Update to The Medical Page on the Targeted Justice Medical Website to Help You Guide in The Diagnostic Process
Also Includes the list of US Physicians who Diagnosed Civilians with "Havana Syndrome"/NKBI (Non-Kinetic Brain Injury)
The following update was made to the Targeted Justice Medical Page: https://www.targetedjustice.com/dr-len-ber-md.html
September 5, 2024: Targeted Justice announced creation of first Registry for Civilians diagnosed with "Havana Syndrome"/NKBI. See announcements in Targeted Justice Substack Newsletter and Len Ber Substack .It is important to understand that this Registry is not a substitute for a diagnosis. Only Civilians already diagnosed by a physicians can request voluntary listing in the said Registry. if you are one of these civilians, please contact Dr. Len Ber via DM on x.com/PSardonicus or send a chat message via lenbermd.substack.com . If all fails, please e-mail TJustice2@proton.me
In order to get diagnosed, this page will help you guide in the diagnostic process. Start by finding an otoneurologist, or a neurootologist (aka "dizziness doc") in your area and share the information on this page with him/her. Once diagnosed, please, contact me in order to voluntarily join Civilian Registry.
For additional support of your diagnosis you may use electric neuromaging method called Quantitative EEG (qEEG) with swLoreta.
Below is the list of US Physicians who have made diagnosis of "Havana Syndrome"/NKBI in civilians (not federal employees). This listing will be updated, as we get more people in the Civilians Registry:
Dr. Michael E. Hoffer, MD. Department of Otolaryngology, University of Miami. 1120 NW 14th St., Floor 5, Miami FL 33136 ; Phone (305) 243-3564
Lydia Shajenko, MD. 725 River Road, Suite 55, Edgewater, NJ 07020.
Phone: (210) 679-8485; e-mail a.clinical@gmail.comDrs. Jennifer Eichert, Au.D. and Howard T. Mango, Au.D., Ph.D. Newport-Mesa Audiology Balance and Ear Institute, CA. Website: www.dizziland.com
Phone (949) 274-8399
I'm currently dealing with narcissism and v2k mental mind control manipulation and gaslighting and exploiting my rights to privacy and community narcissistic gang stalking and military weapons from the sky Electromagnetic radiation microwaves that are programed to track me wherever I go causing health concerns I've been dealing with narcissism and targeting for the past 13 years now and I've filled out the application for targeted individuals as an targeted individual and donated 25.00 dollars for the targeted justice team is have gotten conformation from the targeted justice team. I have sent in pictures of these satellite weapons that have been programed to track me wherever I go causing health concerns I've invested in EMF shielding products and vitamin supplements and staying focused on God and prayers psalm91 and psalm23 the strongest prayers in the Bible for protection and I have enough evidence and pictures to provide overwhelming evidence and phone records that I'm a targeted individual and I'm surrounded by narcissists in my community and surrounding communities its absolutely ridiculous how these narcissistic individuals who are involved in narcissism and targeting are mentally communicating along with surveillance networking together like a loyal cult organization of narcissistic abusive toxic evil lying jealous greedy criminals targeting thousands of US citizens throughout the United States I've been through enough of their cycle of narcissistic abusive tactics I've retired and independent and isolated from family and friends and I've posted a targeted justice .com sign in my yard how long does it take to be able to sew these eleven members behind targeting US citizens and the 18% of the narcissistic individuals who are involved in narcissism and targeting US citizens because they haven't stopped using their weapons or v2k mental mind control manipulation gaslighting or narcissistic community gang stalking thanks for your support. God-bless.
Hi Len, just wanted to share with you some Pentagon employee disclosing some very important revelations that may be helpful for U.S....... Josh T.