👋🤔🔥Dr Ber maybe is not a safe idea. If the Nano robots are anthenas they maybe a way to connect to your body as we have specific DNA for sure we must have aswell a kind of EM ID

Is only a thought that has come suddenly to my mind, just bear in mind because sadly we know so little on how this function

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Your ongoing research of this subject matter is interesting and compelling to say the least Dr. Ber. Thank you for posting what you have discovered thus far.

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this may be of interest as I have a strange feeling the never ending Hydrogel & the Haustoria (described here as 'a hydrogel fatty lipid) share some common purpose.

FEMA Whistleblower Celeste Solum has produced the Soul Catcher Series (1 -6 Episodes) where she investigates the occult workings involved in taking us over from the inside out using graphene oxide, nanotech & Quantum tech with special interest in capturing someone's Soul.

You can see all the episodes on her rumble pages.

In EP 3 Bagging The Soul Using Witchcraft


At 21.48 mins she discusses these Haustoria as being able to eventually overcome a victim to the point where the victims cells etc are replaced by Hydrogel & Quantum dots - maybe this why dark powers are bombarding us with this in the death jabs, foods, medicines, air etc.

They're using this stuff to take us over from the inside out like the Invasion of the Body Snatchers - why else would this weird stuff be endlessly growing inside ppl - leaching what it needs from its host like a parasite

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Thank you Jeffrey. 😊

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Yes, as well as Ana. I was interviewed by Steve Schuster, albeit shortly. But I got ny message across. The Russian Hypothesis (at least for domestic cases) just doesn't hold water.

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What would happen if you gave copies of your findings to the CDC and WHO?

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I sent it to the FDA. They acknowledged receipt. The end.

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Sent to UCSF, CDC, WHO, UN, Stanford. Ask board members to send it to their too universities in other countries or sympathetic groups!

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They have been able to cure cancer since 95. I believe it after seeing them knit a severe concussion in 3 days in my skull.they use that tech on athletes and race horses also .knit fractures overnight.

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What happens to the contaminated blood of deceased individual's blood when 'Scalar Generator' is placed to disallow any type of radiation from excitation of the Ai Contamination?

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Which Scalar Generator are you referring to?

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There are directions in Youtube to construct Scalar Generators; so to keep things simple for folks unfamiliar with this particular device possibly reading this, let's assume it's the simple Scalar Generator the Gentleman is making. This was the most simple found.


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Several years ago I lived with relatives and when the girl became angry with me she complained to her brother and I will would get zapped. Real hard like a buzz saw going through you. It was a wireless controller I had bought him.The perps usually set up the emotional scenario. I mentioned this to several other targets and no one listened and today I listened to sabrinia Wallace discuss the controllers and there it was, she says these fucks go out with these controllers and hunt people. Fun huh its nice to know I was right. Same with the technology I haďconcentrated on derricks call since 95. When everyone else was howling at the moon about being zapped.

So you do know theres a conferance in Texas every year , about directed energy weapons you can buy their books go there cheap if your a student. Mustn't tell them your a target like Alda did and scream at them. Shut us down real quick.


Barbara Guillette

She also said spike proteins serve a purpose in all this but I have to go back and listen again as to what. Auto immune diseases are caused by constantly being zapped??

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I listened to Sabrinia Wallace today and she certified my comment about wireless controllers used as DEW, I had relatives use them against me and I bought it at toys r us as his gift. She also stated many perps just hunt humans. I also have suspicions about radar guns . I have felt many many time a push pull effect.

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It’s not usually people running around to zap you with a DEW- it’s from the Ericsson beam forming chip from the 4- panel 5G towers and I believe also satellites. High frequency microwaves with scalar frequencies can penetrate many houses, go through brick, iron, steel, concrete, glass, led, hundreds of feet under the ground to get to you. We are all being tracked by Schriever Space Force Base - so they don’t have to physically be near you to attack you. See the whistle blowers from Raytheon and Lockheed Skunkworks. By using AI to track you, they don’t have to pay someone to do it.

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What has to be done to a wireless controller to make it have that capability?

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I read years ago that there is an app that the perps d/l to their cells that increases the amplitude of the cell as we know the signals from the towers go through us and from our cell phone to the towers without us feeling the pulse. Now I feel the pulse as harrassment as my cell rings .increased amplitude !!! I shut off wifi and turn on airport both at the cell all the time at night and router sometimes. I have 24/7 monitoring of security cameras through my cell but that's comprimised.

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It has been said crowd control is used individually on targets and I believe that The ACTIVE DENIAL SYSTEM supposedly only 1/16 scalding on the skin is a lie. I ģet hit mouth, Esophagus , stomach, burns, SCALDING , for manipulation on organs especially soft tissue.

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Your cell , towers, game controllers are all microwave.

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Used and wrapped around other frequencies like radio waves to go through walls hetrodyning youtube.look up beam forming also.

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The microwaves are pulsed to keep from killing you and used as harassment, years ago man was at local recycle taking microwave ovens using interior to block microwaves. I don't know if it worked but worth a try.

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Led is also used as well as pulsed acoustic, my neighbor Chris Yaikus of Peabody installed sound systems , he used pulsed acoustics on me taught his sons all about harrassment. When led was first put in car headlights I could feel them going through me and the heat from oncoming cars, they were very to bright as well.later they were adjusted the guy who invented white led won a Nobel prize. I now get hit with white pulsed burning small pulses go through the skull as it goes through the brain it slows down and can hear it hit the inside of the skull. Fun huh.? Monsters.

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I’ve been following, respect and appreciate your work a great deal, doc. I also adore Dr. Ana and her mind as well. She’s a real human, same as Karen Kingston, who I hope regains her centered-mind and overcomes those trying to destroy her. She gets it, and they hate her for her intelligence and audacity, just like Dr. Ana. I don’t know about God, and I don’t practice religion, but both of them are angels—if ever there were such a thing.

Almost a year ago I was trying to explain what these clots were to a bot wasting my time (or data mining me, or both); that it’s incorrect to keep calling these clots found in living people and dead bodies “blood clots,” but instead they are in fact“self-arranging biosynthetic fibrous growths” that blood cells can stick to (especially if the blood cell itself has been taken over). Once these nanotechnologies have “organized” into the long string formations, just as you see developing in these “dead” blood samples, the so-called blood-clots are quickly formed and discovered by MD’s, but first recognized and reported by phlebotomists over a year ago—and all of them ignored or silenced for questioning these clotting formations by corrupt, complicit media and public officials paid to conceal these Crimes Against Humanity still being conducted, now in hyper-mode out of desperation to prevent people from fully waking up, organizing, resisting and then fighting back.

You may already know these fact, but I feel compelled to keep repeating it: that these technologies have been discovered still active and forming in dead bodies up to and beyond six months after burial, especially if near high energy 5G cell or Wi-Fi transmitters, and some bodies emitting MAC addresses—both in the living and the dead.

Even those who’ve been studying these anomalies for the past year or two don’t really get it yet; the whole truth. I’m still discovering new facts I was uncertain of to this very day. So many clinicians just can’t comprehend how long this technology has been in development and how advanced it is at this point, especially since the evolution of quantum computing and self-teaching AI systems, combined, nor can most doctors and even very bright physicists seem to be able (or just don’t want to believe) the purpose of isolating and developing Coronavirus as a two-part tool in conjunction with the militarized Vaxx going back to the early 1960’s; one—to drive people to accept the bioweaponized vaxx program using this manipulated-virus; psychologically-driving the general public into a chronic, worldwide state of panic (just like 9/11, a tool, an excuse to take away all freedoms “in the name of security”), and two—half the components necessary to “seed and structure” the nanotechnology processes we are discovering in human blood and other tissues such as within the brain. It’s like introducing seeds with water, fertilizer and sunlight. Then the 5G systems, WiFi, HAARP, DARPA… also have three major functions: weapons to kill; activate and conduct two way communications with the self-arranging tech (Operating Systems); activate the nanotechnology to self-assemble beyond the basic first phase structuring.

But there are other processes and experiments going on as well, all at the same time, and none of this is an unpredictable, unexpected consequence of a simple vaxx gone wrong process: spike proteins to cause multiple diseases, systemically, particularly cancer—to then offer mRNA cancer treatments to test of human lab-rats; DNA introductions and melding with both human and nonhuman DNA already naturally found in human bodies—splicing; trans-human-tech evolutions…

Literally, the entire world has been turned into a Satanic Lab Experiment—humans and all other life forms are being tested and manipulated, if not completely destroyed for the simple love of destroying all life. Consider all the abnormal beached whales and dolphins; dead & deformed amphibians (which are highly sensitive “canary in a coal mine” like animals); GMO plant manipulations; all insects (particularly bees, mosquitoes, ticks & all other parasites); all microbes, bacteria and viruses.

So you know, I don’t do conspiracy theorizing, just logical problem solving, with no money attached or emotional dogs in the race. I’m driven, since I was a child, simply for the love of solving difficult problems, Mother Nature and Humanity. Period.

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Thank you. I enjoyed reading your essay! There is nothing I disagree with.

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I really appreciated what you wrote Jeff until I started realizing, as I was reading your paragraphs, that they were self replicating 3 more times. Each paragraph was repeating the same words in each paragraph over and over again, watching it happen in real time. Can't explain what happened there, so I just refreshed the page to get to the original content and value of your comment. Thank you for your very interesting, and articulate thoughts on this subject.

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I was just reading your comment again to my husband Jeffrey, and it did it again, and this time, your second paragraph was repeated 5 times. Is AI messing around with your comment of Dr Ber's substack?

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That is strange, Susan. I’ve been experiencing technical issues on and off, too. I appreciate your acknowledgments.

Not sure if you subscribe to my substack, which isn’t necessary ‘cuz I publish everything for free to all, but I believe you’d like my “Most Important Video…” post. If you start at the very top and work your way down, it will take you a few days to view and listen to everything in that post. But by the time you get half way and finish the 5 hour John Gatto interview, you’ll know more about the history and problems of American education, more about viruses and the fraud of pandemics & vaccines, more about the fraud of the Federal Reserve and money scarcity & inflation, more about the fraud of overpopulation, disease, FalseFlag wars…than most people on earth. None of it will be a waste of your time, I promise. But don’t let all this information overwhelm you or anyone you share this knowledge with. You can always come back to it on a later date. And please keep in mind that there is real hope and a way out of all of this madness the world is trapped to, without miracles or magic, and without hardship, bloodshed or war…just Real human-built infrastructure-security. I swear my life on it.

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Thank you, for your response. I did subscribe to your substack, I think through Ana Maria Mihalcea's substack, or maybe Matt's, or here on Dr. Ber's substack, and It was because of your comment, I was on my way to your substack to find the "Most Important Video ". On my search for that, you had written another intriguing comment, where that anomaly appeared. Anyway, I'm looking forward to watching the video on your substack no matter how long it takes, and becoming even more informed. Thank you sir, for your validation.

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No need to “search” for the “Most Important Videos & Audio…” post. It’s always pinned to Home page. There are several video & audio clips in that post. It’s popular, so it’s also located on the top right of Home page under “most popular,” posts.

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What the hell is that string on the kind of top center right? It looks like it's on a cell but it's stringed around it??

It's like a fricking snake and seems to be reaching out to the other bot things.

I read some place that drinking very small amounts diluted in water of Food strength Hydrogen Peroxide will help destroy these nano critters.. I drank some of the 3% in water and was OK. Meaning I didn't get sick or anything. Haven't done any more since but...

So if what Maureen bellow says is correct maybe try that???

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We have a national health emergency. And, it’s the of deletion of oxogen from the air we all breathe. And, it’s affecting every living organism on our plant. You can see it happening to every living thing in nature.

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The frequencies put out by the cell towers and satellites are finishing us off. I just talked to a person in charge of a group of cell towers in Daly City who said Elon musk is putting up thousands of Starlink satelites every month which will eventually take over what the cell towers are doing now. I always suspected they were a part of our targeting. The DOD will go in the back door and weaponize them to attack people from the sky. They are creating a spider web effect to blanket the earth.

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I know my blood is constantly being stripped of oxygen. And, the medication I take to handle the effects doesn’t always work nor help to alleviate the high attitude sickness type symptoms i live with - can’t imagine there is a target out there who is hit with dews who doesn’t suffer from the depletion of oxygen in their bloodstream. Is it the technology inside us doing that or is it the radiation poisoning?

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I can tell you it's a bit of both.

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creepy . . . . reminds me of the HeLa immortal Cancer cells that ate Henrietta Lacks & have made the Life Sciences billions over the yrs - amazed they haven't put a ton of those HeLa cells in the DeathVaxx just for good measure.

I expect that Hydrogel will keep going for as long as it has some moisture

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Another fine example of a woman who never consented to her cells being harvested for “non consensual medical experimentation.” And, industries who made billions off of her. And, look how long it took her family to have finally have justice for her. And, a tremendous example and testament to the fact; the truth always out. It’s just a matter of time!

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