Humans are Not Supposed to Emit Radio Waves…
A Study Confirms MAC Address Emitting Phenomenon among the Residents of IL
I am sharing the results of the study we just completed and published on
This study confirms the existence of MAC Address emitting phenomenon in humans, specifically, among residents of IL. Small sample size (n=17), and even smaller sample size of COVID-19 vaccinated individuals (n=5) does not allow to draw any conclusion as to the correlation or causation of said phenomenon with the vaccination status. The only conclusion that could be confidently drawn from the study is that the MAC Address emitting phenomenon is demonstrable and detectable by Bluetooth technology. We consider this phenomenon alarming, as humans are not supposed to emit radio signals. We recommend this phenomenon to be studied using a larger sample size. A hypothesis needs to be formed as to what could be causing MAC Address emitting phenomenon.
I would like to thank Medical Freedom of IL for their indispensable help with recruiting and organizing volunteers, as well as with providing technical expertise and support in detecting MAC Addresses.
Full paper can be found here:
having to see everything for myself i spent months showing people their mac addresses last year. i would take them to a paddock or other deserted area without any signal to show them. graphic proof and a good way to wake people up but a bit shocking for them too, but they all took their new ID written down as a souvenir.
after that i went to some rural graveyards and tested it there as well. approx 60 < 70% of the post 2021 graves were emitting bt macs. i was challenged to come up with a viable explanation as to how it would be possible for a bt signal to pass thru 6 feet of dirt and a casket.
my hypothesis was that when the graves is dug the soil is contaminated with the same fibres that i see in our environment and blood which could form a network to the surface. i would love to hear another explanation as incredibly good batteries in very powerful mobiles didnt wash with me.
We have been made a experiment by gatz, fauci, and others.
We are under attack.