I am speechless, and I am deeply grateful for your support
Hundreds of people wrote to their congressmen on my behalf, and I had no idea!
This one is hard to write.
I have been informed that hundreds of letters and e-mails were sent to Congress on by behalf since March (and those are the only ones that TJ was cc-ed on!)
Here is a sample letter:
Dear Congressman,
I am demanding help to stop the horrific microwave attacks on Dr Len Ber, a retired U.S. civilian in Chicago, whom the FBI has illegally placed on the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB).
Dr Ber is suffering immeasurably from NKBI (Havana Syndrome). The National Academies of Science determined the sole cause of NKBI (Havana Syndrome) is microwave weapon attacks. The US Space Force operates these weapons from Schriever Base, near Colorado Springs, funded by the CIA.
These microwave attacks are grossly illegal and violate numerous Federal & State laws.
Can you please help us investigate and stop these attacks?
Thank you,
Ryan O.
Well, Ryan, you did it. You made an old man cry. I couldn’t possibly know or remember all the names of those of you to thank you. You made the stand, and asked for help for me, as well as for the hundreds of thousands of other TIs like you.
I never thought so many people cared. I feel privileged to have your endorsement and your plea about my situation (even though this is the last topic I wish to talk about).
I am NOT the most targeted person. I am one of the people who call themselves Targeted Individuals, - civilians most stripped of their constitutional rights, tortured, abused, experimented on, and denied the “Pursuit of Happiness”.
You support gives me the strength to sustain my efforts, to try doing more for the community, and to be most precise when talking about our issues. We cannot play frivolously with the facts. People who are doing this to us want us to sound incoherent. Thus, my number one priority is to change that perception. It means we all have to be disciplined when talking about our problems. That’s my commitment to you - to share the knowledge and information in the most accessible, “conversational” and accurate way. United and armed with the facts that no one can sweep under the rug, we will rise above our suffering and show our fellow citizens our resolve and perseverance to end The Program.
You touched my heart. You inspired me.
Thank you
It has been your strength and gratitude to endure to pain and suffering caused that has kept everyone of us united! Thank you Dr. Ber for all you have done for me and other targeted individuals.