I would like to add this note I feel it is very important . That mind control should be called subconcious mind control, I know it's long ,but needed. a much more precise name for what really is controlled...

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An article you may want to look at, Dr Ber.

Could Microwave Irradiation Cause Misfolding of Peptides?@


There's a video, which I've not been able to find, which might do well on the TJ website. It ccan be found at the following link at approximately 1:18.


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Yes yes and yes. It is present.

We all are just not targeted yet, yes yet.

Some are on Santa’s list, very few so far.

Round up will happen. And yes I will be on the short list as I am outspoken and a truth seeker! Remember Stalin? A cake walk of death compared to degal plan. Realistic imo.

IE: Sabrina (ieee protocols), Graphene (La Quinta research), Microscopic info.

Digital twin, Quantum computing, 5-6 G everywhere- street lights ect,

Simply stated China now. We are chattel property…

And we are in an extreme minority of this understanding!

Great interview the other day with Iglasis(sp?)

Plus touching helpful people writing letters.

The humanity we don’t want to loose..

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I wonder if Mr Hughes would like to join TJ? Would he not be a great asset?

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Or sweep a car and pick me up from this place. Simple I can’t go to park as cross road activated and can go only to zuid area and only to work.

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Neighbor first floor for him nothing. Inside? In third floor? You to dicide

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Everything what you mention is here move to right move to left go upstairs pick up things freaquency to sleep to deprive speakers to clone voice in exact spot and speaker to microphone also speaker to make you say he’s crazy simple speakers to make cat a mouse game activation house not pick up phone type with person everything is here!

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You know it’s terrifying you talk describe my living place for 7 years I report please come and take it and you will have this. Why discuss not to come and search. Why? Explain? It’s around or inside the house I’m not IT or Freaquency expert.

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