!! As if they hadn’t thrown us into enough of a nightmare in the past 3-4 years, now we have to deal with this “new”ish nanobot concern....My suspicion is that most docs (who are generally very bright “followers” not innovators or true leaders) would immediately condemn anyone attempting to present this information to them. They couldn’t broadly be complicit in the transhumanization of our species bc they wouldn’t believe that it was possible at all (most excel at chemistry and biology but not physics, engineering and tech). Docs simply aren’t out of the box enough generally to even conceive of this script much less have the capability of implementing such a design. Very bright, greedy, diabolical sociopaths are at the helm of this ship, for sure.

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Hi Delina. e-mail me at lenbermd@substack.com maybe we can figure out how to shake them up.

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Dr. Ber, maybe this is the solution you're seeking? Are you familiar with Dr. Royal Rife or Dr. Hulga Clark's work? This is along the same lines. It might be worth exploring.

(copied and paste'd)


All Frequencies in Hz

Frequencies for technological Bio-Warfare

T4 - Nanobots - 1, 2, 10, 11, 20, 24, 29, 31, 33, 38, 40, 43, 45, 50, 51, 52

Source: https://electroherbalism.com/Bioelectronics/FrequenciesandAnecdotes/CAFL_allFrequenciesExperimental.htm

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sorry i dont exuse them, all these nano tech ingredients for health and dentisry are the BIGGEST industry bio tech nano tech etc these ingredients and papers are flood the internet. they say its good stuff. show them/ ask them is it good? show the blood ask them what they see if its healthy------

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I don’t excuse “them” either although it is for allowing/contributing to mass murder of millions from negligence towards readily treatable respiratory illnesses over the past 4 years. Some of us worked tirelessly to save lives these last few years under threat of losing licenses, life and liberty because we did our homework and used what worked. My practice treated everyone comprehensively for their infections (for no charge) and we had only one brief hospitalization and no deaths. I myself had 2 parents and a brother on ventilators in other states in 2020/2021 so I know the stakes involved (all three lived despite months on vents and in hospital bc I pushed their providers to treat them correctly). During a total of 2.5 month vent time and 6 months hospitalization time, all their physicians REFUSED to speak with me and made their underlings do all communications. It was frustrating, infuriating and dehumanizing but I could not “make” them speak to me so I had to coax nurses and NPs to get my messages conveyed. As a doc, I can tell you, we were completely outnumbered and overwhelmed with sick patients and continue to be so. To think we now need to micromanage all the therapeutics and examine them under a microscope because the regulatory bodies charged with policing these substances are more concerned with making money and killing us slowly than serving humanity is egregious. It’s disgusting that we now cannot trust our government not to try and kill more of us instead of protecting our sovereignty and freedoms. I am fortunate that I primarily use medical acupuncture and physics based therapeutics (pemf, red/IR/UV light etc) for my patients in addition to a small smattering of conventional oral meds when necessary but had been considering starting up an IV infusion/detox service soon. Now, I have to look at each item under a microscope to determine its fidelity? Unfortunately, I think that some injectables like EdTA may be needed (for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is purging nanobots) to combat this current eugenics and transhumanization agenda but they will now require careful analysis to determine whether they are going to help or further contaminate each patient. The demands are too much for many and they are retiring early in droves. Grateful for my faith and stubbornness to help keep me going but I can only care for a finite number. Looks like it is definitely time to get WestMeetsEast University up and running so we can train the next generation of docs to do better than we have thus far.....

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AND in dentistry.

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Yes that’s been my problem, presuming injections over a 2 year period have been culprit, it was like my lymphatic tissue around my face and neck was damaged. Debilitating rash and exhaustion. It is improving but I relapse from time to time, less each time. I was so careful about jabs and couldn’t believe I didn’t think about this way of being poisoned.

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How true, from my partner his reaction is always 'I won't go there' very sad

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thank you so very much. I am in India an

d it is shockiing people.

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Hey yeah I wanted to ask Len what are the Mac numbers, are they different on each person, or the same?

any way to cross reference them like on the FCC frequency search? find out the equipment or something?

Also what frequency do they emit? Just the 2.4-2.5 ghz or different?

Any how yeah he should of done more sorry...

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I was also curious regarding these exact same questions...

It is all so unbelievably syfy...

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He's obsolete

If he he cant or wont keep up with new emerging health threats then he's useless because there's no doubt that all this horrible stuff you & many others are seeing in ppls blood isint going away any day soon.

It will be up to the truely curious & the bright young sparks to rise to the challenge of finding a way for us to rid ourselves of this crap.

Old dinosaurs who are doggedly stuck in the past need to 'retire' from the arena to make way for real healers

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Most doctors are so conditioned to doing things a certain way... they probably get incentives to never rock the boat. They also enjoy the way they have been revered and trusted for so long. It’s a pride thing. Many of them are just not that smart, but having the letters after their name has opened doors and grown their bank accounts. They can’t imagine living like us regular uneducated peasants, and have been conditioned to not care about anything that is less than lucrative.

I also am pretty sure that they have been on the frontline of the cyborg conversion. Most Docs even the frontline docs master is mammon.

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I’m a doc with 20+yrs experience, broad skill sets, open-minded and very well read but I had no inkling of this stuff (the nanobots) going on until three months ago. We knew even before the vaccines were released that they would be a health disaster based on original antigenic sin, reverse transcriptase driven oncogenic DNA mutations, rapidly mutating RNA virus immune escape, high potentiating antibody production, and perpetual induction of a very toxic viral “endotoxin”, spike protein. The use of graphene in numerous manufacturing industry processes was new information to me in early 2021 (pretty recent) and just today I read that they now use it in the water “purification” process in municipalities 🤢🤮 Now we are seeing lots of synthetic materials in blood and other body fluids?!!!!! As if they hadn’t thrown us into enough of a nightmare in the past 3-4 years, now we have to deal with this “new”ish nanobot concern....My suspicion is that most docs (who are generally very bright “followers” not innovators or true leaders) would immediately condemn anyone attempting to present this information to them. They couldn’t broadly be complicit in the transhumanization of our species bc they wouldn’t believe that it was possible at all (most excel at chemistry and biology but not physics, engineering and tech). Docs simply aren’t out of the box enough generally to even conceive of this script much less have the capability of implementing such a design. Very bright, greedy, diabolical sociopaths are at the helm of this ship, for sure.

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What I meant by frontline of the conversion is that most Docs have already been mind controlled and conditioned for years. There’s a certain behavioral pattern that can be recognized. A tuning out to observable facts, and a willing insistent ignorance to certain conditions and markers for disease. A pre-programmed response as pill dispenser on symptoms and a lack of curiosity for the cause.. Complete dismissal and failure to recognize parasitical infections at all. There’s a reason they call it “indoctrination”. Docs have been programmed like lab mice to receive a stimulus for certain approved behavior and to encounter unpleasantness when behaving aberrantly. Not unlike the rest of us, but docs went to be schooled by the criminal controllers to not so wittingly implement the covert poisoning of humanity and the liquidation of our fears and back accounts.

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Brilliantly put. We must increase our expectations of ourselves and rise to the level. We can. I have surprised myself once feeling quite hopeless. My catalyst was being involuntarily committed This happened after showing a doc my huge herxheimer reaction. (I had researched alkalinity for its anti parasite properties and took too much baking soda too fast…slow and steady yall).

I was purging crystal (like they were magnetically repelled) structures from every pore rapidly and my lymph nodes in my neck swelled to the size of golf balls or larger I have a huge open weeping sore on my belly. From my short experience I described what I was dealing with to the doc it seemed to be a strange parasite that responded to frequencies. I tried to keep it not sounding crazy, and was not suicidal.

He had asked me some pointed questions about symptoms that were in-observable which made me certain he knew what was going on. I had hope for a minute he was going to help me. But instead he called for them to stop treatment of the IV antibiotic Flagel and put police outside my door who threatened to arrest me when I tried to leave. He definitely knew what was going on and wanted to invalidate my voice with the delusional diagnosis.

One of the questions he asked was do you often drool when your mouth is not open. And he was touching two places just below my cheek and about a half inch above the corner of my mouth where I would oddly purge liquid from my skin (which was covered in layers of this hydrogel biofilm) from that spot at random times. There was no lesion there that would have drawn attention to those spots. He told me never to take baking soda again. The nurse tried to slip me paperwork that would keep me in the psych ward indefinitely. I refused to sign anything.

My friend (fellow sufferer) in December 2020…and I had observed a rapid assembly and purging of fibers from our skin while trying to find a rife frequency or isochronic tone that would relieve our suffering. This is what I mentioned to the doctor

Suffering from morgellons and being involved in their support groups, you’ll find one of two extremes. People like me who abandoned the fake western medical chronic disease exploiters who will not visit one (unless I have a limb detached) or those who are dead set on proving the existence of this madness to the CDC or or someone with medical credentials so that they will finally something about it.

They are not ever really grasping the concept that if the docs were so inept, or uncaring and so uninterested in the evidence so long, how will they not be utterly useless against this anyway?

People reflect their own decency on others and they have done the same to greedy pretenders of medicine as they did to politicians. Somehow ppl believe they have some sort of loyalty to the Hippocratic oath and some empathy, but they don’t. . It’s godmoney

Perhaps docs have the most mind control nanotech buzzing around in their system from being around all the pharma poison and the fellow indoctrinated disciples of the church of pHARM so long.

We must be our own saviors.

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I believe the situation is compounded by how the medics today report, box ticking is the order of the day, forms only ‘allow’ for certain information and opinion is long gone. I saw it recently when my dad was in hospital, his notes were just a series of boxes ticked or not and the idiocy is compounded by the fact that they have to be trained to fill these in. So despite the fact that the nurses saw important stuff, a)no doc was interested or asked them and b) the nurses by and large did not have the authority to tick any box.

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“Lower your expectations for others, and increase your expectations for yourself“ excellent advice. Kudos to you and may you be blessed and blessed again.

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His reaction was the myopic mirror reaction of wider society over recent years - 'don't rock the boat' and 'nothing to see here' and 'I'm keeping my head down' because I don't want any grief from the authorities. Everything is normal, so move along! Nothing to see here! Few want to question anything because it goes against the flow. All they want is a 'New Normal' for their convenience - and demise.

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Now they are mad because I refuse to pay them wheat they say I owe them, they want me to pay for my own torture. fuck them.

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doctors may just be people but what they write without your knowledge can greatly harm your present and future just the same as the courts. I want to read everything written about me and you would be surprised at what is written to slant the image of my persona to enhance what they think instead of reality. It was done at MGH and again at Beverly hospital and Haverhill Pavilion behavioral hospital. amazing a hospital has behavioral in its title. my behavior is none of its business. Until I recanted being a Havana Syndrome target I would not of been released.

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