Long Awaited Ep. 65 "Knocking on SCOTUS Door" is out
The Episode is Entirely Dedicated to the Break Down of the Petition Of A Writ Certiorati Filed in the Legal Case "Targeted v. Garland". History in the Making.
Targeted Justice filed Petition for a Writ Certiorari to the Supreme Court in the legal case " Targeted Justice v. Garland". This I a truly historic moment for Targeted Individuals who are illegally listed in the Subcategories 3 and 4 of the TSDB (Targeted Screening Database). We give you a detailed break down of this important document.
We urge you to attend Targeted Action 2024 taking place in Colorado Springs, CO August 28-30, 2024. https://www.targetedjustice.com/targeted-action-2024.html
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Hi Dr. Len,
Thank you for what you do. Maybe you have heard, but former Congresswoman of Hawaii, Tulsi Gabbard, revealed that SHE is currently being targeted, but not only that, she is part of the American Center for Law and Justice (they handle cases for both the US Supreme Court and the International Courts), and she IS GOING TO SUE the US government for targeting her and she said in an interview recently that she "is willing and ready to take it all the way to the Supreme Court" - her words. I am wondering would it be worthwhile to have Ana Toledo reach out to Jay Seckulow and his team? You and Ana (and the Targeted Justice team ) might be a great help to them and their (upcoming filings and case for Tulsi Gabbard), and ACLJ might be of great help to Targeted Justice matters. They have a global team. Go to www.ACLJ.org, they are located in Wasington, DC.
# No sugarcoating,
The FBI TSDB was initiated in 2003?
What about the myriad of TIs who have been targeted prior; many already expired?
Bottom line: the FBI TSDB becomes a moot point. The program is run globally! EVERYWHERE! Hence there MUST be many many more databases!
See hospitals, Big Pharma, Big Tech, government, DMV etc.
Investigate the murder of Danny Casolaro! #DOJ corruption, human trafficking.
Who is judging the judges? Corruption paradise!
Money won't solve this! Pro bono. If money was needed to get justice, it ain't just; but a bribed illusion.
And even if you won a court case career criminals do not care about the law. Did the Frank Church committee stop MK ultra? No.
Did the organized poisoning and murder of THOUSANDS of children stop the DSM psychiatry scam? No.
Furthermore, see the contemporary vaxx holocaust business.
The pink elephant in the courtroom: why is the DOJ & the Police in bed with the well-established DSM psychiatry scam?
Our sole focus must be to hire legitimate scientists versed in the realm of photonic energy who may find a tangible method to detect & jam whatever is hitting us 24/7 non-stop! Anything else will be futile -- because people are stupid.
If we had legitimate "whistleblowers", we would have a legitimate method to detect & jam! We do NOT!
Bioethics committee 2010. Any takers?
Shall we learn from history?
You gotta get real. Don't like facts? Call me whatever.
By the by, our nervous system is a unique antenna. It works in the ELF spectrum.