Part II. Clothes of Targeted Individuals are Contaminated with Self-Assembly Nano-Macro Technology (aka WetWare).
More evidence that breaking into the residences of TI's also has a purpose of saturating them with nanotechnology. Secondly, my phone is being hacked to remove most visually convincing images.
This is a short post, but I felt like I have to share it. You can find Part I in the series here.
A few days ago I discovered more “white spots” on a hoodie that was washed, dried, and examined for the absence of “white contaminants”. Then it was hung in the closet. Several days later when I decided to wear the hoodie, I examined the garment and detected the following white markings on the sleeve:
I prepared a slide and looked at it 24 hours later (at 40x and 100x magnification - phase contrast microscopy). I immediately stumbled upon spectacular images of technology - rectangular forms, extending from each other, texturally rich with smaller round and rectangular form. I took pictures for this substack.
Here is the surprise: I sat down to write this substack, and realized that all my spectacular images were GONE from the iPhone, from the Cloud, for anywhere. Also there is a gap of 4 image numbers (as Apple enumerates them). That’s where the images were. So my personal conclusion - I am doing something extremely damaging to those who are running the program. You have my word, I will re-take all the images, so you can see them for yourself. Hacking and Electronic Interference is real. Lesson: I will be making sure to back up all important images on a hard drive storage immediately after they are taken.
And, finally, here are few more images I took from the same slide. They definitely don’t look like regular fibers. Look at how the content is organized
Until Next Time!
I I’m so thankful that I am finding information, and people who have gone through the same experiences that I am dealing with everyday. I’ve been so alone in this for eight years and now I’ve discovered you all on these websites. Thank you, I am not alone
Hey, my clothes have been my biggest battle through my entire targeted life! I’ve boiled my clothes for 3-4 years now, I think it was keeping me alive. Now, i can’t keep it out of them. I could tell you so much about this part! It’s affected me horribly and lately i can hardly see.
If you use an LED flashlight, you can see more on your clothes or direct sunlight. I have severe bone and nerve pain along with heart palpitations almost 24/7 now. I’ve learned too much about the techniques used and I’m very scared for my life right now. Anything more I could learn here would be helpful. Thank you Dr Ber for your research!