EMH is a controversial diagnosis.
Depending on where you live, it can range from complete recognition in some countries, to an outright denial in the others. There is no denying that electromagnetic waves affect the Central Nervous System which itself operates as an electromagnetic organ. There is also evidence that your genetic makeup, more precisely, presence of certain SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphism), dictates the degree of cognitive impairment from electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range, at least in the experimental mammals.[1] So, whatever the ultimate consensus about EMH might be, there is certainly a genetic basis for it, and that makes it objective.
Now, let’s examine the arguments for EMH being the culprit of diagnosed Havana Syndrome.
Thus, I am not going to discuss Anomalous Health Incidents (AHIs) - the preferred abbreviation the government agencies want us to use as an umbrella term for a medical condition colloquially known as Havana Syndrome – a medical condition and a diagnosis, as opposed to “events” aka AHIs.
The hesitation and the “mystery” with which the Intelligence Community treats this condition (Havana Syndrome) that may or may not develop in connection with AHIs, reveals the preferred narrative they want us to adopt. Remind you, the Intelligence Community is a master of creating narratives. This is what they are known for, and all of us are targets of this powerful weapon.
But is the condition (Havana Syndrome) really that mysterious? In military medicine, Havana Syndrome is not a new thing, just a new name for something already existing. It even has its own nomenclature - UBI (Unconventionally-acquired Brain Injury), linked to directed energy attacks. [2] Have you ever heard of a diagnosis commonly accepted in military medicine, yet absent in the civil medical profession? Now that’s a mystery! Or is it?
So let’s get to the nitty-gritty of the differential diagnosis between Havana Syndrome and EMF.
Ultimately, it’s a question of intentionality. Yes, we are bathed in EM radiation, but nobody intentionally attacks you with “directed pulsed high power microwave energy” as in diagnosed cases of Havana Syndrome. The latter type of energy is not a part of our regular Electromagnetic landscape. It has to be made into this form by specialized equipment. In other words, you can’t catch high power pulsed microwaves by walking into Best Buy.
Selectivity (and thus, intentionality) of Havana Syndrome was clearly shown in the Havana cohort of this type of brain injury. Only certain people were affected, and not their roommates. Only US Embassy diplomats were affected, and not the local population (there were no attacks at the embassy, only at the hotels and apartments). Some of the diplomatic personnel experienced attacks on US Soil upon returning from their overseas assignments. Also, CIA personnel sent as replacements for those afflicted by Havana Syndrome, also developed Havana Syndrome on-site (including the CIA doctor sent to investigate the phenomenon).
And finally, clinical symptoms and findings are different for Havana Syndrome and EMF. Distinct Havana Syndrome findings include:
1. Sudden on and off onset of symptoms that may include a combination of the following: sensation of deafening sound, incapacitation, sense of vibration, disorientation, disequilibrium, cognitive fog (may last for hours and weeks following the attack, aka AHI).
2. Objective findings of severe vestibular damage to the degree that constitutes injury to the brain.
3. Characteristic changes in the neurocognitive panel in the pattern consistent with loss of vestibular function.
4. Objective finding of pathological eye movement, similar yet distinct from concussion.
5. Objective findings in brain connectivity on DTI (Diffusor Tensor Imaging) using fMRI and/or qEEG.
6. Objective sharp increase in Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) permeability biomarkers, such as neuro-filament light chain protein (Nfl) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GNAF) following the exposure event.
The above diagnostic criteria should allow us to reliably differentiate Havana Syndrome from EMH. Hopefully, this will help put this hypothesis to bed, without diminishing the experience of those who are truly suffering from EMH.
Thanks for reading!
1. Li, H., et al., Associations Between a Polymorphism in the Rat 5-HT(1A) Receptor Gene Promoter Region (rs198585630) and Cognitive Alterations Induced by Microwave Exposure. Front Public Health, 2022. 10: p. 802386.
2. Biggs, A.T., et al., Unconventionally Acquired Brain Injury: Guidance and Instruction About an Emerging Challenge to Warfighter Brain Health. J Spec Oper Med, 2021. 21(2): p. 43-48.
Thanks for clarifying one of the key misunderstandings and false pretenses, Len.
" UBI (Unconventionally-acquired Brain Injury), linked to DEW attacks. ..
Ever heard of a diagnosis commonly accepted in military medicine, yet absent in the civil medical profession? Now that’s a mystery! Or is it?" - Very well put.
I miss the term "WEAPON" though, to clarify what they do to us.
WEAPON systems operated in secrecy, intentionally (as you say) - torturing, abusing, slaughtering innocent unarmed civilians (several incl German TIs are not with us any more..).
CRIMINALS in law enforcement do that.
"Non lethal" is only the term industry prefers to label their products in high demand to disguise actual harm and hazards.
#WarCrimes #BiggerThanAuschwitz #DomesticGuantanamo #PublicSafetyIssue #CoverUp
Thanks for excellent & much needed differential diagnosis! It’s not easy to get these tests done by knowledgeable & doctors who haven’t been compromised. But countless ppl are having problems with 5G but they are not HS . The AHI is a wastebasket category intended to confuse. Maybe some are HS. We go around in circles. I first talked to Lin @ 20 years ago & so much respect him!