Havana Syndrome: We’ll get to the bottom of this!
A Promise by the US Gov’t No One Takes Seriously.
Eighty-Nine Billion Dollars.
This is the size of the so-called “black budget” for the year 2022 used by the CIA for undisclosed purposes. (Krishnan 2022) We can only stipulate what kind of programs are being run on this sizable budget. But we know for sure it includes programs related to anti-personnel directed microwave energy weapons. Just look at the select list of such programs disclosed to the public (Del Monte 2021):
1. Project Pandora
2. Projects Hello, Good Bye, Good Night
3. Project Medusa
4. Active Denial System
5. Voice of God
6. Stunning/Disabling Weapon
7. Weapons based on the Microwave Hearing Effect aka Frey Effect, and more…
The aspect of directed energy programs only a few people talk about is that these weapons no longer look like a “ray gun” shooting microwaves from a distance. And yet, that’s the only narrative being allowed to circulate in the mainstream media closely controlled by the Intelligence Agencies. Just watch any of the episodes of 60 Minutes, or CNN, and you’ll see examples of stand-alone devices varying in size and power output. But that’s outdated technology, dating back about 50 years ago.
Today, Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) have been upgraded to Directed Energy Weapon Systems (DEWS). (congress.gov 2016) Quoting from the Act: “Directed energy weapon system" means military action using highly focused sound, electromagnetic, or particle-beam energy to incapacitate, damage, or destroy enemy equipment, facilities, or personnel.” Elements of DEWS would include:
1. Sophisticated distributed high resolution sensors that take advantage of multiple forms of biometrics to identify and lock in onto the target (person’s brain and body) connected to the network utilized by DEWS
2. Bi-directional human-machine interface (often referred to as BCI, or brain-computer interface) that makes reading and writing of target’s thoughts, emotions, and behavior possible in real time using directable electromagnetic transmission from a remote source or sources.
3. A.I. that enables automated monitoring (neural decoding) of, and intervention (neural driving) with a person’s nervous system, which would vary depending on the desired outcome designated for a particular target or group of targets.
Disclaimer: this is my personal framework of DEWS based on explanations by the experts in the field. (Duncan, 2022) There are technical details of these systems that I cannot communicate accurately due to my rather limited understanding of complex physics and Information Technology. However, I attempted to summarize and break it down in order to make the concept of DEWS easier to grasp.
Havana Syndrome constitutes one of the most aggressive brain degradation programs enabled by DEWS. It includes both physical and psychological aspects of intervening with a target. I am afraid many civilians and government employees have been sacrificed to perfect this inhumane weapon system, or variations thereof.
“We’ll get to the bottom of things” is a meaningless blanket statement used by every official involved in the investigation of Anomalous Health Incidents of the Havana Syndrome.
We’ve also been informed that lawmakers, briefed about the threat of mysterious health incidents of Havana Syndrome in 2017, were sworn to secrecy for five years, so the intelligence community would have sufficient time to investigate it (Desidiero, 2021). Five years later, there were still no definitive answers, so the Congress acted by voting through the HAVANA Act, signed into law by President Biden in October of 2021, and implemented in August 2022 (Fed Register, 2022). The Act is highly discriminatory, as it excludes civilians and/or domestic victims.
Today, in December of 2022, we still don’t have an intelligible answer from the “Intelligence” Community. They reluctantly agreed, however, that about two dozen diagnosed cases could not be explained by environmental factors or pre-existing conditions, which is in line with the Consensus Study Report by the National Academy of Sciences.(NAS, 2020) These cases have been most plausibly attributed to “directed energy in the microwave range from an external source”.
Is this the limp, incomplete, unsatisfactory answer the most sophisticated, the most funded science-military-intelligence conglomerate in the world can provide?
This is a joke. This doesn’t withstand even the most superficial level of scrutiny.
With the onslaught of domestic cases (Ingber, 2022), this “ineptitude” is becoming more obvious with every passing day. In the meantime, Havana Syndrome has become a matter of public health and safety, causing permanent debilitating injuries to civilians on U.S. Soil. (Giordano, 2022)
The tide of awareness regarding this dire situation is on the rise, and the US Government will eventually be forced to answer for its treatment of the Havana Syndrome atrocities, which can only be described as inadequate, incompetent, and irresponsible.
The question is: How much longer will we tolerate this blatant government coverup?
Krishnan, A. (2022). Total Information Control, EU Coaltion Task Force Against Cyber-Torture. https://www.facebook.com/richard.dowling.545/videos/675585070926891/
Del Monte, L. A. (2021). War at the Speed of Light: Directed-Energy Weapons and the Future of Twenty-First-Century Warfare., Potomac Books. https://a.co/d/11Ze4kr
Congress.gov (2016). https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/senate-bill/2778
Duncan, R. (2022). Harvard Scientist Exposes CIA Mind Control Weapons Still Being Used Today. Konkrete Podcast with Jones, D.
Desiderio, A. (2021). "'We owe this to our people': Lawmakers want answers on directed-energy attacks." Politico. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/05/11/directed-energy-attacks-biden-victims-487208
Fed Register (2022). https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/08/09/2022-16968/implementation-of-havana-act-of-2021
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2020). An Assessment of Illness in U.S. Government Employees and Their Families at Overseas Embassies. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/25889
Ingber, S. (2022). "Exclusive: FBI Agents In The U.S. Report Symptoms Of Mystery Syndrome." Newsy.com. https://www.newsy.com/stories/fbi-agents-in-the-u-s-report-symptoms-of-mystery-syndrome/
Giordano, J. and D. DiEuliis (2022). "Anomalous Health Incidents of the Havana Syndrome: Implications and Lessons for Global Biosecurity and Defense." Academia Letters April. https://www.academia.edu/90046249
It’s a seemingly perfect weapons system because it has deniability. Microwave frequencies are invisible (obviously) and hard to detect or document in a convincing manner. The few who are aware of the weapons, and are not yet targeted, must be fearful of becoming targets themselves. And of course many of the symptoms overlap with textbook definitions of mental illness. It’s enacted at a distance, potentially by satellite, and possibly controlled by AI. How do you identify and locate the perpetrator? My greatest hope is that someone develops a personal defense system against the psychotronics. That seems like a long shot, but Justice seems even more improbable.
The traumatic damage that these incidents has caused seems like a real psychotronic warfare tactic in every scope. Yet the non-lethality of these events takes a backseat-- after all, are these "NOT" NLW Non Lethal Weapons? Today's threat and fear factor of the unknown supercedes the mere fact that people are reporting their survival of these incidents. Who dropped dead? And who is counting them?
I reported an incident too, one that made me unconcious- yet I saw a possible perpetrator and measured out the distance from the nearest microwave tower. I no longer believe it's necessarily from microwaves or beaming techniques rife with information warfare purposes- deniability of Cyber, EMF warfare. In my study of this, after growing up as a US DoD test victim from early childhood -- it is about instilling fear, controlling behaviors and familial interactions of their targets both foreign and domestic. After all my mother was a Japanese national. I consider these incidents within an assymetrical form of hostage taking in the 6D spectrum amidst the interloping lifestyle its victims are forced to endure.