Presentation by Dr Ana Mihalcea MD PhD - a Keynote speaker at Targeted Action 2024 in Colorado Springs, CO
An event was organized and hosted by Targeted Justice
This event was held on August 29, 2024, on International TI Day, as apart of Targeted Action 2024, a 3-day event in Colorado Springs organized and hosted by Targeted Justice. Dr Ana Mihalcea was one of the three keynote speakers along with Sarah Westall, and Professor David A, Hughes (look for separate posts).
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Dearest Dr Ana M.
Thank-you for your tireless AMAZING work. It's truly GOD's work. I appreciate you greatly.
I was watching a video you shared the other day regarding how the toxic jabs cause the white blood cells to congeal in the blood and CLUMP together into an ineffective mass..
I was struck with the realisation that this is a representation of the coming together of the defenders inside the human system causing them to become sluggish and less able to perform the role of cleaning and defense.
I liken the WHITE BLOOD CELLS to the AWAKENING SOULs including the TI COMMUNITY - initially attempting to congeal into ineffectual groups that have a limited capacity to be effective.
The POWER of being a WHITE BLOOD CELL DEFENDER lies in our INDIVIDUALITY, MOBILITY and the FLEXIBILITY to be able to deal with the LOCAL THREATS!
Not BANDING together into an ineffective BLOB.
Communication is the key, but we ARE BEINGS OF INFINITE LIGHT scattered ALL around the GLOBE!! Each one perfectly positioned to make the GREATEST EFFECT.
This is OUR POWER!
The enemy is a foul cartel that has to have a meeting just to SCRATCH THEIR FAT ASS!
Once we KNOW OUR ENEMY our individual DIVINE CONNECTIONS activating at the same time has the ability to CLEANSE THIS DISEASE from the INSIDE OUT without CONTENTION.
Like ripples on a POND echoing into eternity our DIVINE LIGHT SHALL EMANATE INFINITELY OUTWARD HEALING everything that it touches.
The reality is, that the PTB are more scared of us than we are of them.
THIS is why they continue to attack us in such a COWARDLY and COVERT manner. This is why they continue to pass laws to attempt to SHUT US DOWN.
God's work can be lonely and will always be a challenge.. But one thing can be sure Your SPIRITUAL GROWTH and understanding will continue to GROW in LEAPS and BOUNDS above our enemies.
Yes, many of our loved ones whose PINEAL gland has long since shut down have been put into a walking comatose state.
And we MOURN for them everyday..
But there are SOLUTIONS to all the problems and it is OUR JOB to FIND and IMPLEMENT these solutions. I know this can seem like a lonely and thankless task.
Thank you Ana for being a CONDUIT for information we can all use to KNOW OUR enemy and continue to LEARN more and more about them and eventually CLEANSE THE SCOURGE form the face of the EARTH.
We can do this.. This SHALL BE DONE.
Love and DIVINE LIGHT to your all xx
Dearest Dr Ana M.
Thank-you for your tireless AMAZING work. It's truly GOD's work. I appreciate you greatly.
I was watching a video you shared the other day regarding how the toxic jabs cause the white blood cells to congeal in the blood and CLUMP together into an ineffective mass..
I was struck with the realisation that this is a representation of the coming together of the defenders inside the human system causing them to become sluggish and less able to perform the role of cleaning and defense.
I liken the WHITE BLOOD CELLS to the AWAKENING SOULs including the TI COMMUNITY - initially attempting to congeal into ineffectual groups that have a limited capacity to be effective.
The POWER of being a WHITE BLOOD CELL DEFENDER lies in our INDIVIDUALITY, MOBILITY and the FLEXIBILITY to be able to deal with the LOCAL THREATS!
Not BANDING together into an ineffective BLOB.
Communication is the key, but we ARE BEINGS OF INFINITE LIGHT scattered ALL around the GLOBE!! Each one perfectly positioned to make the GREATEST EFFECT.
This is OUR POWER!
The enemy is a foul cartel that has to have a meeting just to SCRATCH THEIR FAT ASS!
Once we KNOW OUR ENEMY our individual DIVINE CONNECTIONS activating at the same time has the ability to CLEANSE THIS DISEASE from the INSIDE OUT without CONTENTION.
Like ripples on a POND echoing into eternity our DIVINE LIGHT SHALL EMANATE INFINITELY OUTWARD HEALING everything that it touches.
The reality is, that the PTB are more scared of us than we are of them.
THIS is why they continue to attack us in such a COWARDLY and COVERT manner. This is why they continue to pass laws to attempt to SHUT US DOWN.
God's work can be lonely and will always be a challenge.. But one thing can be sure Your SPIRITUAL GROWTH and understanding will continue to GROW in LEAPS and BOUNDS above our enemies.
Yes, many of our loved ones whose PINEAL gland has long since shut down have been put into a walking comatose state.
And we MOURN for them everyday..
But there are SOLUTIONS to all the problems and it is OUR JOB to FIND and IMPLEMENT these solutions. I know this can seem like a lonely and thankless task.
Thank you Ana for being a CONDUIT for information we can all use to KNOW OUR enemy and continue to LEARN more and more about them and eventually CLEANSE THE SCOURGE form the face of the EARTH.
We can do this.. This SHALL BE DONE.
Love and DIVINE LIGHT to your all xx